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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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They won't roll back the servers though. That's the problem.


Every minute they delay doing that makes it less likely they will do something that extreme.



They have to rollback, there is no option anymore since they took so long to act.

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Here are my thoughts:


1. A Valor rollback is inevitable. Accept it.

Any system in which a player can gain a full set of "end-game" rewards in a day is a broken system. All the Imps currently pharming Valor are, I think, going to find their time disappearing down the drain Very Very Soon™.


2. Populations that bring servers to their knees are a Very Bad Thing.

We already have instanced areas for high-traffic zones such as Alderaan. A variant of this should be implemented for Ilum, ASAP. I would suggest a soft cap of, say, 50 characters of one faction in any given region of the map at any time, with a hard cap of 60 to give some room for people already in an instance to invite friends. Maybe less if the servers fail to prove they can handle even that much of a load without turning the experience into a slideshow. Beyond that, hard cap. If you insist on inviting your friends to join you, you only do so by shifting to a new instance. Sorry to disappoint, but those glorious 300-man zergfests just ain't gonna happen. Not with any semblance of playability. Deal with it and learn some tactics. As it is, it's still not a guarantee of faction balance within a given instance, but it's a whole lot better than having 300 vs. 14.


3. I can't BELIEVE BioWare implemented vulnerable spawn points!

My guild's chat channel was seething with comments today about the spawn-camping that was happening on Ilum. Med centers, starport spawn points -- all of it. At first, I had no idea the problem was as bad as it was. Having seen the many YouTube videos, I understand it better. Imp players might think it great fun to camp these spawn points and slaughter Republic characters piecemeal the instant they spawn -- personally, I fail to see the entertainment value in it for anyone who isn't extracting revenge for a lifetime's worth of real-world abuse.


A "safe haven" for players to regroup after a wipe is, quite simply, a must for open-world PvP. And BioWare really needs to not repeat SWG's mistake, and give their respawn points constricted exits like SWG's cloning stations. Best solution would be a series of instance gates along a boundary long enough to make it impossible to camp its entire length.


4. Valor bonuses for spawn-point turrets?? Really, BIoWare? Really?

Come on, this was just a nutty idea. I can see the dim logic of making every object in a PvP environment breakable -- but this is a GAME. It simply should not be possible for either faction to prevent the other faction from playing the game, ever.


I can understand the value of having physical objectives to conquer/capture/destroy. But such objectives should be OUT IN THE FIELD. The current setup is just plain absurd.


So, what should BW do now, this weekend? Probably the only thing they can do at this point is shut down Ilum until they can implement a redesign.

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i wonder did all the level 50 players skiped the story's? i just realized that there are allot of level 50 players and this in one month time, maxed in 30days (ish) ... so its the power levelers that having all the problems with pvp right ?! cus i'm not having problems with this patch. anyways this thread is growing faster then i can read it so i'm off the forums :D have a nice day, gonna play a bit, i'm sure if there is a rollback its for lv50 chars only so i don't care.


You are right about level 50's , they are still a vast minority across the servers, more so in the Republic faction.

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HEALERS NEED TO GET CREDIT FOR KILLS!! Currently this game does NOT give people any incentive to being a healer. We get totally screwed out of valor. As a healer I have to try to use AOEs whenever possible just to try to get credit for kills. Rediculous.


If I am healing someone that is in combat with another player, I should get credit for the kill when that player kills the enemy. Afterall. I HELPED HIM FRIKIN KILL HIM BY HEALING HIM!

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Actually a faction imbalance is entirely Bioware's fault.


First of all, faction imbalance is nothing new and it's been plaguing faction vs faction games since they came out for years. You're not going to convince anyone with half a brain they designed this game in a closed room and never did any kind of research. The fact that they don't address it in any manner is really all on them for poor design.


Second of all, they (Electronic Arts) have a whole other company in their family called Mythic that has been dealing with large scale faction vs faction combat for years. Here is a very, very valuable source of information and methods of how they handled large scale combat and what does and doesn't work. From objective based world PvP to scenarios/warzones/battlegrounds there's a wealth of knowledge that they could have tapped at any time.


Finally even failing all that they still had their own wealth of server data and information to pull from both beta as well as nearly a month of live data. They can easily setup server logs on how many people go out to Ilum, complete the daily quest, etc. They can see with truthful facts just how badly the factions are really imbalanced and choose what plans to implement. People have been saying for weeks that farming people will be a disaster with how imbalanced the factions are and they need to find a different solution. Bullheaded they plowed forward.



There's really no one to blame here except Bioware. Personally I'd rather they either take the time and do it right or not do anything at all. If you're going to do a job, do it right. All they're doing with these knee jerk reactions and quick fixes is pissing people off.

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I think we have very different opinions of what the word "soon" means.


Sorry that I have to link THIS but it just cries "link me"....



" "Soon" does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. "

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I think we have very different opinions of what the word "soon" means.


Exactly. This is why I decided to cancel. Customer service is a havoc. They dont know what customer service is.


Canceled today, not sure about coming back.

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The irony here is fairly rich.


Then please, list that, endow us all with this irony you failed to cite in that post.


You go make an MMO of this scale. And make it absolutely perfect with no hitches at all and no problems what-so-ever to speak of, make every single person of the millions that play it happy and make sure they never have any need to complain at all.


Go on, since it's so simple and easy, right?

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If you want to fix this issue...


1-Close ilum down completely. No one can go to ilum.


2-Dedicate your staff to fixing this, not just a day, not just a week... ZERO time deadline. It will be finished when it is finished and there will be no short cuts.


3-Offer double rewards XP/commendations/valor/bags for anything pvp related in all other phases of the game until Ilum is done.


4-Look into purchasing servers that can actually handle the game and look into decreasing the resources for certain specials of each class who can spam and cause lag.


5-Offer everyone who has subbed one free month when Ilum is re-released.




Anything else is not in the best interest long term for the game. You can't just be reactive to this, you need to also be proactive in putting this game in the best possible situation to succeed.


Also, increase your staff and efficiency in customer service.

Edited by Jarfunkz
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I think we have very different opinions of what the word "soon" means.


2. Soon


As defined and PATENTED by B******* Entertainment: "Soon" does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. "Soon" shall make no contract or warranty between B******* Entertainment and the end user. "Soon" will arrive some day, B******* does guarantee that "soon" will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make plans based on "soon" as B******* will not be liable for any misuse, use, or even casual glancing at "soon."

The patch will be released soon.

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