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Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for the mysterious ability delay everyone keeps complaining about, but it has yet to rear its ugly head. I hit a key, my toon does the ability, I hit another key, toon does that, etc.. So yah, no idea what ya'll are talking about. :


Do you play Republic?

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We plan to release new Operations, Flashpoints, Warzones, Space Missions, single player content, vehicles, and companion characters. We’ll always be improving our existing game with additions like guild banks, PVP ranked matches and interface customization. Our Legacy system expands in March, bringing more options and a new level of depth to the existing character classes.


Single Player Content - as in a continued class story or more planetary bonus missions?


Companions - as in added at the end or during leveling, do we get to pick/dismiss or do we have to feed them all? :)


Legacy system/new level of depth - really curious about that one!

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Ok, I figured out my tanked FPS issue.


I'm forcing AA through my video card. With this Update, looks like AA is back in Preferences, though the tooltip says it hasn't been implemented yet, it's set to "High". I turned it off in Preferences, and voila, FPS back to 60.


Is the tooltip correct? Has it still not been implemented yet? If it actually has, I may turn off my forced AA and set it in Preferences to see.


I may do that, anyway...

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It's a shame the forums only represent the minority. All this crying about pvp from pvp people, yet there is a whole massive other part of the game that many more are enjoying and playing (or having fits with because its got huge glitches and issues that are being overlooked in light of these lil pvp tweaks).


Even bioware rolled out the facts that 'nearly' half of all players 'tried' pvp. That right there says those who have done pvp make up less then half of the player base. And its a loose grouping, of 'those that tried it' vs 'those who are adamant about it'. Making the hard core pvp player an even smaller fraction of the overall player base.


Yet what do we see all over the forums, spewing filth and garbage? Those few squeaky wheels of the minority pvpr.


Where I am going with this is:


Bioware is trying their best to cover all the bases, even the minority of pvp player bases. They have a LOT to work on, and pvp is only a fraction of the overall game. Cut them some slack, and let them fix things. The more they fix, and less they read useless pvp crybaby rants, then the sooner this game gets more solid and enjoyable by everyone.


I guess you don't understand how the PVP issues going on will affect PvE.

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Since the PvP changes in warzones now accommodate a 50s only bracket you need to allow for Ops groups to join in as a group. The 50s brackets were intended to give a balance so 50s wouldn't tear into lower lvl players; however, now the problem is that you can't pug pvp groups and hope to win and at times even a group of 4 (those you know or guildies) may not be enough. There is more strategy this time around and therefore you should allow ops groups to join a pvp match. While the opposition to such a change would suggest that would imply any one ops group tearing into any group that is the point of 50s brackets to see who is the best and who works well together. Edited by darthaivur
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How about let's discuss just WHAT THE HELL you're doing with our money?


How about discussing your perfect timing on releasing this monstrosity just before telling everyone to stay or get the **** out of your game?


If you all (Bioware) came out and admitted to using heroin or meth with my money, I'd find more sympathy deep in me somewhere, but as it stands, you just pissed in my cereal as a supreme court judge.

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There is so freaking much to do in this game that it's not funny. Go practice skill rotations in PvE. Try RP for awhile. Level up another alt and learn how those skills work so you can anticipate what that class will do against you in PvP.


However, expecting perfection in game balance in 2 or 3 weeks is a. impossible and b. unreasonable. Are some things broken/exploited? Yes. Name me one single MMO where that doesn't happen, however. Can't think of any? Yep, that's right--NO game is perfect.


All this "OMG I'm unsubbing because it wasn't fixed NAO!!!!!111!!!" is insane, but not unexpected, mostly because the internet is filled with complete fruitcakes. Frankly, if you want to quit for that reason, go ahead. It'll make it more fun and less laggy for the rest of us, and we won't have to listen to you gripe in chat about everything you hate about the game. In the meantime, I"ll be patient and wait for fixes to come in that will improve PvP. It'll give me time to hone my skills so that when you do come back (if you ever, in fact, leave), I'll pwn you into oblivion.


Now, if you have specific problems and actual SOLUTIONS, that's actually constructive and useful to the devs. If you're not going to help fix the problem, at least quit being _part_ of the problem.


tl;dr version:

1. They can't fix it all overnight.

2. Provide some concrete examples of a problem and give reasonable suggestions for constructive solutions

3. Un-subbers--don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out.


I agree with this, so much to do in-game.


But the key ones I like to do involve combat like questing, FPs, and PvP. However due to the combat issues they are having it's barely manageable for myself as I'm such a purist. Combat at low levels are fine because the delay of a few seconds don't matter at those levels. But the higher you go the more those seconds count and are more noticeable to the problem with their delay issues.


When I reach a certain level where its noticeable I just start another toon until its hopefully fixed. Currently I have 2 level 38 toons, 5 level 35, and 18 level 15-25 toons across 7 US servers and 2 EU servers. The class quests are addictive.


But even with all the things I'm doing in game its painful to think that such a beautiful game can have such a clunky combat issue. Lucky for them they have 8 class stories and a few ways for each of those stories to go in different directions. So I give myself a 3-4 months if I stretch it out. But imagine if they fix those problems, I can finally level those characters to 50 and find out those endings... But I guess my problem is I'm picky... w/e I'll just keep playing, and see my options as they are available to me.

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I also noticed that when Artificing, comparing items to the items you have currently equipped, the "Stat Changes" seem to be reversed.




