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Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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This aint even the developers fault...its the managements fault...they NEEDED to sell it in 2011 to have their annual numbers lookin better. And the Game suffered bigtime cause its no fully tested. So cut them guys from BW some slack and complain more about EA and Lucasarts. I personally don't buy any EA game in general...well besides this one obviously :D.


na m8 its BW fault..the plum incharge should have stood his ground and said "no .its not ready" instead he just took the money cos his missus wanted new **** and some shiney shineys.

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I hate to be the grammar police but some of these posts are just appalling. I'm still having a fantastic time in the game as there is so much content to be explored. Make the most of it as by the looks of things this game will expand rapidly over the coming months and I'm sure it will be hard to keep up. :)
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After the last update they made it impossible for people who play swtor casually to get gear. I am level 50 and now getting gear is going to be a teeth pulling experience. I either have to fight my friends and allies on ilum for boxes and kills. Or play the WZ against people who have gotten top notch gear before the patch. Giving me no chance to win the WZ and get my dailies finished. They should be more worried about everyone in the game not just the lifeless drones that play the game like it was their profession.


You got that right. I use to enjoy the WZ like crazy but that kind of change now that I turned 50 (the same day as the 1.1 patch) and I got to fight mostly against PvP geared people who have played this game like it was their full time job. Getting beat up because the other players played the WZ better than me is one thing, and getting my *** kick because I did not played the game 12 hours a day is an other.


So what are the options for me? Quitting my job, telling my son I cant play with him anymore for this game? Wait to see if the SWTOR team will find a way to make the game more enjoyable? Or just quit the game? Yep, I can't believe I'm already thinking of that after only a little over a mouth.. Sad or pathetic?

Edited by Malistrix
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i wasted so much time on this game farming to get to 60 valor when i should have just waited for biofail to release this patch.


gg swtor back to wow


Well then, if you ground up something you didn't enjoy to get something you didn't care about then I think it is safe to say, your 'waste of time' is all your fault.


Why does the fact that some people exploited a bug to get what you worked for, take away from what you have and make it a waste?


Not defending the people who exploited a crappy situation, but I cant see how it takes from me or you.


As for the imbalance, what about putting a cap on any one faction within an instance of Illum? 100 people, each faction is limited to 50 players. While there could still be an imbalance if far less than 50 of one faction were there, it would mitigate the worst of it. Besides, what else could be done? Tell Empire players you have to go play Republic now?

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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You guys just ruined all my faith in bioware, so for this i have deleted the game, and im not even gona touch it again. Hopefully if u could be so fine, please return all my money. Ofc i know u wont do this...


Still if u would be so kind and reset the game, i would even pay 100euro.

By reseting the game meening, from the day before this patch, i had spent over 150hours playing wz's for my rank 60, and now ppl that i have NEVER SEEN HAS FULL BATTLEMASTER!!




Thanks for steeling my time, you *"*!"#"#!"#!!!!, I would like to write so many nasty words! but then u just gona delete my account and this thread post cuz that what you guys do, u just done give a F about ur costumers, thats the reason ur now DESTROYING the old republic TOTAL!


And this will mabye be the worlds biggest MMORPG Fiasko EVER!.


Ive talked to over 10.000 ppl that play active PVP and they all are saying the same thing, THE ONLY ONE's that Whine of not going back and reset, is those F..... noobs that don't wana play and get good in PVP, they just wana get the gear so that they look good, use ur brains and listen up to what we are saying!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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This patch have completely ruined the fun from the game. It added more lags, more bugs and most importantly screwed whole PvP system.


Our guild was based on first Battlemasters in Europe and people around them and today we start losing people, the game is not fun to play anymore, since everyone is just depressed, skills are bugged and from like 3 battlemasters there are now 300 in one day.


The great game has lost all it's attractivness in PvP to play, noone is interrested in doing anything and there are not many people in guild online anymore.


