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Who's going to cancel if BW don't roll back Valor to pre 1.1?


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Rolling stuff back is asking for unsubs.


I'm Valor rank 15 or something like that since I'm not even 50 yet, but I disagree with a rollback. Even if im only rank 15, I would unsub if a rollback were to happen. It would mean many hours wasted, lost for nothing. How will we actually be compensated for that?


There is really nothing to agree or disagree with, BW has to rollback their servers or face losing 1 of 2 factions with the other faction leaving soon after.


There is no choice here, this is not a minor error, this is a massive game issue that will destroy any semblance of balance in this game not only for today but for the future as well.

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Yes i'm sure all the imps who are now 60+ valor won't, what about the rest of us?


They need to immediately take down all the servers and roll back the valor of anyone who was in the Ilum zone since the patch to what it was just before the patch.


I don't personally think perma-bans are warranted, because it's BW's fault more than the players. But a 7 day "naughty naughty we don't take exploiting lightly" temp ban could be warranted to the main offenders.


One thing is certain though, rollbacks are need or i'm done, all the exploiting imps will have rank 60 battlemaster gear, and reps already lose most warzones, we wont even have a chance if all the imps are geared to the teeth in full battlemaster sets :(


I don't have much faith in BW, they didn't roll back all the morons who exploited by repeatably joining empty warzones at early release to get to level 50 in a few days, so why will this time be any different.


Maybe if Bioware reverts all of 1.1, I'll return.


Protip: Patches are supposed to improve a game, not destroy it.

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I'm republic, and haven't even been to Ilium today.


Point is, all you people cry that bug made it to live servers. But obviously nobody bothered to go to ptr and see if there is anything wrong.


As result, BW had to release untested patch, and do tesing on live.


It's like voting. If you don't go and vote, you have no right to complain.


Except in order to use the test server you need to level a fresh character to 50, otherwise known as dedicating all your time to a character on a test server... its not a player fault its 100% BW entirely no questions asked. The servers should have been frozen the instant this was reported.


Perhaps people didnt go from 1-60 but people did go from 50-60 and that alone should take a good 2 weeks, on the long run it isnt a big deal but its very dissapointing, considering the only level of prestige one could amass was the title, also ranked warzones were going to be based on valor and valid incentives would have been like ranked wins give more valor etc, so much of what was possible with pvp has been nullified because of this effect.


While this doesnt have a serious effect on the long term lifespan of the game, I still feel cheated out of my effort towards battlemaster, and the fact is not only were republic outnumbered now they will all be out geared as ALL of empire will be in battlemaster in gear. This means the effect of imbalance is compounded and when world pvp is viable republic may as well go die in a hole.


If they dont reroll valor I will quit based on principle, as a very high end pvp vet who has played for cash prizes in GW and been on the top of several pvp ladders in various games not just MMO styled, this is appalling and needs to be addressed now.

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I'm republic, and haven't even been to Ilium today.


Point is, all you people cry that bug made it to live servers. But obviously nobody bothered to go to ptr and see if there is anything wrong.


As result, BW had to release untested patch, and do tesing on live.


It's like voting. If you don't go and vote, you have no right to complain.


Ooh, spot on. Quick everyone, you have a week. Go level a character on the PTS from level 1 to 50, go out to Ilum, and hope enough other people are out there to test out their new Ilum system! An excellent suggestion.


There's a reason other games have premade max levels you can play on test, or give you the ability to copy your character over. The really good games hold events on their test servers specifically for certain aspects of a big patch, especially when it comes to PVP changes.


Attempting to shift the blame onto the playerbase is sort of silly, all things considered. There is no one to blame here but Bioware.

Edited by Sinnyil
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Again, still waiting for someone to post proof of this supposed exploit. Let's see it. Someone post definitive proof of anyone that has gained more than 20 levels of rank 30+ valor today. Let's see it. Let's see a video actually showing valor gained from turrets.


Seriously, let's see the proof. If there is none, what are all of you idiots complaining about?

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Why is the valor unearned? We had some great 48 x 48 (minimum) combat today on both sides. I damn sure earned my valor. No one picked a side for you, so live with your choice. Consider it a life lesson.



Grats for you.


I'm sure there was some amazing 1:1 fights on a few servers and I'm truly jealous that you had this much fun but the majority were spawn camped to the point where the game was unplayable.


Unplayable, think about this for a second.


You die

You click revive and you die before being able to move

You click revive and you die before being able to move

"" "



Now the opposition is gaining valor at incredible speeds while participating in unintended gameplay.


So not only are you forced to log out and play another toon that you did not bring to Ilum, but the people who forced you to make this decision are being rewarded for doing so.


Its unthinkable and broken.


BW technically has a few options, but the reality is they can either rollback and face a pissed off Iperial side where some could leave or they can leave it as is and basically remove an entire faction from this game which would also cause the Imperials to quit as well.


I don't see an option at all, I see a simple decision that sucks but is far better then leaving it as is.

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I've already cancelled and deleted my card details from the account.


