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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Can we not simply be happy that others have gotten something good, instead of being enraged that we have not shared their bounty?


That "bounty" come directly at the expense of a sizable portion of the game community. This isn't a case where a few Imperials got some extra credits in a lottery and we congratulate them on their luck. This has immensely wide reaching ramifications on content, where the positive gain for one faction is inversely proportional to the negatives for the other.

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I do hope that you do in fact roll back the sploiterz.


Because NOONE with valor ranks will get a bit of respect for it if you do not.


I'm fighting 200 imps in Ilum, been fighting there all day with some success.


But most of these players came streaming in once you all announced that the turret thing was an exploit.


Getting some pretty good FRAPS of it too, for your sake I hope you fix this.


Because you'll be the laughingstock of MMOs if you don't.

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way to go bioware on ruining a good game for the people who actually work hard to get their valor up. you could not of done anything worse than this way to go dont make anymore games if you pull this crap. quitting this stupid game if this is not changed


you 50`s farmed lowbies for easy valor since game release, and lnow its whing because those after you get easy valor...hypecrate

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Man things are ugly on Ilum. I got there went about 30 yds out the gate got ganked by more than I can count. I was hoping things would improve as I played about 15 warzones yesterday won 5 and got credit for 2 wins in the dailys. Lets say my frustration levels is maxed. I am have zero fun with this game at the moment.
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Originally Posted by DarkwingGT

What exactly is there to discuss? The turrets give massive valor, have no diminishing returns and respawn instantly. How is that in anyway shape or form valid?


As for faction imbalance, not much you could do except cap the zone.


Also, possibly take a page from the game that shall not be named and implement something like Tenacity. Now they borked it because they didn't get the numbers right but with tweaking it could help.


Honestly you have one basic axiom, people love to win but will accept a fair fight. If you leave it such that it's a giant snowball (i.e. bigger faction wins more and the rewards get boosted by winning therefore giving them a greater ability to win), then the losing side (mostly Republic) will simply stop trying and give up. Then the winning side will have no one left to fight.



Yeah dude there is no Turret exploit. The issue here is the blatant spawn camping and getting valor from NPC's. Ilum is a open world PvP area. It can never be balanced. But it can be made fair. And spawn camping inside the base is not fair.

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I do hope that you do in fact roll back the sploiterz.


Because NOONE with valor ranks will get a bit of respect for it if you do not.


I'm fighting 200 imps in Ilum, been fighting there all day with some success.


But most of these players came streaming in once you all announced that the turret thing was an exploit.


Getting some pretty good FRAPS of it too, for your sake I hope you fix this.


Because you'll be the laughingstock of MMOs if you don't.



So what you're saying is you're helping the imps farm this Valor that you're also complaining about them getting?

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So, 6pm for Bioware now and still no response other than a quick reword of what the original statement was.



Did you all go home?


I guess I'll go resub to Warhammer for my pvp fix, never really had a problem with that game and it look like they're adding relics/forts :) Is this the part where the pvpers go play Warhammer since its been getting fixed for years?

Edited by Ratham
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Hmmm just got an email from a fantastic Development Co I used to give money too..... Hmmm. ;) I kid I'm still here... but didn't take your competition long too see an Op did it? lol


Check out RIFT™ 1.6: From the Embers—which introduced a massive new zone, raid, dungeons, and more—free of charge. Play RIFT for free Jan. 19-22!

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That "bounty" come directly at the expense of a sizable portion of the game community. This isn't a case where a few Imperials got some extra credits in a lottery and we congratulate them on their luck. This has immensely wide reaching ramifications on content, where the positive gain for one faction is inversely proportional to the negatives for the other.


No, I promise you that I haven't lost anything as the Imperials have gained Valor. And "wide-reaching" is a misnomer for "specific yet frustrating to me."

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And where are these posts telling them not to do this because it was likely gonna happen I would love you to link me some?


Because I can't find a single one on the test forums ?


Not saying there not there I just would like to see em....


Certainly. I just went through the PTR forum and picked a couple out. There were other threads that spelled out the potential issues more directly, but this should suffice to show that players knew that the Ilum changes in conjunction with server imbalance would be a huge problem.




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Man things are ugly on Ilum. I got there went about 30 yds out the gate got ganked by more than I can count. I was hoping things would improve as I played about 15 warzones yesterday won 5 and got credit for 2 wins in the dailys. Lets say my frustration levels is maxed. I am have zero fun with this game at the moment.


This. Warzone wins still not counting post patch. Lmfao

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All this crying from when you played BETA a YEAR ago...and yet...here you are still playing. Hmmm. Can't be that bad I guess.


My friends play the game, I will play with my friends. If we decide to leave the game, we will play other games. It is a fairly simple thing to understand.


There are a lot of things in the game that are good, but the lag issues and inability to see the need for good servers really deteriorate everything that they have done right.

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ok it's midnight here in the uk and still no real response, have BW all gone home now or are they really thinking of a way to sort this **** out?


I think they are all huddling around a table with their heads lower, whispering to themselves, "s***, we f***ed up"

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