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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hotbar destroyed for me, now game unplayable


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The new change is nothing more than that. It is a change, and a graphical change. It is also a minor change.


It is also completely irrelevant to those that did not live and breathe by it. It does not make you competitive and elite, and frankly I am sick and tired of the double standard that if a non-elite finds something hard, then it becomes "lern2play" or "you would know that if you weren't a baddie", or some equivalent crap... but when an elitist is having a hard time, its immediately the developer's fault because an elitist could never possibly be responsible for his own self.


They changed something. Adapt already.


They changed something, yes. Something that inherently slows down game play, in a game with fast paced action. It's contrary to PvP design, it's contrary to PvE-enrage timer design. Its a bad move that we shouldn't have to adapt to. It all boils down to peripheral vision. Instead of using it for monitoring my abilities and their CD's, I'm now using peripheral vision to monitor the playing field, and being forced to keep my focus on my bars. Incorrect design.

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I agree, for PVE maybe this change is not such a big deal.

still annoying, but can live with it.


for PVP, this is such a game breaker.


Bioware, i dont even care about the resource showing or not, just freaking change it back the way it were.


how can the devs spend time on this meaningless change and ruin the game, while there are so many other bugs thats waitting to be fixed?

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Funny thing is, they surprised me. I wouldn't have believed they could actually take a step backwards from the current UI they saddled us with. Bioware found a way.

@#%*! Spilled my coke all over my keyboard.


I should know better than drink while browsing MMO forums.



P.S.: Sir you made my day!

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People, people! This has absolutely nothing to do with how good you are at a damn game.


Yes, this is most likely a bug. No, the previous design wasn't any good either.


The issue is that in both iterations, the UI did not differentiate between abilities available for use during the global cooldown period. Previously, all abilities were greyed out. Currently, all are highlighted. The way it is supposed to work is in between.


The way it's supposed to work: When you activate an ability, the global cooldown indicator (the white bar) will cascade down every ability that respects the GCD. Abilities that are able to be used will remain in color. Abilities still on cooldown or otherwise unavailable due to resources will be greyed out.



That's it. Stop flaunting your epeen.

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They changed something, yes. Something that inherently slows down game play, in a game with fast paced action. It's contrary to PvP design, it's contrary to PvE-enrage timer design. Its a bad move that we shouldn't have to adapt to. It all boils down to peripheral vision. Instead of using it for monitoring my abilities and their CD's, I'm now using peripheral vision to monitor the playing field, and being forced to keep my focus on my bars. Incorrect design.




i can handle some bugs, i can handle loading screens, but messing up a already limited UI wich totally screws up my game play is enough for me to cancel my sub and re-activate till they fix it.


ps: with the possibility of ADD-ON's support.. im sure i wasnt here complaining...

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I still haven't hard a good argument why this ruins ONE specific person's game.


If this is a change that affects everyone, that isn't EVERYONE going to adapt?


Why is everyone acting like this ruins the game for them and no one else, as if this change is targeting their specific performance?

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The new change is nothing more than that. It is a change, and a graphical change. It is also a minor change.



This is where your statement has become an opinion, and contradicts to what we are saying which is now fact....


Sorry, but you can't say it is a minor change, and nothing more than that.. Especially, when a HIGH majority of pvp players are saying the exact opposite, not one or two peeps... This is an obvious situation where you are 100% entirely wrong. You have no complaints.. say that.. but telling us, its minor... well, that is plain pathetic.

Edited by Shrug
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The new change is nothing more than that. It is a change, and a graphical change. It is also a minor change.



Changes for the sake of changes are unnecessary. If they put a 10x10 inch flashing rainbow square in the middle of your field of view that would be a graphical change. If they put 5x5 mm square that would be a minor change. Yet an annoying one. Point is with some abilities you are not able to judge if the ability is off cooldown with the current display.



It is also completely irrelevant to those that did not live and breathe by it.


It is to those that did. To those who have complicated cooldown dependant rotations.


It does not make you competitive and elite, and frankly I am sick and tired of the double standard that if a non-elite finds something hard, then it becomes "lern2play" or "you would know that if you weren't a baddie", or some equivalent crap... but when an elitist is having a hard time, its immediately the developer's fault because an elitist could never possibly be responsible for his own self.


There are players who use keyboard rather than mouse and are really nice people out there.


