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What went wrong? Why did SWTOR fail? Why it never killed WoW?


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I can't wait. When all the warcrack rejects leave, maybe the community will become half decent.


God, I hope so.


I've played MMOs since EQ1 (with a bit of Meridian and UO thrown in), but managed to avoid WoW. I heard horror stories about their playerbase, but had always written those stories off as hyperbole. I'm starting to believe them now.

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No game will "kill" WoW in a month, kid.



Why are people so obsessed with what is and isn't killing World of Warcraft? Are you all that brainwashed that you can't enjoy another game, or co-exist with another game if it doesn't kill World of Warcraft?


It seems all people are obsessed with these days are which MMO are going to "kill" WoW.



Same thing will happen when GW2 is released.






If you don't like a video game, move on. Life is too short. This isn't your personal blog. Maybe go update your facebook/Twitter with this information where people pretend to care.

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They failed by not actually using the community to actually test the game.


In beta they didnt test high level gameplay or endgame. They didnt listen to players complaining about issues that made it into launch, instead they selectively only listened to the fanbois that heaped praise on even the crappiest features.


Now they are using the typical heavy-handed response that fail developers do which is drastically nerf stuff that people actually are taking advantage of, like the huge gaping exploitable holes in the crafting systems and the valor system. But at the same time doing nothing to the ppl that already took advantage and basically making the system even more imbalanced.


This game is designed like the people that made it were making a single player rpg and dont know what mmorpg players actually will think to do, or ppl that dont even actually play the game.

Edited by oflow
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Like I said my good gentlemen and ladies, the first post was my opinion. Even trolls (sigh..) are entitled to one.


Good discussion so far, I appreciate the posts from both sides of the fence.



Why I think it failed? It never delivered. It never met the hype. I expected much more. Many promises were broken. But most importantly, the game does not function like an MMORPG should (speaking about the engine).


If you still like the game (and still, after 6 months) I say: good for you.


I, on the other hand, am expecting a product which I am promised. If not delivered, I walk away.

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What do you think? What were BW's biggest mistakes? What could it learn for the next MMORPG (if they ever produce another one after this awkward failure?)


Or was it even a failure? Was the target to kill WoW in the end?


My opinion:


- WORST Enginge ever (for a multi hundred million project) ability lag and performance issues are something that should not exist in a late 2011 "AAA" MMORPG

- Server instancing

- Too linear

- Too small servers

- Horrible endgame (raiding/PvP)

- Too much focus on story (okay, it's story driven, but this was way over the top)

- Too much attempt to copy WoW - going the safe way, no real new ideas to make people actually quit WoW and never miss it


Simply - lack of creativity, mediocrity in design and inexperience


What's your opinion?


i would rather sit through some episode one than watch the voice actors and cut scenes a gajillion more times

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Hello all,


Feedback is always important and we always appreciate constructive feedback, whether positive or negative. Allison has a great thread with information on what we are looking for in feedback.


We know that the community is always looking for developer input on issues and one of the best ways to keep up-to-date on developer posts is through the Developer Tracker. A couple examples of what you can find on the developer tracker right now: a couple posts from Damion on the slicing nerf, and dungeon finder as well as Georg's comments on cover.


There is also our new blog feature where developers will give their thoughts on certain aspects of the game as well as giving clarification on issues - upcoming patch notes can also be found on the blog.


We are going to go ahead and close the thread but we did want to point out a couple of spiffy threads where you can give us your feedback on bugs and suggest features you would like to see in-game:


The Suggestion Compilation Thread

Ultimate Bug List


Both are great threads that are updated regularly so we highly encourage you to add in your feedback to one, or both of those threads.

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