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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we are currently working on an official response to these issues and we will be posting it soon. Please understand that these issues require some time to investigate and we are making sure that we provide you all with the most updated information in our official response.


We understand that some of you may be frustrated, but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input.


Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.


This official response you're talking about by the way....you have 45 minutes before it's midnight here in the UK when my sub renews. If a satisfactory answer isn't out in 40 minutes, I'll be cancelling and I don't think I'm alone.


Just might like to factor that into your 'working on' speeds.

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Allowing massive valor gains for the Imp side is not acceptible. There is no way for the Reps to compete with the zerg the Imps put out.


Suggestions to help Pop. balance- the real issue.


1. Give a bonus to xp/valor gain to the underdog faction- up to 100% based on ratio.


2. Give more commendations for pvp based on the underdog faction.


3. Give more monetary reward to the underdog faction for pvp objectives.


4. Fix all the classes to be TRUE mirrors of eachother.


These are just a few ideas to incentivise more players to play republic that wont actually change gameplay.

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oh common i official protest !! i'm not scum and i demand your apology. and please keep in mind this is Bioware first MMO, so yeah there programmers are not used to code a game for this! what is perfectly normal for a single player game does not normally count for an MMO, that's why people learn from ther mistakes! and soon we will all know what the fix will be, so just relax and wait for official response.

no need to strain your brain over small things that the masses have blown up out of proportion. all what's going on here is spawn-camping AND if someone took the time to read the "rules of conduct" then you will see that spawn-camping falls under the "harassment" section of the rules so i bet allot of people will be making new threads soon that start with "Why is my account banned?".


there see no need to fill this thread with hate-full text, wait and see the fun part still has to come.


Firstly. they are in Direct! competition with other MMO's. and there for they have got to be able to stand on their own and not just shrug theyre shoulders going oh were sorry its our first MMO were gonna screw stuff upp all the time.


That is what PTR's are all about. a community around it. forums and player input to help guide them and adapt.


If they have programmers that are not capable of gramming this right then if you have not noticed theres alot of people standing in line for theyre jobs. fire some of those that do not know what they are doing and get in some with experience.


And just so you realise a thing or 2. there is no rules of conduct about spawncamping in a PVP zone. you are there to fight. you cant just say stop ive had enough in there.

You dont get banned for spawncamping on Ilum. it would be like banning people for attacking each other in BGs.

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This official response you're talking about by the way....you have 45 minutes before it's midnight here in the UK when my sub renews. If a satisfactory answer isn't out in 40 minutes, I'll be cancelling and I don't think I'm alone.


Just might like to factor that into your 'working on' speeds.

This, just changed my 3 month subscription to a 1, if no response before midnight it's getting cancelled.


Endgame for me is PvP and now the Valor system has been totally wrecked.

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Still reading through this thread, I'm on page 197 at the moment. I'm a level 50 Sith Juggernaut on Veela, where we enjoy a large Empire population advantage.


I would like to say 2 things;


First - I feel very bad for all republic/empire players who were forced (yes you had no choice in the matter) to be camped and spawn ***** for the past 8 hours or so. No one should go through what you have when paying for a product. I took no part whatsoever on that trash that passed for 'Open PvP' on that ridiculous planet and in fact unsubscribed my account forthwith of hearing of this debacle.


Second - I am grossly disappointed with Bioware for their lack of vision, testing and being humble enough to listen to players when they tell you to investigate or delay matters because something is broken. I read numerous posts on the PvP forums warning you all of potential game breaking bugs and problems that could arise with changes you were planing on introducing. Shame on you for allowing such a change. I have lost all faith in your ability to govern this game and refuse to support it with my wallet.


Best of luck to those that continue to stay on.

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Hello from the Tomb of the Freedon Nadd, Illum is UNPLAYABLE at the moment. 0-4 fps, damn it, i had all new generation games at maximum, why i should have 2 fps with graphic turned almost absolutely off? And whose idiotic ideas was to add the loading screen with every player's move? Especially in the middle of PvP. Jesus, this is worst optimized engine in whole history.


I hope there will be fixes VERY soon.

Edited by Soulcheg
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Allowing massive valor gains for the Imp side is not acceptible. There is no way for the Reps to compete with the zerg the Imps put out.


Suggestions to help Pop. balance- the real issue.


1. Give a bonus to xp/valor gain to the underdog faction- up to 100% based on ratio.


2. Give more commendations for pvp based on the underdog faction.


3. Give more monetary reward to the underdog faction for pvp objectives.


4. Fix all the classes to be TRUE mirrors of eachother.


These are just a few ideas to incentivise more players to play republic that wont actually change gameplay.


Good ideas.


I would like to add giving the Republic one exclusive alien race which people like (Kel'Dor, Togruta, Nautolan) and maybe a better armor design at some point would help a great deal also.


Bioware made a huge mistake with their heavy Empire oriented propaganda before the game out.

