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Marauders are OP, I am serious,


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i think u don't even what "Hipocrit" means if u call me that base on what i said lol, get off the internet kid


Im not watching your twos bikering but


1. your signature "i fus ro dah'd your mom" I wouldn't call other people kids. It is derpy and seems immature to me.


2. It's Hypocrite not Hipocrit.


I just think its a unworthy insult to call someone a kid and to get off the internet for lack of knowledge by someone who appears to be immature and cannot spell with even spell check built into most browsers.


Good day sir.

Edited by Shadlicious
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Im not watching your twos bikering but


1. your signature "i fus ro dah'd your mom" I wouldn't call other people kids. It is derpy and seems immature to me.


2. It's Hypocrite not Hipocrit.


I just think its a unworthy insult to call someone a kid and to get off the internet for lack of knowledge by someone who appears to be immature and cannot spell with even spell check built into most browsers.


Good day sir.


I don't even know what's going on, but I laughed when you made fun of his spelling. What did you think he was trying to do by putting it into quotes?

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I've got to say it, but being top 3 DPS, or even top DPS means nothing. You can still lose a match HANDILY and your team is the top DPS. I've won pug matches without team being killed in DPS, but we won cause we actually passed the ball in huttball correctly, or defended flags properly and watched them properly. This idea that one stat makes a difference in the win means absolutely nothing. So lets look at what (from what you posted) would be useful to your team to win a PvP match.


Annihilation - Good for a long fight a node/door, so long as you have a healer. It also helps out your teammates slightly. Dot damage is nice for hitting multiple people, putting damage on group instead of 1 person.

Carnage - Good for damage over time, and more survivability, probably the more defensive of the 3 specs. Holding doors with a healer backup and a good tank can make it a very strong hold.

Rage - Great for zerging a node/door with another DPS teammate trying to get a quick cap before defenders get there to help. You are squishy but strong. Also great as a kind of defender in Huttball, in which you can be used to drop a healer fast or a ball carrier fast, as they are in the last steps to scoring.



I'm not trying to say damage is bad, because of course it isn't. You need damage to kill the opposition and without them dead you can't cap/score/plant. However, Marauders seem to be on the lacking end of versatility between their 3 specs. Now I haven't played around with my Marauder a ton, and obviously haven't gotten him to 50 and geared, but he doesn't seem nearly as versatile as my Operative/Powertech/Inquisitor and even some ways I find my Sniper to be more versatile, but that's a highly debatable subject I refuse to get into. I'm just saying that Marauders may be very good at damage, but people are forgetting that it's a team game you're going into, and they do not have a lot of team options on the table.


Carnage is damage over time and defense? saying that just invalidated the rest of your post.

Edited by DarthBoga
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Just read the op and I have to admit I smiled a lot. Leeroyclarkson I do not intend to offend you but just re-read what you have written in the first paragraph, its hilarious: "Sure I die often but that is pvp". This is exactly the problem with the marauder, you literally play the "*******" in PvP because you are the one who dies sometimes! Just try playing Sith Assassin and you will often have 0 deaths and that is simply not balanced PvP. I, personal, dont want a buffed Marauder I just want balanced PvP, which is not given atm. Edited by Flitzz
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I read through the entire post even though I knew based on the title I shouldn't have. I don't feel like debating all of the little details, but the sum of my complaint is that none of what you said makes marauders overpowered (which is what OP stands for). Before you leverage a word that has the connotation of being too strong and requiring a nerf you may want to consider whether it really deserves that word. The marauder is no doubt strong in some situations, but it has a slew of weaknesses that you blatantly ignore (which is fine), but even ignoring those weaknesses much of what you said could be said for many other classes too. Marauders are not overpowered, and your post title should have been "marauders are fine", because OP is a complaint not praise.


