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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Funny, because I was just on Ilum on my server, and I died the second I landed. I rezed, and died again. The only other 20 Republics in the zone were also dieing as they rezed. So I can say with 100% certainty, "Good joke, please tell again."


And I'll ask the question I asked earlier, what kind of genius lets themselves be farmed? Or is it that you have a chance to do some farming yourself? That is the only possible reason i could see for sticking around. So I guess you like to complain about how broken something is while you profit from it. Awesome, thanks for sharing.

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Seriously at least shut down the servers till you got a handle on the situation. Every hour you let it run like this the more of a mess to clean up no? I'm foreseeing a roll back to remedy the situation at this point, and if that happens, I see no point in playing the game today at all. I might as well go make a character on the PTR and start grinding to 50 to ensure something I've done today gets credit for it. But no response or action taken is reflecting very badly as an image for a new and up coming MMO. To say the least when you have a catastrophe of this magnitude running loose. It's like watching the neighbors vicious pitbull tearing up a little child but the owner of the dog is not doing anything about it.
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This is is making my crew and i quit the game. Making a single realm versus realm game and then setting it up such that a population imbalance allows one side to farm the other for humongous gains just goes to show how inept and without vision this update was.
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OMG, people get like 500 valor every minute for standing around and spamming one aoe skill. Who the **** cares? I'd rather play warzones and actually pvp, instead of suffering through the Ilum slideshow.


It's a fail patch, which they will hopefully fix. Stop being drama queens.


Oh, there's people who will actually PvP afterwards- but right now, they're busy easy-moding for their PvP gear so that when they really do go in warzones, they'll have that significant advantage as well.


The damage being done is the massive amount of valor going into the system for a single faction so quickly, creating a big whopping gear disparity in the process. It's also in the morale-crushing effect of being spawncamped to the nth degree, but that's less obvious.


Today, you won't care. Once they're all geared to the ears off of PvP points they snagged in buckets, you may care more.

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Some of us actually pvpd in Ilum today and didnt spawn camp the republic. In fact, the republic on our server grew a pair of nuts and defended their base and were creative enough to attack us from behind when we were at their doors. This could be because they were not tabbed out crying all over their keyboards.


We are doing exactly what the devs wanted us to do. Their servers cant handle the amount of people in one spot but the game is still relatively new. If half of you clowns spent less time writing emo live journal posts and actually coordinated something this would not be so bad. All of the republic are reading forums rather than figuring out how to regain control.


None of you are ever satisfied, this generation of MMO players wants everything spoon fed to them. Go download an old mmo and you will understand what I am talking about. There was no dailies for gear or any of that crap, you fought for named spawns that were on 6+ hour spawn timers, dont tell me you have it bad.


Best Post of the thread.



This happened back in UO and spilled over into games like Asheron's Call. You had guys from massive guilds who ran the show. So, "Anti" alliances/coalitions were formed to fight back. If enough people would organize, they might change things or at least make for some good fights.


Sadly, the majority of PvPers nowadays don't PvP to fight, they don't PvP for fun. They PvP because all they know from past experience is that they get a nice shiny if they do. It's not about PvP, it's about an ingame 'tangible' item. Here Johnny, if you PvP, you can have some candy or I'll take you to McDonalds.


Parents have ruined their kids with bribes, "if you do this, you can have this" and the thrill of doing something right does not exist any longer.


In life there are only two sides, there is a Right way to do things, and a Wrong way to do things. Players can make the decision on how they want this game to be.


Like I've said before, PvP is player driven, it has nothing to do with a manufactured scenario.

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Bw says they appreciate our constructive feedback, so here's my 2c.


1. close ilum

2. work on developing a rollback if at all possible

3. if roll back is not possible, underdog faction needs to be buffed in order to stay competetive in pvp. This could be in the form of increased valor/commendation gains, or decreased cost of pvp gear/items/etc

4. put a minimum level requirement on ilum, I'd make it 50

5. implement a queue to join ilum, and keep the populations of both factions balanced within a given range (ie if there are 50 repubs on ilum, max imps would be ~60)

6. create safe zones for each faction with defenses that would not allow the opposing faction to trap them there. (something like turrets with 1,00,000 life and instakill any enemy within range)

7. allow groups of atleast 8 to queue together for Warzones. If guilds dedicated to pvp could all que together and grow together it would give the overpowered imps less of an advantage.


Even though this issue could have been avoided, I know the devs are working as fast as they can to fix it. Good luck devs


p.s. alot of times i refer to the imps as overpowered (mainly bc they are the ones overpowered on my server) but obviously the same applies if repubs are overpowered on a particular server.


I agree with this post minus the grammar.