If you could just remove the exploited Valor gained the day patch 1.1 came, it might be saved, but since you think it was working as intended, alright.... One month of forming premades, guild and teaming and tactics compared to 1fps zerg and spawnkilling people for few hours, good job.

Edited by secmazec
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Well I give up. I was mad last night, came back with a cool head today and actually enjoyed Ilum to a point 3v1 was far better than 20v1, but its clear that many of the republic players on my server have left already, those few that we still have left are suddenly vastly outgeared. I could spend another month of my life trying to get the gear that I was having so much fun working on before R1.1, but the funs gone.


Watching eight Battlemastered out players on Empire stomp their way through out mix and match republic group was the last straw.


it's clear Bioware has no shred of respect for its community, I guess I should have been warned by the experiences with Customer Service at the start and the sheer lack of any forum posts on the Dev Tracker.

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i did not buy this game for the pvp. i bought it for amazing bioware story lines. PVP has always been broken in my eyes in WOW and in this. i dont see the point of unsubbing because of the bugs. this is biowares first attempt at MMO's cut them some slack guys come on.
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So when "EALOUSE" was about to get ****-canned over a year ago, and said the game would be a massive failure because they put so much emphasis in sound (ie, voice-overs and whatnot) The damage control team went into action, attacking his "anonymous" blog as unsubstantiated lies.


The fanboys mirrored this move and hundreds of game sites attacked him as being a coward, and a liar.


Well, he called it, the game is exactly what he said it would be.


The single best feature of this game by a wide-margin is the voiceover work. The rest is garbage.


Sure, some people will stay, but I'd be willing to bet the cries for server merges will start in the next 60 days.. that's if they don't start tomorrow.

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Now i don't exactly due much, Ilum open pvp so only just read a fragment on the Ilum "exploit" and "faction imbaklance" dismay, But as what goes for turret wouldn't the obvious fix, be to put down the valour reward/gain on level with warzones then there wouldn't exactly be a insigniment to try exploit it for valour?


As for imbalance in population í am not really sure one can fix it less for force cap it, one might level it slight bit out by buffing the weaker party while in zone, but again less numbers will always be less, no matter if buffed or not.

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So when "EALOUSE" was about to get ****-canned over a year ago, and said the game would be a massive failure because they put so much emphasis in sound (ie, voice-overs and whatnot) The damage control team went into action, attacking his "anonymous" blog as unsubstantiated lies.


The fanboys mirrored this move and hundreds of game sites attacked him as being a coward, and a liar.


Well, he called it, the game is exactly what he said it would be.


The single best feature of this game by a wide-margin is the voiceover work. The rest is garbage.


Sure, some people will stay, but I'd be willing to bet the cries for server merges will start in the next 60 days.. that's if they don't start tomorrow.


Disagree i like both the storylines and the voice overs, then i think there features also added, which give some nice edges to what normally sinks the enjoyment for me, that said ofcause there some features lagging id wish to see in, like more useful updated Galactic trade terminal search engine, a better less random pvp reward system(haven't checked updates yet, so not sure if this already came in this patch).


There will however always be things one will like different, thats not gonna change or recieve updates, but that the way things will always be you won't find a completely perfect mmo all around for everyone. That doesn't however make TOR a bad mmo, its still the best mmo out on the market atm in my opion.


The fact that the developers actually are constantly trying to improve it, trying take players feedbacks into consideration, actually a plus at least in my mind but you can never please the "whiner crowd" there will always be something.

Edited by Barzarel
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I couldn't care less about PvP (but my heart goes out to those of you who do - the little "improvement" to Ilum is a metric ton of retardation) but seriously...crap FPS again?! It was fixed and it was wonderful, and then 1.1 happened. Just....what? Why? HOW?


You trollin' us BW?

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The single best feature of this game by a wide-margin is the voiceover work. The rest is garbage.


Sure, some people will stay, but I'd be willing to bet the cries for server merges will start in the next 60 days.. that's if they don't start tomorrow.



