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Patch 1.1 shows Bioware is completely out of sync with reality :-(


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So, here we are, players and commentators have for weeks said that patch 1.1 with the changes to Ilum, would be a catastrophe, with the faction imbalance. Most people i know knew this and said this.


Yet the part that really makes me worried for the games future for real now (as if the last 3-4 weeks of major issues with credit exploit, sluggy game mechanics etc was not enough)


The release of this patch shows by all means that Bioware must be completely out of sync with reality. Lets face it if there was so much talk for weeks before the patch that their design changes to Ilum was going to be one big spawn camping of Republics by the hughe majortiy of Empire players, WHY did Bioware completely ignore this ? WHy did they insist on releasing their "brilliant" changes to Ilum ?


How can such a hughe issues be ignored so blatantly ?


And to see the poor (yes i would not want to be in their shoes/job :-( ) community managers lack of communications stating they are "investigating" the issue of people becoming Battlemasters in hours is just really sad.


My guess is they are paralyzed and dont know what to respond to this major blunder of game design in patch 1.1


Lets face it nothing short of the closure of Ilum for now (for complete redesign with tha faction imbalance in mind) and the roll back of all the ill gotten valor will be fair. And even then its a catastrophic patch of proportions.


Regards, a very saddend customer/fan :-(

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Its because they have no clue how to build an mmo.


They are a single player game developer.


They refuse to listen to mmo vets.


This is fine and all.


but they just lost more subs then they probably thought they would.


on the 21st we will see what the true after math of this screw up was.

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I have been ok with things so far but ya when i read through the patch 1.1 notes i pretty much lost faith in the game being decently playable any time soon.


Crew skills broken\

But lets nerf the only useful one to make it from 50% use to 100% use cuz nothing else is even close to useful.

PVP system broken (and exploits yay)

Not a republic but it sure does screw the lvl 50s out of pvp les they wana go gank lowbies

Commendations AND Crystals for tier 1 gear? ***....

Farm for weeks to get enough for 1 yes 1 piece of tier gear. Fps dropping totally random useless loot gearing up companions is easy :)



But no lets add a new flashpoint cuz current ones all work flawless.....

Lets nerf medpacs, grenades, and all the ONLY good PVE crafted things that people use in PVP cuz thats just too op for PVP.....wait what? Cuz making them not usable in pvp would just make sense so why do that.


All in all i like the game the stories are good. But at lvl 50 the game ends... I canceled my sub today and i wont be back. which is sad when ive looked forward to this for years.

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What the hell are you talking about ? This thread has no focus...


If you're going to complain about the game do it constructively please, that means specific examples.


You dont know about the major catastrophe in Ilum with people getting valor rank 1-60 in less than a day ?!?!? and the fact that most commentators and players had seen this from a MILE away for weeks on the test server ?


ALso i clearly stated the Ilum patch 1.1 failure and faction imbalance. I also clearly stated other reasons including their failure with the credit exploit and the horrible clunky combat mechanics.

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Its because they have no clue how to build an mmo.


They are a single player game developer.


They refuse to listen to mmo vets.


This is fine and all.


but they just lost more subs then they probably thought they would.


on the 21st we will see what the true after math of this screw up was.


Please tell me you unsubed already.


What happenned in your life that made you so bitter we might never know, but hey, good news is unless you are willing to pay $15 a month to troll the forums we are getting rid of you pretty soon right!?




Please say I am :p

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just like to point out you are crying about 1 maybe 2 things they attempted to fix, id say 10% of the patch perhaps. yes its major, its screwing with pvp.


something that probally would have been avoided if the posters on the forums took the amount of time whining and used it on the ptr could have gave constructive feed back or found these blatantly broken issues.


of all the predicted issues, it was not 4:1 rep:sith camping spawns getting max valor in an hour. that was predicted it was ppl saying that there would be kill trading, and sith would have illum more often then not.


are there any complains about the new ops, flashpoints? or the fixed hardmodes? just wondering

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just like to point out you are crying about 1 maybe 2 things they attempted to fix, id say 10% of the patch perhaps. yes its major, its screwing with pvp.


something that probally would have been avoided if the posters on the forums took the amount of time whining and used it on the ptr could have gave constructive feed back or found these blatantly broken issues.


of all the predicted issues, it was not 4:1 rep:sith camping spawns getting max valor in an hour. that was predicted it was ppl saying that there would be kill trading, and sith would have illum more often then not.


are there any complains about the new ops, flashpoints? or the fixed hardmodes? just wondering


all of the PTR testers told bioware this would happen, all the bugs were reported and ignored. and the PVP thing is not the only issue, many other issues came with the patch.