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well it is kinda stunning i got about 4 fps and random loading screens on ilum now.:p


haha :D

amazing that the best in the world figured out to copy the ****** BG/gear system from the last 4 MMO's and then screw up the world pvp

who could imagine that!?

openworld pvp died with DAoC

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So it takes more than three hours to come up with an official response? I really enjoy this game but the whole, "We are assembling an official response" is getting tiresome.


It has officially been 4 hours according to server time stamps, or half a working day.


Hopefully noone committed seppuku

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And I'll ask the question I asked earlier, what kind of genius lets themselves be farmed? Or is it that you have a chance to do some farming yourself? That is the only possible reason i could see for sticking around. So I guess you like to complain about how broken something is while you profit from it. Awesome, thanks for sharing.


I was curious to see if Ilum was as broken as everyone said. Once I got there, I couldn't get out.

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Let's see...


My max fps in Ilum today was 24.7 fps when we were away in a group of 3 and no imps around.


I have an iCore7 @4Ghz, 24 GB of DDR3, 2 GTX 560 ti's with 2GB each (oc'd). My CPU uts were under 35%, my GPUs were 37%. My latency was 62ms. My internet is fine, and quite fast.


When we had an ops group against 3 or 4x as many imps, my AVERAGE fps was 7.4 fps.


I then said screw it, at least I can run some WZs on an alt. Except I kept crashing to desktop in WZs.


My CC breaker on both toons was in almost perma cooldown -- even 5 minutes after the first use.



"Potential problems"? Lol

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And I'll ask the question I asked earlier, what kind of genius lets themselves be farmed? Or is it that you have a chance to do some farming yourself? That is the only possible reason i could see for sticking around. So I guess you like to complain about how broken something is while you profit from it. Awesome, thanks for sharing.




You can queue for a warzone hoping it can get you out, otherwise you are STUCK there untill the Imps get bored and LEAVE YOU ALONE.

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Why faction balance failed.


There was no penalty for it. In other games you suffer a penalty of long queue times for warzones. If Empire couldn't play empire in huttball? Many would have rerolled.


Whoever was behind that idea? Should be sacked. I am guessing it is the same person behind 1.1...


Why Ilum fails unless it's instanced? You already screwed the pooch with faction imbalance and your game engine can't support anything past instanced pvp.


How to fix it. Make Ilum instanced. Remove Empire on Empire Warzones, and offer free faction transfers for a month.


The entire idea of Ilum is flawed. You can't win a capture and hold warzone when you are outnumbered 4 to 1 (and in many cases more). You can't even win it if you are outnumbered 2 to 1. Unless it is close 1 to 1? It isn't even pvp to begin with.


You can skip removing empire on empire warzones if Ilum was instanced and equalled like 10 warzone wins and you could get in it every 2 hours.


People would reroll to gear faster. ATM there is no upside to being Republic and there is no incentive for people to reroll either. If anything now there is even more incentive to roll empire.


Regardless all this is moot if you don't revert valor gained today. It wrecked pve and pvp progression and people will just mass cancel if you don't fix it.


It has nothing to do with "casuals" getting valor fast. It has to due with an entire faction outgearing the other faction that already is barely able to field 50 warzone queues or run raids.


Oh and the person at Bioware who suggested Empire will get to play more warzones against eachother? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Seriously??? You are going to reward the zerged faction again in this game?


I have lost all faith in this development team.

Edited by biowareftw
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Ilum bases


As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses.


The bases need the following things implented


1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base.


2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out


3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective


So heres how the base take over should be


1. use rocket launcher kill turrets

2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through.

3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base.

4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself)


4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box.


5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing


6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets


7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going


8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly



These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them.


To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all.


Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides.


these are really good ideas but without balanced factions, this will be new ilum part 2

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So it takes more than three hours to come up with an official response? I really enjoy this game but the whole, "We are assembling an official response" is getting tiresome.


Agreed tbh, so far im not impressed by their community relations.


I wish they would hire some of the best people in the world on community relations!

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For all the people that are saying that getting valor points from doing Ilum is exploiting, well you don't make any sense. They set the amount of valor you get for killing people for a reason. Therefore they wanted it in the game. Its not an exploit. Wheither they decide to change it is up to them so stop complaining. If you don't like it don't play. Most of the people that are doing raids in Ilum are going to grind Valor ranks anyway. Are you guys really afraid of competition??
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Oddly on my server we were getting camped, then i got a few people out on the western speeder, and starting to cap towers and rolling gank the people in the middle/recappers. Eventually we had a 20 man raid and another 8 man raid, broke the camp, and wound up pushing back to their base. I am not sure if this will be possible for everyone to manage, but by basically running arounnd the outside of the map to evade the position alterts and htting cap points at random for a while we were able to split them up and break the chokehold.


This is nowhere near an acceptable solution, but it was EXTREMELY FUN and we wound up pushing to their base but not having the FPS or DPS to down the turrets :(. Going to try that again next time they try to camp us.

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