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The day we can switch adv classes


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I was REALLY thinking about rerolling as a Juggernaut after I found out that most of the armor sets I was looking forward to were HEAVY ARMOR, and after hearing lots of people cry that mara was underpowered and having lots of trouble in pvp.


But the higher level I get, the better it seems to get. Mara really is a class that you HAVE to play right, you can't ignore any abilities you don't like, you have to know how and when to use every tool at your disposal. Once you do, you can do some sick damage. And its pretty satisfying too. But its a pretty high attention class, you can't relax.


So I'll stick with it for now, and see what happens.


I would give anything to wear the level 40 pvp heavy armor, though. Or the set that looks just like it but is red instead of black that I had drop, and I can't wear. :(

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Nah I wouldn't switch classes. I'd miss the DPS. Annihilation simply rocks. Besides I'm used to my combat rotation now. I may have to press a ton of buttons but it's second nature for me now :cool: Edited by Ardim
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But the higher level I get, the better it seems to get. Mara really is a class that you HAVE to play right, you can't ignore any abilities you don't like, you have to know how and when to use every tool at your disposal. Once you do, you can do some sick damage. And its pretty satisfying too. But its a pretty high attention class, you can't relax.


This! I fully agree. I was going to post about the same thing. This class is not an easy class... you really need to utilize all your skills depending on the situation. I feel you can adapt to anything coming your way with the abilities you have and if you are smart about how you use them. I love this class for these reasons... I don't feel like I have a real weakness (other than seriously feeling like a light armored squishy sometimes). Then again it also depends on your spec I suppose...


I would never switch though. I'm lvl 45 too, with 5 more lvls and a few more new abilities to go.

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Switching to another class? What are you talking about, Maruaders own. People will be switching over to us. At least they dont have to go pass the 1-50 initiation rite.


So tell me, would you rather people go from 10-50 as Maras and know the playstyle and rotations, or level a Jugg to 50 and then switch over to Mara, get an entirely new spec and thus rotation line and start crying about how much Maras suck (because they didn't level one and thus are unfamiliar with them).


Plus, the armor looks pretty bad. Even at 33, my Jugg is looking similar to Darth Vader right now, which made busting into that underground once-forcefielded fortress on Alderaan so very awesome.

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I would definitely stay Marauder. The only relevant things I would actually gain by switching to Juggernaut would be Intercede and the ability to get more medals easily in PvP with guard and taunt, and a little more durability. But I would be sacrificing far more to gain those things. After having tried nearly every class in this game at least to some extent, the Marauder is my favorite overall. Sure, it's tougher in solo PvE than most of the other classes I've played... but it's far more enjoyable in PvP and in group PvE than anything else. It's a complex class that gives me a lot of options and rewards me for learning the intricacies of my abilities, and that is absolutely priceless as far as I'm concerned. Plus... I feel like an absolute beast when I play the Marauder.
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O to have my Sorc at 50 ;) so less taxing on the brain.
I have a level 18 sorc, playing it is so simple I almost go to sleep sometimes. I'm speccing heals and I quest with a buddy. This is my healing rotation...


(Static barrier as needed.)

Dark Infusion

Dark Infusion

Dark Infusion

Dark Infusion

Dark Infusion

Dark Infusion


Woo! I'm tellin ya, healing is a blast! :(

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