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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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No rollback is a disgrace.


We can see now exploiters are rewarded. I can take your bugs etc, but when you don't truly punish exploiters that just sticks in my throat. What incentive is there for the rest of us to play fairly.


Agreed. This is simply disgraceful. I'm usually pretty articulate, but this time, I don't even have the words.


BW, you have betrayed your playerbase and taken an elephant-sized dump on the community here today. By rewarding exploits rather than taking remedial action, you have taken the last vestiges of my faith in the dev team and burned it, much the same as you burned our cash handing out corporate bonuses.


"You have no play time. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code. We will keep your account and character information in case you decide to return."


Gee, let me think about it. Nah, I'll pass.


BW, you really have no one to blame but yourself. I can't tell you how badly I wanted to love this game. But I couldn't have destroyed community relations faster if I tried.

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What is this bioware??????????????????


How can you let the morons that took advantage of this to let them actually keep the ranks they are getting?


Alot of people spent weeks to get valor 60 and you just hand them 10-40 valor ranks in one day and you let them keep it?





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Gabe thanks for the update. It was "not" nice knowing you as the lead PVP developer in swtor. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors as I am quite certain you will not remain gainfully employed with bioware past March 1st, 2012.


Let this hopefully be a great lesson learned on whatever future projects you choose to pursue.


Take care,

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This ends PvP for me. Even though I am imperial I worked all day and couldn't take part in the easy valor. Now every Huttball I do will be vs. 8 players all in Battlemaster gear. No thanks.


Hah, overreaction like this is hilarious. I spent about 3-4 hours on Illum today and got half way from Valor level 58 to 59.

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you guy banging on about valor farming are talking out of your rear end there was nothing wrong on how valor was gained its working as intended the only issue is the cannons were not 1 shot killing anyone in the bases' that were invaded
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I would really like to see SOME kind of actual proof that there were massive Valor gains today (something beyond the scope of what was ever intended). Right now all I've seen from players are just words.. claims that may or may not be based on fact, most of which is coming from people that haven't even been in-game today yet.


Seriously, with many of you calling for rollbacks, then there better be some solid proof that it's necessary. Not everyone went to Ilum today and not everyone wants nor deserves to lose a day their in-game progress.


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And they already said they are limiting the numbers in Illum, probably per side which would even sides out a little more. Or did everyone just ignore that part of it because they want to complain some more?


12 hrs too late. This should have been addressed this morning and the servers taken off line till it was addressed correctly............that is the problem. 2-3 hrs of exploiting is one thing but 12 hrs??? Major fail sauce.

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


"Individuals" aka no rollback. Thanks and goodbye.

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Agreed. This is simply disgraceful. I'm usually pretty articulate, but this time, I don't even have the words.


BW, you have betrayed your playerbase and taken an elephant-sized dump on the community here today. By rewarding exploits rather than taking remedial action, you have taken the last vestiges of my faith in the dev team and burned it, much the same as you burned our cash handing out corporate bonuses.


"You have no play time. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code. We will keep your account and character information in case you decide to return."


Gee, let me think about it. Nah, I'll pass.


BW, you really have no one to blame but yourself. I can't tell you how badly I wanted to love this game. But I couldn't have destroyed community relations faster if I tried.


You apparently didn't read ALL of the first post.

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So your going to tell me you Appreciate our feedback!!?? that this will help fix things in the future. Ill be as constructive as i can by saying this. Test your $h_T once before throwing this barrage of garbage at us. Then dont insult US....your customer base by NOT addressing the problem within the first few hours of this sewage. We shouldnt have to have an outcry to see that what your doing is killing your infant MMO. *golfclap* keep up the good work!!!
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the amount of crying and "omg everyone is now rank 60" is a bit of a joke,


i spent 3 hours there and got roughly 37k valor. its only just about twice as much as i do in my premade warzone groups. sure maybe there wasnt enough republics to make it worthwhile, but 37k isnt even 57-58.


so for somebody to instantly get battlemaster from today. they wouldve had to farm upwards of 300k valor. and thats just covering champion ranks. so yeah good luck to them.


personally wouldnt mind a rollback, but i dont think its necessary.


and to all of you cancelling, games a better place.

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