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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Indeed the very basic fundamentals of the game have been destroyed with a single patch. Everything you did before this is meaningless now. At least in PvP.......


Everything else is fine, this is nothing like NGE. Also I didn't just order a new expansion that said NGE broke.


Seriously it's an MMO, I can't name a time someone turned out a patch that didn't do something horrific to PvP at one time or another only to fix it the next week. It happens all the time. Calm down.


this reminds me of the day the NGE hit

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I've been in ops that have tagged the turrets and while I can say that it certainly gives the "appearance" that farming the turret gives you valor in all honesty you can clearly see that it doesn't because when it dies (and instantly respawns) you get legacy experience but no valor. Whatever valor you are getting is simply from killing rebels as they respawn right next to you (which also diminishes quickly) nobody is getting insta battlemasters on Bondar Crystal and I'm sure other people on other servers can vouch the same. It definitely broke because of the ease of sitting on top of their respawn, but with diminishing returns, and no valor from turrets (1st hand experience with both of these) the best way to gain valor on Illum is to just roam around and find people to kill for like +300 valor when you have the buffs.
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Not sure what you have against the Mythic employees...but some of them were and still are awesome designers.


Warhammer failed because of management not the development team, and the billing company. You had people at top levels making decisions about classes they played without concern of the actual game.


BioWare screwed up some fundamental pvp principles, fairly sure the Mythic folks red flagged this, and was told to put it in anyways.


But troll on brotha, troll on.


True story !!!!!

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Go to a server where you can't even respawn without dying, and non 50's are getting battlemaster rank in a day, then tell me it's not completely broken.


"I don't actually play this game but I'm going to post about it anyway."


Rank. Is. Level. Restricted.

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you sir, are an idiot. there is no conceivable way to organize all the reuplic on a server to not visit a planet. All it takes is 1 person to zone into ilum at that speeder point, and not know how to WZ queue out, for every imp to farm valor for hours.


So we should rollback entire servers because of 2-5 idiots?


Sounds smart.

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Its in their best intrests to rollback -if this is actually true-


Lots of people such as myselft will be done with the game in a matter of weeks. Once I hit valor 60 and farm all the gear I need, the end is close.


They have to keep the carrot farther away. Right now its poking me in the eye

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Either take down the servers and finish the game for a month or 2 and bring it back giving us all a free month and a written appoligy, or wait for this game to turn Free 2 play in 2 months, because only the fanboys are staying quiet/positive about this.


should you not be whining about your games inability to patch noob



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So, after reading the first post, seeing some videos.. then continued reading about 10 pages(post pg60) all while the topic gains 3-4 pages per page read.. I play republic, and my comment?



I'm not touching that **** with a 10 foot pole. Was already bored @ 50 with underpop, this seals the deal.


Good try guys, maybe next time.


Back to grinding the AMX xD

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Fine. Censor what I have to say, delete my posts, I couldn't give any less of a **** right now.


I've still cancelled my subscription, along with the group of friends that rolled with me. This is gamebreaking beyond anything I have ever seen in an MMO before.


... and worst of all, they did it on purpose. This is what the lack of character-copying to the PTS leads to; this was never properly tested.


Empire POV:

Republic POV:


That's what the game is like for Republic right now. Well done, BioWare, kiss the PvP community goodbye.



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