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PvP Fix: That will work. [Read and Support lets get this fixed]


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Ilum bases


As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses.


The bases need the following things implented


1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base.


2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out


3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective


So heres how the base take over should be


1. use rocket launcher kill turrets

2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through.

3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base.

4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself)


4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box.


5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing


6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets


7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going


8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly



These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them.


To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all.


Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides.

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See I love those ideas, personally I never played WAR. But most of my guildies have and to my knowledge that is very similar to what they did. And I fully support those ideas as do ALOT of pvpers. So please bioware lets do some work about this. Im also going to quote you in the OP so things are linked together.
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Bolstering for low numbers just won't work. Blizzard tried it with Wintegrasp, and it didn't work. Having 10 people fight 40, the 10 people bolstered to HIGH HEAVEN still lose, because they can't be everywhere at once.


What they need to do is foster a healthy population balance. NOT punish people who chose "wrong", because let's face it, many people picked their side due to role playing or aesthetic reasons. They shouldn't be punished for rolling Empire just because they love Darth Maul.


What they could do at this stage is:


1. Allow faction transfer - unidirectional and permanent.


2. Give underdog faction HUGE bonuses. I'm talking +500% XP gain from all sources, +200% valor gain, etc.


Picture yourself as a new player, staring at the Republic and Empire icons. Under Republic it would say "Choose this side, and level 5x faster, and receive 2x as many valor points!" Why WOULDN'T you go Republic? Heck, I would reroll from scratch with bonuses like these and ding 50 with 2 days /played.


3. Lock Empire faction on servers where people don't already have Empire chars, until it balances out.


This one is a bit controversial, and I probably wouldn't do it given a chance. Honey works better than vinegar.

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from what Ive been told WAR did both things, gave incentives to level on low pop factions. As well as bolstering stats. Considering that Ilum really isnt used as a control based zone, I dont think the "they cant be everywhere" argument really holds. However it would give the low pop a chance if they group up to take on the larger set. If they are off trying to solo well thats their fault really. Faction based PvP means you really need ot group up for things, if you dont group or support your faction and want to run off on your own its on you. But a group of 10 rebs with bolstered stats of maybe 200% and a group of 30-40 imps could cause all sorts of trouble for each other on equalish grounds. Not perfect but its something, if only because 10 can stick together abit closer then a group of 40.
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Other than feeling like something you've "earned" or "worked for" has just been handed away, what is the actual implications here?


What is the end result of having a bunch of Battle Masters?


The worst part will be the perception of people who are in or thinking of getting into PvP. They'll think that the other guy didn't beat them fair and sqaure because he exploited his way to better gear, or else they'll figure the whole thing is so broken and everyone else so geared up that they'll have no hope and won't even try.


The attitude towards PvP and other players is going to be pretty bad.

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The worst part will be the perception of people who are in or thinking of getting into PvP. They'll think that the other guy didn't beat them fair and sqaure because he exploited his way to better gear, or else they'll figure the whole thing is so broken and everyone else so geared up that they'll have no hope and won't even try.


The attitude towards PvP and other players is going to be pretty bad.


THIS. I was hoping someone would respond along these lines. Well guess what? This has already happened! People rushed to 50 and camped out in the warzones pwning undergeared/abilities and racked up expertise gear and all the titles we saw prior to today.


Oh, buts its ok! Now there's a 50 bracket. Yeah, so new 50s will have to earn their gear against much MUCH harder odds than the people that will be pwning them.


That kicker is that now the powerlevelers are getting a taste of what it feels like to be screwed over. Put a stick in your mouth and bite down. Welcome to the club.


You want a roll back? Yeah, roll the whole zarking thing back and reset all 50s as they pertain to pvp gear. I didn't think so...

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