Edited by Meluna
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There are far to many posts of people thinking it's the end of the world, or their lack of performance is somehow the same thing everyone else is experiencing.


I am just laughing as i read through these.


Downvoted for title and for opinions being stated as though they are facts.

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Bioware's primary demographic is ultra-casuals who level really slowly and people who want to be told a story.


That's what's important to them. That's what gets their primary attention. Those are the people they actually listen to. Those are the only people that they know they have a chance in hell of keeping as subscribers.


MMOers who have complained about PvP, UI, character customization, impact of credit dupes on the economy, premature level 50 brackets, faction imbalance, the irrelevant crafting system, and poor end-game, have been consistently and completely ignored. The only people who are happy are people with very, very low expecations in the first place.


yes they have. now go away

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That's what's important to them. That's what gets their primary attention. Those are the people they actually listen to. Those are the only people that they know they have a chance in hell of keeping as subscribers.


MMOers who have complained about PvP, UI, character customization, impact of credit dupes on the economy, premature level 50 brackets, faction imbalance, the irrelevant crafting system, and poor end-game, have been consistently and completely ignored. The only people who are happy are people with very, very low expecations in the first place.


And that's the problem. It doesn't matter to whom your game is geared, it matters who is playing. If you market a game as an MMO, then you are bound to attract seasoned MMOers. Then to turn around and dismiss many of their concerns and say, "Well, we're really all about story. That's what drives us." THEN DON'T MAKE AN MMO! GIVE US A TRUE SINGLE PLAYER GAME IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO MAKE! If you're going to make an MMO, however, do it right, or not at all.

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Please tell me you unsubed already.


What happenned in your life that made you so bitter we might never know, but hey, good news is unless you are willing to pay $15 a month to troll the forums we are getting rid of you pretty soon right!?




Please say I am :p


Spoken like a true clueless fangirl. Someone is displeased? "GO AWAY NEVER COME BACK!"


Afterall - if everyone but you and the hundred or so lemmings that believe this game is flawless and deserves no criticism you simply won't have to bother playing the game at all.


The moment you stop the ankle biting cheerleader routine and start to realize that while people may voice their displeasure in a down-on-Bioware tone it's all coming from the fact that they WANT the game to be special.

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Please tell me you unsubed already.


What happenned in your life that made you so bitter we might never know, but hey, good news is unless you are willing to pay $15 a month to troll the forums we are getting rid of you pretty soon right!?




Please say I am :p


FTW! I love this post!

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I have just canceled my subscription and I believe I have made my reasons quite clear in the comment they ask you for:

I really love what BW has done with this MMO and I mean it. The class quests are immersive and they provide just the right solo challenge. I had really no expectations when buying SWTOR and I was delighted while leveling, which is a rare experience in MMOs.


However, I play on a PvP server in which the Empire outnumbers the Republic by at least 3:1. This makes leveling very hard and it makes it impossible to do anything at level 50, since I cannot get a single quest done in Ilum. The shuttle and speeder points are all camped by a flood of Empire players since patch 1.1 and fighting back as a single Republic player is utterly futile. Also, killing our towers gets them 60 valor level easily in a single evening and doing them poses no problem to the faction with the overwhelming numbers. This makes fighting back even more futile, if that is possible, since the gear difference is too massive.


I'll read the forums and if BW finds a solution to the problem of faction imbalance then I might come back in half a year.


To repeat, the game is great otherwise. Merely unplayable at 50 as Republic and unfortunately that was the side I chose and invested all my time in already.


Mind that I *really* mean it when I say that I enjoy this game otherwise. SWTOR really does story-telling well and I appreciate that a lot. So I *really* hope that they'll find a solution to the imbalance that warrants re-subscribing in half a year or so. I cannot go back to WoW. I just can't take that pet battle nonsense that I read about and on the contrary I was having a blast while leveling my smuggler. SWTOR works much better for me.


