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Tanks -- What companion do you use?


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I'd like to hear people's opinions on what companions they use to complete quests.


I recently hit level 50 and now that I'm down to a daily grind I'd like to get them done with as quickly as possible. Obviously, as tanks, we hit like wet noodles.


I just started gearing up Andronikos. I figure the ranged DPS would be better than the melee dps in that he won't be hit by as many AoEs as Ashara does, and there won't be that small travel time between enemies.


What do you use when you solo grind quests?

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Andronikus - because I was soo happy as a tank spec not to have Khem Val contstantly trying to tank stuff and stand in fire. However I have to say my best companion is "my" IA Operative who I've been levelling with ;)
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Talos definitely makes killing things faster for me with a tank spec, means I never even have to seethe between fights.


^This, plus I would add to that, that I am less likely to die in a fight, especially in a fight with a gold elite with trash mobs. Plus Talos has a stun that will interupt some abilities that I've found useful.

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Level 48 on planet voss (i think? lol) as 27/11/0 (27/13/0 pvp build) I solo'd a champion with 98k HP and face pulled 2 silver mobs on accident.


I used Ashara through proper forms of kiting and CD rolling I killed him at about 30% hp "channel the force / sacrifice"


I'm synthweaving and made my own gear and her gear, spent most commendations on her weapons.


I got ashara at level 34 and have never swapped her out

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I used khem untill 37 when i switched to darkness, and I started using andro. IT was amazing how much faster stuff went down. I couldnt believe switching to a tank spec was a DPS gain(obviously it was because andro killed so much faster the khem), and I would be night unkillable. Granted Im speced tank, but geared DPS when I solo, so I still do great damage.


Ashara isnt bad either, but I like having ando out of the middle of the melee.

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So after I created the thread I geared up a few companions and found myself wanting to stick with Andronikos. He agrees with most of my dark side decisions and does pretty good dps.


I switch to Talos when I am doing something and need heals, but I prefer the DPS from Andronikos or Ashara to kill them faster than I'd need heals, and Force Lightning keeps me healed enough.


The problems I found with Ashara is that when a mob does a point blank AoE, she is in it. I move the mob out, she moves with me and then he does it again, she's in it again. Enemies never (as far as I can tell) target companion characters for AoEs so a ranged DPS, imo, is the best option for when you want a dps companion.

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Talos. I'd like to use Andronikos again, but Talos just makes things so much easier.


If I want to DPS more, I just put my DPS set on and go to town, if it's a champion I'm soloing, I'll put my tank gear on and slowly knock him out--regardless, Talos makes things safe.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

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Xalek ( he has almost a full stalker set of champ gear, including the saber lol, only good thing about getting doubles IMHO) He takes one mob, I take two.


If me and Xalek can't handle the fight, I use cloak and break out good ol' Talos :)

Edited by DarthRaistlin
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while i am still 49, i religiously use andronikos for everything. i have geared him up with every orange i could find on the GNT and have upgraded his gear every now and then. i sometimes use talos for swarm mobs because i hate soending time resting, so the heals help. anyway, i just change the gear between talos and andronikos since thye both benefit from cunning.


i am a synthweaver so maybe in the future i might use ashara since i got some nice schematics for her but untill then andronikos/talos it is.

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I use Ashara constantly.


I know some may argue Andron does better damage and Khem can tank better . . . but I just plain think she's adorable. I like Togruta lol.


And watching her force leap into battle with twin sabers blazing always makes me feel great. Especially when she jumps over my character from behind to do it. Makes for an epic Point of View shot lol.


EDIT: Besides, she's not too bad. She does decent damage and since I have a tendency to load her up with Endurance stuff she's not too bad as a tank either.

Edited by Dosris
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I used Khem from the moment I got him till I hit 50. I just really like his dialogue and love how utterly merciless he is.


Rest of the companions can suck it, Ashara's voice actor is incredibly annoying, I wish I could punch her in the throat and collapse her trachea so I never have to hear that ***** speak again.


Andronikus seems like he would be cool, but Khem was the only one bloodthirsty enough for me.


That healer guy is a little *****, can't stand little *****es, I'm a dark lord of the Sith, not tolerant of little *****es.


Xalek's voice actor is cool and I like how he beat that guy to death in front of me, I might give him a whirl when I level a sorcerer some day.

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Talos all the time. He was so much help, I finished my main questline at 46 because that guy. :cool:


Though i wish for storyline reasons and such that we could pick diffrent advanted classes for companions so i could choose who i want as healer, dps or tank. Oh well.

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