They changed something. Adapt already.


See first paragraph.

Edited by vandana_
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This is where your statement has become and opinion, and contradicts to what we are saying which is now fact....


You can't say it is a minor change, and nothing more than that.. when a HIGH majority of pvp players are saying the opposite... This is an obvious situation where you are 100% entirely wrong. You have no complaints.. say that.. but telling us, its minor... well, that is plain pathetic.


No, pathetic is ragequitting an entire MMO because your shinies are shiny all the time instead of just some of the time.

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Oh dear, you drama queens =)

Sure, I agree, the hotbar change is not the best ever, I don't like it either, but god, you make it sound so.. huge! Gamebreaking! Unplayable! It's burning us!


It is... we are stating nothing but the pure truth... Want to laugh about it go ahead... What are you are expecting to get out of your post? Oh, you want us to know how shallow you are... ok, noted.

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To the TS ,


This has to be a bug, would have been a game changer for me also.


But I'm playing now and cooldowns seem to work fine.


If the ability is available , its illuminated normally.


If not , its grey relative to its refresh time.


Works fine for me

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No, pathetic is ragequitting an entire MMO because your shinies are shiny all the time instead of just some of the time.


I'm okay with that, but I wouldnt call it ragequitting.. I just won't play with it like this.. and as you can see, I am here not playing....


Aww, you lost your debate, so now you are going to attack me... well we can duel.. but first they must revert this PATHETIC change

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First, the line from the patch notes.


The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met.


I still haven't hard a good argument why this ruins ONE specific person's game.


If this is a change that affects everyone, that isn't EVERYONE going to adapt?


Why is everyone acting like this ruins the game for them and no one else, as if this change is targeting their specific performance?


Subjective. My day is ruined if a bird craps on my head. Someone else thinks, "Was it a bluebird? That's lucky, right?" Who are you to say that this doesn't ruin someone's gaming experience? Maybe someone has trouble already with color blindness, and the ability being grayed out was a much better indicator than a thin line that is basically the same color as half of the abilities?


So, yes. For some, gamebreaking. For some, a minor nuisance.


That's for everyone, and you, to decide individually.


Edit: Gah, hit the button before I was done. Basically, I'd like to see this as a toggle in preferences. I liked the old way better, where all it took was a quick eyeshift to see if something was off cooldown, without time spent wondering just how close that bar really is.

Edited by BourbonDingo
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I still haven't hard a good argument why this ruins ONE specific person's game.


If this is a change that affects everyone, that isn't EVERYONE going to adapt?


Why is everyone acting like this ruins the game for them and no one else, as if this change is targeting their specific performance?


That's not exactly an argument. If everyone were required to tie an arm behind their back to play this game would make it even, sure, but fun? no.

Edited by bossrozay
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It is... we are stating nothing but the pure truth... Want to laugh about it go ahead... What are you are expecting to get out of your post? Oh, you want us to know how shallow you are... ok, noted.


YOU are calling someone shallow? SRSLY?


Again, this is not a Sage nerf or a Sniper nerf. This is not targeting a specific group of players. It is affecting every single player. Which means no one is being put out.


Go outside Chicken Little. Everything is fine.

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Wait, this is an actual change made by BioWare? I've always been one to defend them and never say anything bad about their games(including this game so far, and Dragon Age 2. There aren't to many who can say that)


But this is the one change I can't put up with, I hate when my action bars get messed around with. I quit Warhammer because they added a flash on every ability when the GCD ended that bothered me. I stopped playing WoW when the most recent patch came out because something felt off with my UI pack I download and I couldn't get readjusted to their default UI. And now it seems like I'll leave SWTOR, a little sad that I didn't have the time to finish any of the class stories but o well. Once The Witcher 2 comes out on 360 I won't have any reasons to PC game anymore anyways. WAR XBAWX360!

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YOU are calling someone shallow? SRSLY?


Again, this is not a Sage nerf or a Sniper nerf. This is not targeting a specific group of players. It is affecting every single player. Which means no one is being put out.


Go outside Chicken Little. Everything is fine.


That is where your posts become more and more useless. If someone sh**tted on everyone's head including yours would you be happy?

Edited by vandana_
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By that logic, EVERYTHING in this thread is "subjective". I could use that same argument to say that it doesn't affect me at all, therefore no problem exists.


Easy way out of the discussion.



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