Even if they fix it ... this level of incompetence cannot be allowed to handle my credit card details with impunity. Who knows what they'll shatter with a sledgehammer next week?

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I'm republic, and haven't even been to Ilium today.


Point is, all you people cry that bug made it to live servers. But obviously nobody bothered to go to ptr and see if there is anything wrong.


As result, BW had to release untested patch, and do tesing on live.


It's like voting. If you don't go and vote, you have no right to complain.


I would go there for every update if they let me copy my toon over, just like I did in eq2.


However I will not reroll a toon, get him to 50 with the hopes that others do it as well so we can play fix your game with BW.

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I wont... I still like the game and honestly don't wanna play any other of the MMOs out. Also, with all the screen shots and videos being posted I'm yet to see one that documents the is insanely fast increase in valor. I'm waiting to be able to watch a video and clearly see someone just flying through levels in Ilum.


Until then it's hard not to think that this is all just trolling that got way out of control and everyone just believed what others were saying and cancelling without actual proof of any of it.


^^ this ^^


Rollbacks for what? Because players are mental enough to respawn for hours on end feeding the enemy? Queue up a wz and leave for crying out loud.

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Yes i'm sure all the imps who are now 60+ valor won't, what about the rest of us?


They need to immediately take down all the servers and roll back the valor of anyone who was in the Ilum zone since the patch to what it was just before the patch.


I don't personally think perma-bans are warranted, because it's BW's fault more than the players. But a 7 day "naughty naughty we don't take exploiting lightly" temp ban could be warranted to the main offenders.


One thing is certain though, rollbacks are need or i'm done, all the exploiting imps will have rank 60 battlemaster gear, and reps already lose most warzones, we wont even have a chance if all the imps are geared to the teeth in full battlemaster sets :(


I don't have much faith in BW, they didn't roll back all the morons who exploited by repeatably joining empty warzones at early release to get to level 50 in a few days, so why will this time be any different.

After all the quit/cancel threads BELIEVE ME bioware will change back the way it was

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i havent gotten all that much valor though... so what have people done to get it rolled back, cuz I'm seeing pretty normal numbers....


Normal numbers?


You shouldn't EVER be allowed to Spawn Camp someone.


I don't think the Valor Gain is the only issue... The fact they made it so you could actually Spawn Camp is a separate, yet very serious issue that shows they lack proper decision making skills to continue develop a MMO.

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I'm republic, and haven't even been to Ilium today.


Point is, all you people cry that bug made it to live servers. But obviously nobody bothered to go to ptr and see if there is anything wrong.


As result, BW had to release untested patch, and do tesing on live.


It's like voting. If you don't go and vote, you have no right to complain.


Um, there was indeed feedback about this very issue and the potential it had for disaster on the PTR forums. Go look at it now--I'm sure it is probably the biggest thread on there.


Besides, it's not just the players' job to make sure there aren't fundamental design problems. The primary responsibility is with the developer.

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I wont... I still like the game and honestly don't wanna play any other of the MMOs out. Also, with all the screen shots and videos being posted I'm yet to see one that documents the is insanely fast increase in valor. I'm waiting to be able to watch a video and clearly see someone just flying through levels in Ilum.


Until then it's hard not to think that this is all just trolling that got way out of control and everyone just believed what others were saying and cancelling without actual proof of any of it.




it says it all there are many servers with MANY more hundreds and hundrreds of sith killing same turret over and over and over and over right on republic spawnpoint and no one can leave unless they know how to cheet the fleet pass system

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Again, still waiting for someone to post proof of this supposed exploit. Let's see it. Someone post definitive proof of anyone that has gained more than 20 levels of rank 30+ valor today. Let's see it. Let's see a video actually showing valor gained from turrets.


Seriously, let's see the proof. If there is none, what are all of you idiots complaining about?


watch the vid it says what words cannot

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I've already cancelled and deleted my card details from the account.


Even if they fix it ... this level of incompetence cannot be allowed to handle my credit card details with impunity. Who knows what they'll shatter with a sledgehammer next week?


Ur right... cause the patch had nothing in there but the ilum wreck.


No one is forcing you to participate in ilum. And they fixed a ton of **** other than that.

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Normal numbers?


You shouldn't EVER be allowed to Spawn Camp someone.


I don't think the Valor Gain is the only issue... The fact they made it so you could actually Spawn Camp is a separate, yet very serious issue that shows they lack proper decision making skills to continue develop a MMO.


Oh is that what people are doing? spawn camping? or is there some exploit that people are doing?

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Ur right... cause the patch had nothing in there but the ilum wreck.


No one is forcing you to participate in ilum. And they fixed a ton of **** other than that.


Oh yes, that's right, they also broke my UI so I keep getting a 3-second loading screen every 30 seconds.




You don't seem to realize the ramafications of this.

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I've already cancelled and deleted my card details from the account.


Even if they fix it ... this level of incompetence cannot be allowed to handle my credit card details with impunity. Who knows what they'll shatter with a sledgehammer next week?


I am very close behind you ill give them a few more hours to announce a rollback if not my families 4 accounts are gone and they can stick the subs where the sun dont shine

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