This game plays basically like WoW except better in many aspects, and has had a more successful launch than WoW ever had. TOR is still going strong, and if WoW hasn't failed yet (despite being an inferior product) lol why would this? Next.


Oh and 1/10

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I think people need to calm down and think about things before jumping off into the /rage mode. The game is only a month old, already BW have been regularly patching/fixing bugs as they come up and as quickly as they can find solutions to the issues. That is a lot better than many other MMO's I have played in the past.


Lets take an example... WoW, a solid veteran of the MMO world. They released the latest expansion. The 3 dungeons were badly broken, lots of disconnect issues, loading issues, loot issues. Now being as Blizzard have been working with MMO's for 8 years you would have expected it to be fixed straight away, to be honest, shouldn't have been an issue at implementation. But the fixes took a couple of weeks to be fully implemented.


As for PvP gaming, all the people that are complaining about class/faction imbalance, spawn point camping, should really take of the rose coloured glasses and go have a look at WoW's PvP systems again. Spawn Point Camping... mmm yes, Class imblance.... yes, Faction imbalances... oh and again Yes...


PvP balancing a MMO game of this type is always going to be iffy. Especially when you consider the fact that (WoW still has the issue, and its still complained about and never been fixed or corrected) the classes are playable in both PvP and PvE envioroments and that changes specifically because x ability or x class is overpowered in PvP usually screws up PvE gameplay and design for that class.


Now for those that are complaining about slow or little Dev/Monitor response on these forums, might want to go ask former WoW EU players about responses to popular issues and problems because they usually got none at all or if they did, it was a please moderate the language post, not a response at all.


Personally so far for me this game has been a much more enjoyable experience than WoW, which right now is the MMO industry benchmark. I actually enjoy the quest/storyline interactions, the dialogue choices and the random emails after quests which relate to my choices. So far the re-playability of the game has been great, I have taken a republic character to level 50 through solo play and enjoyed every minute of it. I have also taken a Sith character to level 50, 40 odd levels by myself, but I took a break and waited for my friends to catch up, and then levelled to 50 with them.


The PvE aspects of the game have been great, okay so I have not played any of the PvP with TOR yet. In all probability I wont but people do need to remember that BW are new to the MMO genre, a single person game is a very different beast altogether. Like blizzard, CCCP and others they are going to have issues and bugs along the way. Act like adults and give them a chance to work on those errors, without screaming about them.

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Never have had anyting to complain about bioware, nothing at all. And the bottom line regarding 1.1 is thats I like it, but.......


That UI cooldown colour thingy that people complain about and now me also...you really need to fix it either back, or at least give it another colour..its a pain in the butt actually when it have the same colour (blue'ish) as the HUD. Sometimes you think a skill is ready when its not.


So help me/us obi-wan bioware you are our only hope.


May the force be with you all.

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I hate to be the grammar police but some of these posts are just appalling. I'm still having a fantastic time in the game as there is so much content to be explored. Make the most of it as by the looks of things this game will expand rapidly over the coming months and I'm sure it will be hard to keep up. :)


just remember that not all ppl here come from an english speaking country...so stop being a wiseguy...and grammar doesnt matter as long as we understand eachother...

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This game plays basically like WoW except better in many aspects, and has had a more successful launch than WoW ever had. TOR is still going strong, and if WoW hasn't failed yet (despite being an inferior product) lol why would this? Next.


Oh and 1/10


dear lord...are you really that simpleminded?


prolly yes...WoW was unique at its time so ofc it couldn't have the same success in launch as sw tor had...now ---> ask yourself IF sw:tor would have had the same success with beeing launched a) back when wow was or b) now without wow existing at all. No in both cases.


WoW brought up so many mmo players and THATS the reason (besides the star wars story line) why sw:tor had such a launch. Thinking must be really hard huh?

Edited by Terebor
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