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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Bioware, I've got no idea how you fix this. Even if you turn off Ilum and do a rollback to address the obvious problems with valor right now, what was supposed to be a PR coup - the release of a content patch before the end of the first month of subscriptions - has turned into a disaster.


I wish you the best of luck, and hope that in six months time I'm not looknig back with friends and saying that the Rise of the Rakghouls is what killed SWTOR.

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So Space Slug republics are dominating. Guess all you other servers are just unlucky. We had a full ops team just now fighting against 2 full ops teams of republic, and the republic own all of ilum right now. Sooooo, I guess the moral of the story is: Play on space slug.
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Here is how to fix it, add a queue to get into ilum



say there is 20 republic and 20 empire (highly unlikely)

there is an empire who wants to join they are placed in the queue and wont be moved into ilum until one of the 20 leaves or a republic queues up. that simple.

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Easy solution to your frame rate and lag problems.


1. Get a new computer that is not 5+ years old and can run today's games.

2. Get a better internet connection.


Thanks for your concerns.


I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but there are people with brand new, top of the line systems running this game with unplayable FPS. There is a problem with the engine/coding/optimization that is not related to the actual power of the computer. The game runs better on my budget 1+ year old system with 32-bit Windows XP than it does on my friends brand new powerhouse with dual video cards and something like 16 gigs of RAM. There is an issue here.

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Bioware you screwed yourself this time. I have read tons of forums since I tried to do my daily on illum this morning. I have noticed alot of people saying that this is the game breaker for them if it's not fixed by sometime today or tomorrow at latest they are going to cancel their subs. I think this should result in a free day of play for every player that has a current sub take the damn patch back and tell your devs that they suck.



I play republic and have seen my faction side drop in players either cancling their accounts or re-rollin imps due to the HUGE faction imbalance on every server you have.






You don't have any exuses for letting this go through with the patch. I hope you lose so much money you acually open you greedy eyes.

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Faction vs Faction PvP will always be imbalanced. One faction will always have a slight to major edge in numbers. It would seem to me that the best solution is to remove the arbitrary faction lines. Change the PvP to free-for-all.


Nah. Despite all the things NCSoft did wrong with Aion faction balance was something they did right, not allowing players to create characters when one faction had a higher population number than the other. So it can be done.

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A LOT of people will quit if they don't roll this back. They need to realize there are MMOs out there that are of quality. One mistake like this when they're this early in their MMO life is drastic.


If people will quit on a false rumor good riddance.

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What ever delevopment team, and what ever excutive is in charge of this game needs to be fired. Personal accountability are in affect when anyone screws up, look at polititions, to mayors, to the state of IL the land of curruption.


A firing squad more like it.. They should not get the chance to be re hired with another company and fukk their game up as well

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Easy solution to your frame rate and lag problems.


1. Get a new computer that is not 5+ years old and can run today's games.

2. Get a better internet connection.


Thanks for your concerns.


odd as i have 8gb ram i-5 2500k and a gtx580 and fps in illium today was around 20fps down to 4fps when it got 30 players together, and internet connection fine.

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Outside of the obvious PvP failure, here are some other things I noticed:


-Load times are worse now for zones

-Loading screen randomly goes on your screen for a second while already in the world, during gameplay

-When abilities are on cooldown, they no longer gray out, they are still lit up

-FPS has dropped, even at the same settings as yesterday

-Not sure about anyone else, but my video card is running 5-10 degrees hotter than yesterday with the same settings



*edit* before anyone replies with "omg get a new computer", it is brand new and an excellent system that handles every game on max.

Edited by Wingfoot
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Please rollback, for the love of God. I'm a huge BioWare supporter and fanboy but whomever thought this was a good idea is just plain amateur.


Equal opportunity doesn't mean you NEED To hire mentally challenged people to design Ilum's PvP.

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You're the only slow kid here.


Again I went home at lunch I did not notice the Turrets giving Valor. I am not saying they are not I just never noticed it. All the Valor I saw was coming from players dieing that I hit ( I assume at least 1 time) It was hard to tell with all the lag.


I would be great if anyone was able to test this out. By getting a group to go kill a turret with no opposing faction in the area.

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