Also, it is not (directly) Bioware's shortcoming that most of the players decided to play the Empire side. Ever since the new Star Wars movies I assume the Sith have become a whole lot appealing to children than they were back in the original films. And Bioware cannot escape the image of their franchise. They'll have to find a mechanic now that makes it possible to play the game at level 50 for republic players. I can't really offer a solution on top of my head but then again, I'm not a developer either, I'm a customer (for a remaining 8 days).


I hope they come up with a bright idea. I'd really love to see SWTOR not only stay, but expand and develop further. It's just the right thing for me.

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Because you know. No MMO in the last 15 years -ever- had Bugs inside of the first month of release, or had pvp-issues, or balance issues or population issues.


^That is sarcasm.



Newflash, this is a standard thing in oh...every MMO ever made (from a traditional MMO stand-point), personally I love the comments about how WoW being a game-in-design for what is it now 8 years is more polished than a game that is game-in-design of maybe 3 years?



As for Ilum the hell do you want them to do? what -can- they do? They aren't the ones rolling one the excessive amount of Empire characters, would you rather they cap the faction population on each server instead? (being the only recourse for the record.)



Many people complain because Ilum pvp is what it is (granted the battlemaster thing is broken, but so was slicing). The reason it's broken is because players want to be evil *insert negative wordage here, take your pick* that do evil just because they can all the time.


The problem that Ilum is suffering from has nothing to do with it's set-up, and everything to do with an unfixable problem of population imbalance which the Devs can do nothing about.

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The Ilum changes causing this sort of problem they should have seen from a mile away. The fact that they didn't is actually quite troubling. Especially after it was pointed out to them.


But my theory is that game developers (all developers really) get so blinded by how they INTEND something to work that they don't realize what people will ACTUALLY try to do. That's why every app always breaks the moment you let end users get their hands on it: they try to do things that you never anticipated because you didn't see any reason for them to do it.


This sort of myopia seems common to MMO developers. Blizzard still has a lot of it even 7 years later.


My other theory is that players are often so emo and overdramatic or outright liars about so many things that it becomesBoy Who Cried Wolf Syndrome, and devs stop listening because they assume you're talking out of your backside. And often they'd be right. But it also causes them to miss the real issues.

Edited by ptwonline
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Its because they have no clue how to build an mmo.


They are a single player game developer.


They refuse to listen to mmo vets.


This is fine and all.


but they just lost more subs then they probably thought they would.


on the 21st we will see what the true after math of this screw up was.


LOL like SWG did when they decided to implement the NGE, CU right?

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Well.... seriously. I understand everyone saying well if you were on PTR you could of helped stop this "Catastrophe"... The game has only been out a month... PTR is typically for people who have conquered 99% of the game already.


So i can imagine PTR has very few people on it. I would say 1000 or so if that.


However to me. I look at this game as a single game expierence with some online mechanics... Thats why i like it. This game is not wow. It is not a giant time consumer that one with no life can only play.


This is just a MMO for people who like star wars and KOTOR. Nothing more. This game will never be a global competitor holding $100,000 PVP Tournements. This game is Casual. Easy. Simple. Requires very little time and very little skill.


If your looking for a real MMO... Just pre Order Tera. That is the life consuming virtual democracy you are looking for my friend... Hell at least in that game if you dont like how the game is working you can just run for president lol.


I geuss my point is SWTOR is not designed to kill wow. Its designed to make money and it has already done that.


Tera on the otherhand is designed to kill wow and it probably will.

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All I have been hearing from my guildies and reading on the forums... is 1.1 will fix it!!! Just like I heard in WoW for 7 years... expac xxx will fix it!!!!


Guess what, 1.1 didnt fix anything, my fps is on average 10 to 15 less than it was, combat experience is still horrid and unresponsive, being level 50 is a borefest yelling for groups in fleet for hours on end, for flash points that are entirely too long (2-3 hour FE??? really?) With bosses that wipe a group (HBT last boss) even when the mechanics are done correctly because of the crappy fps....


The list goes on and on... having to collect badges AND crystals for tier 1 gear? Time sinks are all over the place and the only ones having fun at level 50 are in gigantic guilds that can run flashpoints at their leisure or people with a tight 4 that always run together...


Blizz... err I mean Bio... fix your crap *** game already... you do not get to sit around and say... 1.2 will fix it. Too many have heard that for years...

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