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:jawa_tongue: Honest feedback from a loyal SWTOR fan :jawa_tongue:


This happening is no suprise to me and doesn't bug me one bit. There wasn't a lot of time to beta test endgame, especially with how large this game is, and even now that the game is live with a public test realm in place, endgame content still isn't being properly tested out. Here's my suggestion to get the ball rolling in the right direction and to help alleviate "disaster", as some may describe, like this Ilum issue from showing it's face in the future:


Enable the ability to convert our charters to the test realms or have premade level 50s waiting there for us dedicated fans, such as myself, to help you guys out in testing future patches and end game content. Help us help you in making this game as epic as we know it can and will be.


My subscription will remain intact for a long time to come, and a thank you is in order for the majority of you who gave me a good laugh while I was at work today, and a hole hearted thank you to the select few that have given good feedback.


Other than that, I'm going to log on and enjoy the chaos that is currently happening on Ilum.

Edited by Tahz
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Nice, cancel without giving them a chance to fix it.

Also, way to be constructive.


For most, patch 1.1 is not the main reason why people are not re-subbing. The game has a lot of potential, and actually is pretty good.


However, it took them over five months to fix the Kira bug. The ability delay in this game makes PvP feel like whack a mole. The server-client-server interaction is on par with running assembly off a PIC. The poor optimization. The RNG loot system. The sheer number of bugs in flashpoints and operations. So much of these have been ignored, and then you slam it down with spawn camping, and not being to get out, and extreme valor gains for your opponents. Wins not counting. PvP queue to character screen. Force leaping out of the Voidstar. Force leaping out off Huttball into character screen. Green laser shows, Orange laser shows. Faction class mirror imbalances.


It all makes for a frustrating game, and then you introduce a big patch hoping to rectify so much, and they single handedly make PvP unenjoyable for a large chunk of their player base.


1.1 is just the what tipped things over.

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Good ideas.


I would like to add giving the Republic one exclusive alien race which people like (Kel'Dor, Togruta, Nautolan) and maybe a better armor design at some point would help a great deal also.


Bioware made a huge mistake with their heavy Empire oriented propaganda before the game out.


Yes, yes, could you make that happen :) :) :)

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Still reading through this thread, I'm on page 197 at the moment. I'm a level 50 Sith Juggernaut on Veela, where we enjoy a large Empire population advantage.


I would like to say 2 things;


First - I feel very bad for all republic/empire players who were forced (yes you had no choice in the matter) to be camped and spawn ***** for the past 8 hours or so. No one should go through what you have when paying for a product. I took no part whatsoever on that trash that passed for 'Open PvP' on that ridiculous planet and in fact unsubscribed my account forthwith of hearing of this debacle.


Second - I am grossly disappointed with Bioware for their lack of vision, testing and being humble enough to listen to players when they tell you to investigate or delay matters because something is broken. I read numerous posts on the PvP forums warning you all of potential game breaking bugs and problems that could arise with changes you were planing on introducing. Shame on you for allowing such a change. I have lost all faith in your ability to govern this game and refuse to support it with my wallet.


Best of luck to those that continue to stay on.


VERY VERY well said. Had to bump it. Mostly for the fact the community actually called it and BW didn't pay attention or care.

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In the interest of being fair I just took another crack at Ilum. Two observations.


All of the problems with Warzone melee combat are multiplied and magnified.


The really is no point to doing it as Republic as you are just too heavily outnumbered. You can get things done, but it is simply no fun at all and last time I checked games are supposed to be fun.

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As a Republic PVPer, I'm upset that this happened, but unlike 90% of the people in this thread, I know that it will be fixed eventually, sooner rather than later. I don't understand this paranoid point of view, where people are like "BW are doing this on purpose and covering up on purpose!" Really, not.


Just chill. I understand the rage you have over this, but if you have input, you do the community a dis-service by raging, name-calling and resorting to personal attacks, questioning the intelligence of developers who are putting a lot of work into this game. It's a mistake. Mistakes happen. Worst case scenario it will be fixed tomorrow. Can you all stop crying and just be reasonable for once? I already avoid the forums enough because of the overly vocal minority who are not happy with the game, but the amount of trolling and flaming in here is just silly.


You're completely missing the point. People are complaining on here because they realise what this has brought. If people are able to farm valour for hours on end now, then they can wear Battlemaster gear immediately which puts them on a completely different level than everyone who has been levelling normally up to this point.


I've been running warfronts constantly to get my PvP rank up and now it feels like a waste of time. MMOs are about progression, and when your progression is overtaken by a poor development decision that is exploited or taken advantage of by the players and they double your progress in 5-6 hours, then there's something wrong, and you lose all your morale and excitement for wanting to play the game.


People here have requested a rollback, which is more than fair based on the situation we're in at the moment.

Unfortunately people won't stand for something like this as Ilum should have been disabled the second it became known that there was a problem.

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