And now activating doors and other things requires you to exit stealth manually, instead of just exiting stealth automatically. I think I understand why but with no armor or healing, the Shadow should retain some advantages.

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It's a shame the forums only represent the minority. All this crying about pvp from pvp people, yet there is a whole massive other part of the game that many more are enjoying and playing (or having fits with because its got huge glitches and issues that are being overlooked in light of these lil pvp tweaks).


Even bioware rolled out the facts that 'nearly' half of all players 'tried' pvp. That right there says those who have done pvp make up less then half of the player base. And its a loose grouping, of 'those that tried it' vs 'those who are adamant about it'. Making the hard core pvp player an even smaller fraction of the overall player base.


Yet what do we see all over the forums, spewing filth and garbage? Those few squeaky wheels of the minority pvpr.


Where I am going with this is:


Bioware is trying their best to cover all the bases, even the minority of pvp player bases. They have a LOT to work on, and pvp is only a fraction of the overall game. Cut them some slack, and let them fix things. The more they fix, and less they read useless pvp crybaby rants, then the sooner this game gets more solid and enjoyable by everyone.


Minority being people posting on forums. I would imagine the groups of people using forums are much higher, just a majority of them don't post.


I would think groups as followed trolls, fans, whiners, people in need a help, new people, and browsers (people who don't post at all). I don't like posting at all, but there is one issue I'm interested into knowing and following how it came to be and how it even got through into launch. Because normally a combat issue this big usually breaks the game and causes major out pour.


So basically I'm just watching the drama unfold... lol

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wow.... i haven't heard so much crying since i dropped my kids off at daycare. some of you people really don't have clue. complaining about how horrible the developers are, when the only thing you've ever developed was bad rash from sitting at your computer crying because something is not the way you expect it to be. this is why they don't listen to you. be reasonable and present your issues in an adult manner and you might see some results. otherwise, you're just another troll.
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LOL who cares about content when the balances in PvP are horrible? This patch should have concentrated on fixing balancing issues and bugs. Don't say ops and BH's aren't OP. Buddy and I rerolled one of each and wow. Instead of cheer leading how awesome your patch is, focus on the problems. BioWare makes awesome single player games. Your MMO leaves much to be desired. Address the issues you have now or shut up. Edited by Shepird
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wow.... i haven't heard so much crying since i dropped my kids off at daycare. some of you people really don't have clue. complaining about how horrible the developers are, when the only thing you've ever developed was bad rash from sitting at your computer crying because something is not the way you expect it to be. this is why they don't listen to you. be reasonable and present your issues in an adult manner and you might see some results. otherwise, you're just another troll.


*thumbs up*

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Repeat after me.


Turrets DO NOT GIVE VALOR. I have killed 5 turrets now and received no valor from any of them. I wish people would quit spreading these lies.


As for the QQ about lag from the PvP area. I hate to tell you, but absolutely NO GAME CREATED can handle 200+ people in one tiny area spamming graphically intense abilities. Its not happening.

Edited by jHats
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wow.... i haven't heard so much crying since i dropped my kids off at daycare. some of you people really don't have clue. complaining about how horrible the developers are, when the only thing you've ever developed was bad rash from sitting at your computer crying because something is not the way you expect it to be. this is why they don't listen to you. be reasonable and present your issues in an adult manner and you might see some results. otherwise, you're just another troll.


First, I am a programmer by trade. It pays my mortgage and puts food on the table.


Second, you need to go take a trip to the Customer Service forum. Enough said there.


Third, you yourself should present your argument in an adult-like manner. Belittling people who are having real issues to stroke your own ego sounds like something I would expect from a 12 year old bully.


And last, but not least... this is a troll.

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Repeat after me.




I have killed 5 turrets now and received no valor from any of them.


I wish people would quit spreading these lies.


Haven't had a chance to play yet. If you're right and they don't, how are people getting Valor so quickly? Or is this not correct either?

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Haven't had a chance to play yet. If you're right and they don't, how are people getting Valor so quickly? Or is this not correct either?


The valor is high because of the indifference. Hold 5 objectives, you get 400% valor bonus. If you get a killing blow thats 180 + 20 valor... FOR ONE KILL!


If you just help kill you get 110 bonus + 20 which is 130 Valor.


The valor gains are simply too high for kills and healing. I heal people who are getting kills and i get the same valor. At one point I got around 800 valor in the span of 15 seconds.

They need to do a rollback and lower valor bonus. For a killing blow you should get 10-15 and for helping you should get 5-10.. Its absurd to get as much as we are now for kills.

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Currently this game is still on its high because it forced its customers to buy subscriptions without any free month value to it for people to test the waters. Basically here is how it will play out. People who bought 1 month subscriptions will be wanting something fast or some percentage of that user base will be canceling. Fans of the game who have been waiting for years would have more than likely have purchased monthly subscription packs to save money and as a show of support.



No one was forced to buy anything, I've had to do the same with any mmo. This isn't new. And you do get 30 days free so come off it.

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I don't know what changes were made re the graphics settings. But since the patch its reverted to an older smaller resolution for me and when I try to set it back to the widest/largest resolution, the timer ends before I can see the UI to select "Keep Changes". Its very annoying having to play on a lower setting when I was on a higher one before. Please in future patches like this, DO NOT reset the graphics settings of the players set up.
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