In point of fact (and this is obviously my opinion) marauaders are currently quite frustrating to play, even if a geared 50 marauder can put out numbers just as high as any other class (which if you peruse their (other class') forums they would say is not true, as they claim to regularly be #1 in every warzone blah blah blah). We are very susceptible to knockbacks and cc without many tools to counter it (and using force cloak to cover gaps, while viable, is a gimmick used a maximum of once per fight, as no marauder should survive for 45 seconds in a fight)




WTB CC invuln on force charge like jugg, will pay cloak (stealth blows, even if the ability is strong it's lame and doesn't belong on this class)



OP in a sense of how kids these days use "pro" and "beast" meaning something like "i enjoy it, it's awesome"

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I'll probably get flamed for this.... I was healing some warzones last night on my 25 Scoundrel and this lvl 17 Maruader kept singling me out (as he should be). Normally I just heal through it til someone peels him off or if "Vanish" is up I "poof" away. But not so much this time, this dude was hitting me often and hitting me hard. Could not outheal him and died both times and both of those fights started with him at 50-65% hp.
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I'm just saying that Marauders may be very good at damage, but people are forgetting that it's a team game you're going into, and they do not have a lot of team options on the table.


Marauders do two things:


1. Beat the **** out of people.


2. Group run speed buff.


That's it.


If you want to be the flyboy with cool tricks, play a different class.



Leeroyclarkson I do not intend to offend you but just re-read what you have written in the first paragraph, its hilarious: "Sure I die often but that is pvp". This is exactly the problem with the marauder,


Not sure if you realized this or not, but all classes have an average 1:1 kill:death ratio in PvP.


E.g., players die half the time in PvP. Every time someone dies, someone scored a kill.


Get it?

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Played another round of pvp last night and a lot of the bugs that were there from the 1.1 patch going live was no longer an issue. Based on the games played last night I will again stand up to the statement that Marauders are OP, I am serious, when playing in a random queue against other random teams, I could have my way with anyone. I can cap a turret guarded by two people if all of my CD's are up. Every day I learn to play my class better, we have an AOE stun that takes up to 6 people out of action. That’s plenty of time to take down a healer and then pop Undying Rage to finish off the second. As I learn where the med stations are on each map and take the time to break off, vanish, heal up and get back in. I have been dying less and less.

I will try to shoot a video; I have never done anything like that before. Placed in top three for all matches I played yesterday. Obviously, when I go up against a premade and they all stick together I go down faster than a whore in church.

I started to play a Bounty Hunter Bodyguard (Healing tree) because in other MMO's I always played a main healer and hit 18 last night, looked at the trainer skills later in the levels that I couldn't get yet and realized that BH have NOTHING compared to the utility of a Marauder. One stun. One bubble. That’s about it. We have 2 damage reducing abilities, if you spec into it, 2 damage immunity abilities, stun droid, stun aoe, 3 movement snares. We have the tools to completely f*** someone’s day up.

I also started this post talking about pvp, pve and world pvp. If you play on a pvp server you don't have to worry about getting ganked, you have so many skills to stay alive and run away, fight back. I have died waaaayy more on my BH so far because I misjudged how flimsy it was even with the heavy armor compared to my Marauder.

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Marauders seems like to be the Hunters of SWTOR. Most of them are noobs that doesn't realise what a powerfull class we are.




- Very good damage.


- Buff that gives speed along with 10% melee and range deflection.


- Buff that gives 15% more damage AND healing.


- Interrupt


- Healing Debuff (I've heard we're the only class with this? Hard to believe but I've seen this be mentioned a couple of times)


- Droid CC


- Dual Wielding Lightsabers


- Dual Wielding Lightsabers


- Dual Wielding Lightsabers

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i think u don't even what "Hipocrit" means if u call me that base on what i said lol, get off the internet kid



While I understand what the quotes were for, im confused by the statement in general. There seems to be a missing word there. How did you guys miss that? Also, I think the guy was going for BASED not base, which makes no sense at all.


and yeah that signature is pretty dumb, mom jokes werent even funny in the 90s.

Edited by jimlaheysadrunk
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Not sure if you realized this or not, but all classes have an average 1:1 kill:death ratio in PvP.


E.g., players die half the time in PvP. Every time someone dies, someone scored a kill.


Get it?


But I wanna be kill EVERYONE and never die so I can be balanced, just like every other class who never dies!

