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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Video] This is Ilum - Republic Perspective


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Right now both factions are mirror images of each other, same spells, same classes, same everything. The only difference is the names of the spells and classes. Silly...

Well ...


I'm not a powers guru, but there are some cases where "mirrored" powers behave differently -- ferinstance, one or two powers have front-loaded damage Imperial side, while the Republic gets back-loaded damage. Same damage, same effects in both cases, but it's far easier to interrupt the damage component of the Republic power. A handful of little things like this initially gave the Imperials a tiny advantage in PvP.


Unfortunately, that tiny advantage meant a few more wins for the Imperials (53 : 47 on some maps, per the devs) which has meant that an increasing number of "Play To Win" PvPers switched to Imperial.


What we have now is a t***** problem to sort out.


Imperial is more attractive to play (literally and figuratively, Imperial animations are often splashier). This has led to a population imbalance. Which has led to Imperial farming Illum turrets on several servers. Which is going to throw PvP even more off-kilter as Imperials get better gear.


That's one of the odd things about MMOs -- players can tease out the most minute advantages from a PvP system and leverage those advantages to a surprising degree.


For those who don't see the big picture: having OMG awesome gear is great -- have fun using it in PvE 'cause you're unlikely to be seeing a lot of hot Imp / Republic action until BioWare starts fixing its mess.


Edit: Really? A rose has many thorns and is therefore "t*****" ... that gets bleeped?

Edited by BurningChick
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Hmmm...This problem needs rectifying. I just went to Ilum to pick up my (new) daily 30 armaments/PVP kills and was met by 5, Level 50 Imps at the landing zone in the Republic base. I was the only Republic player on the entire planet. I was able to force speed and block spells my way out of our own base but the new warning message Bioware has on Ilum alerted me to the fact that were 15 or so Imps in Central Assault. Obviously I didn't go there to pick up the armaments for the daily quest but rather got out of there on my speeder.


My point is this: because of the population imbalance in favor of the Imps on our server, they will easily be able to achieve their daily 30 armaments and 150 weekly ones but those of us who are on the Republic side will find it very difficult to achieve the same unless we play like at 3:00 a.m. In other words, this has absolutely nothing to do with skill or Republic players being bad. Even if all 10 of us level 50s in my guild went to Ilum together we would still likely lose because from what I saw all there were part of the same Imp guild. Moreover, I've NEVER seen more than 8 Republic people on Ilum at any given time on our server, not even on Saturdays, (minus the 3 level 12 credit farmers who tend to be there a lot) and yet there were 20 Imps waiting for me at 10:30 a.m. in the morning just now. Heaven knows how many must be there on Saturdays if they have 20 at the moment.


And while it was never unusual to see far more Imps in the Ilum warzone than Reps, I was almost always able to go to another part of the PVP warzone to destroy the tanks where there weren't Imps to achieve the daily 5 section conquers (so it was never a problem). Being forced to pick up armaments in Central Assault changes things because the Imps are just parked there. My guild said that large numbers of Imps have been there all morning.


Again, it will be far more work for the Reps to achieve their dailies on my server than it will be for the Imps. So not skill. Imbalance.

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Poor Bioware....poor republic.


I could forgive poorly thought out dailies/weeklies, but the lack of foresight into protection of spawnpoints in a pvp-only map means Bioware just doesn't have people with the appropriate experience handling this.



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(apologies for the ~9 seconds of grey stuff. Xsplit hates youtube for some reason)


Well, if anyone is asking, the only way I'm up so far on my Kills/Armaments is because I run out, Concussion Charge and die, hoping I hit someone who dies from the turrets just before I die. Only about 30-50% of my kills actually registers.


Maybe this video, seen by others than us who experience it will help you make an informed decision when you are one day confronted with whining about faction imbalance.


This is Identical to what is currently happening on Tarentatek server.


Honestly if imps can overrun our turrets and spawn against almost every person we had on illum (20 or so). i really dont want to go to illum anymore.

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Poor Bioware....poor republic.


I could forgive poorly thought out dailies/weeklies, but the lack of foresight into protection of spawnpoints in a pvp-only map means Bioware just doesn't have people with the appropriate experience handling this.




Exactly, those particular spawn points need to be guarded with some omnipotent guards or turrets who can one shoot player and be done with it as things are now.


Two days from now you wont be able to see a republic player on Illum on some servers.

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(apologies for the ~9 seconds of grey stuff. Xsplit hates youtube for some reason)


Well, if anyone is asking, the only way I'm up so far on my Kills/Armaments is because I run out, Concussion Charge and die, hoping I hit someone who dies from the turrets just before I die. Only about 30-50% of my kills actually registers.


Maybe this video, seen by others than us who experience it will help you make an informed decision when you are one day confronted with whining about faction imbalance.


Having seen this, I might unsub.


I had heard people talking about it but hadn't actually seen it with my own eyes.


Thank you for posting this!

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Poor Bioware....poor republic.


I could forgive poorly thought out dailies/weeklies, but the lack of foresight into protection of spawnpoints in a pvp-only map means Bioware just doesn't have people with the appropriate experience handling this.




I agree, not to be a douche but some people at BW should be losing there jobs right about now IMO.


With that being said, rollback everything pvp related to the previous nights figures. (exp. valor....etc)


The reality is they gotta make ilum fair, either start putting imps into a queue or just scrap the whole thing. even putting a ops groups together does nothing, 16 people getting rolled by 75 people is just stupid.

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