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ifs theres no rollback and revert ilum changes ill unsub


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Seriously kids relax. If your gonna unsub do it. ****. Get off the forums. @Cya


No one is asking for perfect. Just to not be flawed beyond repair.

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Games been out for a month.





Seriously kids relax. If your gonna unsub do it. ****. Get off the forums. @Cya



fuk you im not going to play in a p2p persistent mmo with massive unfair rewards to the other faction.

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Crucible Pits Republic guilds are dominating Empire. Re-roll? I don't know ...



Either way, Republic as a whole is definitely outnumbered by Empire. Seeing so many upset Republic players is only going to make it worse in the end.


If many Republic players quit or re-roll Empire, as much as I love this game, I'm afraid that the damage done might be too severe for Bioware to recover from.


I do hope I'm wrong. I'm Republic and I don't care, I'll just stay away from Ilum. However, if the Republic players leave, there won't be anyone for Empire to fight against.



Do away with factions ... make everyone neutral.


I have the fix for this..

Give the Republic the Lannik Race.

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The pot calling the kettle black...What's worse the whiner or the one(s) whining about whining?

Most would agree, it's the latter.


Nope. Sorry. I represent "the Most" you are referring to and we most certainly do NOT agree.


See? I can make sweeping generalities too and make them sound authoritative!

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Sorry but you want to roll back to the previous illum where there was no pvp and free champion bags?


Please tell me why you people prefer to get gear than doing the thing the gear is made for? in this case pvp....


The previous system was a failure rewarding people for nothing and therefore making champion gear seem a normal thing and nothing special at all.


In fact if you want it your way just remove centurion gear and replace it with champion gear and give battlemaster tokens in the bags.


Stop begging for free stuff. You may not realize it but you are.

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So while I spend time trying to complete my ilum daily some random lvl 20 imp afks in the republic base and gain .. ooooh I dont know.. around 60 valor ranks in the matter of a few hours?


yeah thats fair.. PvP not broken at all


you cant outrank your level but your point still stand

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If your going to quit just do it .... just dont expect bio to get on there knee's and beg you to stay.


Sorry but true :)


This attitude is exactly the same present by the fanbois club in a couple MMOs in the past; lets see if we can remember a few...


AW Planet

Air Warriors

Asherons Call 2

Earth and Beyond

Faces of Mankind


Legends of Kesmai

Matrix Online

Middle Earth Online

Mimensis Online

Motor City Online


Shadow of Yserbius

Space cowboys

Tabula Rasa

The Sims Online


Warhammer Online (2001-2004 version)

and who can forget... Star Wars Galaxies


Im sure I missed a few. MMOs where too many players unsub will fail.. and I have you to thank for the quote----- Sorry but true :)



ya know.. considering a few those on the list belonged to EA, Im sure they love the same attitude in these forums.

Edited by lilbyte
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And this from someone who loves the game, but hate hate HATES the idea of having to warzone against empire 50s who are in full battlemasters because of how stupid Ilum is atm.


You can tell from this forum everyone who is upset by this are Republic, and everyone who's going with the "bai bai" "can i have your stuff" route are Empire. Guess what? The people who are upset aren't your usual WoW fanboy detractors and naysayers... it's pretty much EVERY republic player who enjoys this game. So instead of blindly coming to BW's defense, use your head and think for a second what happens to the game when Republic players unsub in a game where the faction ratio is already something ridiculous like 3:1 on most servers.

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I am sorry but you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

There is no tactic or creativity that will help you once you face something like the guy on the video faced, he cannot even get the hell out of there less alone do something about it.

And that is what is happening right now on majority of PvP servers after today's patch.


On that, yes. He's getting spawn camped and that really sucks. I was talking more generally, however, to those who are just saying it's hard to kill anyone because they run face-first into 20 Imperials guarding the objective, which is what the majority are saying. They're not complaining about being spawncamped, they're just saying they're outnumbered. It's possible to complete the daily while being outnumbered is all I'm saying.


The spawn camping thing is slightly different though, you're right - a sanctuary area around it with a fleet shuttle would be ideal here.


I don't know how you can claim it's "the majority of PvP servers" though. How many servers do you have a level 50 on to back that claim up?

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The reading comprehension of some of you people makes me fear the future.


The video shows a problem. But the REAL problem is people farming NPCs that infinitely respawn. Everyone on whichever side has the most players will be battlemasters by EOD.

Edited by Holden_Dissent
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