Edited by Sayc
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i pwn everything in my anni spec...why u saying it's bad? i remember winning a fight when i was 50% and that sorc was at 100%, heals + quinn + dots + interrupt ftw!


PS: with the WZ bracket, i was able to own or be close to killing lvl 50s, now it feels like im OP cuz it feel more easy LOLOLOL! can't wait to get to 50 + pvp gear as anni spec ^^


this tbqh


with anni spec my dots alone do more damage then your massacre with berserk up haha and i wont mention when my berserk is active.


deadly saber + rupture + choke + annihilate + scream = lulz

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Stop playing Annihilation in PvP and you'll stop complaining, a dot-based spec for a melee class is NEVER going to be viable in PvP, go Carnage or Rage.


Annihilation is perfectly viable in PvP... but I don't think it's as good as everyone thinks it is either though. Basically, there are a handful of videos that people put out of Annihilation in PvP (before 50 brackets, btw) and everyone pretty much jumped on that bandwagon. They were all on the Rage bandwagon before that. Sooner or later, Carnage will be the FOTM. For now though, people are still stuck on the small handful of good Annihilation videos that were put out so good luck convincing people it's not the best!


As good as Rage is for PvP, Carnage is definitely the most underrated PvP spec right now. I'm not saying it's best, but it has the most contact time and it's the best for not being kited. Plus, with Ravage rooting targets in place, it's actually a useful skill in this spec. Between Ravage rooting targets for the duration, and Deadly Throw rooting targets for 3 seconds on a very low cooldown, and your standard Force Choke... the class actually has pretty decent CC in this spec (that doesn't add much to resolve, btw). Add that to the increased 15% in-combat move speed, and Force Camouflage breaking roots and snares... and you end up with a very in-your-face spec that is extremely under-appreciated right now.


But people aren't ready for that yet. So for now... let them keep thinking Annihilation is the best.

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Stop playing Annihilation in PvP and you'll stop complaining, a dot-based spec for a melee class is NEVER going to be viable in PvP, go Carnage or Rage.


You're an idiot if you think annihilation isn't effective in pvp, even with all the bugs to the class, I shred through any one on one fight, minus one powertech who put me in a dress and called me his *****. Even if someone beats me down, they often die seconds after. If you don't see its value in pvp, you don't know how to play the spec... I've not played carnage because its lower dps for instant gratification, rage was nice bursts especially against multiple opponents, but felt a lot weaker in pve and since there is still no duel spec'ing, I dropped it. Unless I'm running a ball or gaurding a point, I am never beaten by another marauder or sentinel in damage output, I may not make the kill but its a team effort, most people in pvp suck because they are to concerned with their kill count. Each spec has a different method to playing it, don't think just because you can't play a certain spec right, its not viable,



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Marauders seems like to be the Hunters of SWTOR. Most of them are noobs that doesn't realise what a powerfull class we are.




- Very good damage.


- Buff that gives speed along with 10% melee and range deflection.


- Buff that gives 15% more damage AND healing.


- Interrupt


- Healing Debuff (I've heard we're the only class with this? Hard to believe but I've seen this be mentioned a couple of times)


- Droid CC


- Dual Wielding Lightsabers


- Dual Wielding Lightsabers


- Dual Wielding Lightsabers


1: Very good damage - but not best, and melee only.


2: a Buff on either a 3 min cooldown from frenzy or built over about 15 rage cost attacks.


3: a Buff on a 5min Cd + 3 min cd from frenzy.


4: Melee interupt while other classes got ranged interupt.


5: Healing debuff: Highly overrated, costs 3 rage to use.


6: Droid Cc, agents have the exact same ability, and may i remind you other players are not droids.


7: If you were a marauder you would know the offhand is about as useful as a glowstick.


8: Dosnt sound smarter the more times you say it.


9: ^



Your who reply is a joke, and if anything it proves the opposite of what you try to suggest.

Edited by Munx
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Carnage is fail. Low survivability and garbage for PVP. I tried it and died the same amount in pve... In pve all I would do was piss off my opponents, then die. PVP there is nothing we can do that allows us to burst in carnage like we can in either rage or annihilation, and even though crit a lot lower than OPs or Sorcerors.
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Carnage is fail. Low survivability and garbage for PVP. I tried it and died the same amount in pve... In pve all I would do was piss off my opponents, then die. PVP there is nothing we can do that allows us to burst in carnage like we can in either rage or annihilation, and even though crit a lot lower than OPs or Sorcerors.


That's not true. Carnage offers the most contact time of all three trees. It lacks in other areas, but it has more control and it's pretty much the only tree in which Ravage is actually a useful ability for PvP. It's not the best thing since sliced bread, but it's certainly not fail either.

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Anni had nice DOTS, but I felt with the minor input lag deadly saber was clunky. I do love the 0 range charge though.


Rage is awesome!....when you have 4/4 shockwave and your crit-smash up. Other then that I thought it felt wierd.


Carnage imo is the spec that everything in the tree works very smoothly together. Oh and I love ravage root + gore. I have had delicious results. Then of course I am so pleased I never have to hit vicious slash again due to have massacre, and it's great to set up the next scream (that crits HARD)



Oh and I always keep coming back to Carnage simply due to the 15% combat speed. The other specs I felt easily kited or just couldn't keep contact time.

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Carnage is fail. Low survivability and garbage for PVP. I tried it and died the same amount in pve... In pve all I would do was piss off my opponents, then die. PVP there is nothing we can do that allows us to burst in carnage like we can in either rage or annihilation, and even though crit a lot lower than OPs or Sorcerors.


so, because you die, when you try it a little, it's bad? pretty bad logic there. of course, i agree with you that we're not op, far from it. but carnage is not garbage. let me guess, you use annihalation? because everyone who uses that unholy DoT-on-a-melee-class spec is always hating on carnage, do you have some frustrations you need to vent or something?

for one thing, yes, rage is burst. but rage is Aoe burst, ani is sustained, and carnage IS our single target burst pvp spec, whether you trust in that or not. i've bursted people down in 3 seconds with this spec, simply charge > rupture > gore > scream > ravage never seen another specc'd marauder do that.

lemme drop some knowledge. burst is better than DoT. especially in pvp, inyourface burst wins out vs. sustained damage. and seeing how anni gets some really great healing AND has sustained damage, carnage will do much, much more damage, and much more bursty damage, assuming bioware balances things. not only does carnage have more melee uptime, it has move speed, 3 rooting spells and a boatload of damage through gore > ravage. i'm not saying it's better than anni, because at least i am honest in that i KNOW we do NOT know the numbers, since we have no dps meters. all we can say is well, i've been top dps & kills & medals in a wz. that's about the extent of the 'facts' we have. and let's be serious here, we've all been playing this class for just over a month. no one is an expert here.

all i'm trying to say is, your arguments are worth nothing to me, just like mine are worth nothing to you, simply because neither of us has the facts.


that said, if you look at CC and burst vs. sustained damage (which are important factor in pvp), carnage would probably win out. and really, if you want to play a DoT class you should play a sorcerer/sniper(/assassin), not melee.

Edited by DarthBoga
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The amount of fail in the replies to my earlier posts only further suggests Marauder is going to be the black sheep of the SWTOR community, just like Hunters from WoW.


I'm not going to argue with idiots because that's literally impossible, but I'll simply state it again:


1) Carnage > Annihilation in PvP. That is a pure, hard, cold fact, and a quite obvious one at that. Anyone that disagrees is simply put a scrub. If you're playing Annihilation in PvP and then whining about not being viable, then it's your fault for gimping yourself, Annihilation is supposed to be a PvE DPS Spec, Carnage is more bursty, but still a PvE spec (yet it's still far superior to Annihilation when it comes to PvP), out of all the three specs, Rage is supposedely the best one, since it's not aimed towards PvE, and it's a DPS spec, it's obviously aimed towards PvP.


2) Complaining about cooldown on our raid-wide buffs is like complaining about having to use armor and weapons in order to be viable.



Edited by lobson
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