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Legacy Surname Needs to Go!


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Does anyone else agree that the Legacy rewards should not include a player last name? It turns out that the last name is shared across all characters on the server. I know that you can turn off the Legacy name but I feel like it's a waste. Either don't bother with Legacy or make it things that might be useful.


I heard they were talking about having Legacy unlock new character creation options and titles. That would be fine for me but now I'll have to change my naming convention to match the last name I choose or it sounds stupid for my alts. Just make last name choice available to everyone at a certain level for a credit cost and either exchange Legacy for something else or get rid of it entirely.


This is just to get the opinion out there, I know that BW has bigger problems to deal with right now but still.

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Does anyone else agree that the Legacy rewards should not include a player last name? It turns out that the last name is shared across all characters on the server. I know that you can turn off the Legacy name but I feel like it's a waste. Either don't bother with Legacy or make it things that might be useful.


I heard they were talking about having Legacy unlock new character creation options and titles. That would be fine for me but now I'll have to change my naming convention to match the last name I choose or it sounds stupid for my alts. Just make last name choice available to everyone at a certain level for a credit cost and either exchange Legacy for something else or get rid of it entirely.


This is just to get the opinion out there, I know that BW has bigger problems to deal with right now but still.


Legacy system is patch 1.2.



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Just turn it off in the options. I, for one and probably most others, like the Legacy name. Or if you don't turn it off, there are other options, like having it under your character name "The blah blah Legacy". There are definitely more important issues than this, lol.
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Like I said, I agree that there are more important issues to be dealt with so I don't expect this to be high up on the list of changes and reports that BW needs to address. It was mainly for a forum to discuss other potential Legacy rewards. So far the only thing I have heard about were character customization options during creation.
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sounds like someone made a really silly name selection and now has to live with it.


perhaps in year they might get around to making changes. but like you said there are far more pressing issues out there with most affecting playablity.


i think you should share just what this name you made is. just leave out what server you are on though.

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Does anyone else agree that the Legacy rewards should not include a player last name? It turns out that the last name is shared across all characters on the server. I know that you can turn off the Legacy name but I feel like it's a waste. Either don't bother with Legacy or make it things that might be useful.


I heard they were talking about having Legacy unlock new character creation options and titles. That would be fine for me but now I'll have to change my naming convention to match the last name I choose or it sounds stupid for my alts. Just make last name choice available to everyone at a certain level for a credit cost and either exchange Legacy for something else or get rid of it entirely.


This is just to get the opinion out there, I know that BW has bigger problems to deal with right now but still.


I love the surname , so no I dont agree with you, just dont add one if you dont like it or hide it, very nit picky imo:D

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I think what he means is that a last name which fits a character perfectly may seem out of place for a different character. It kind of forces you to find names for your alts which work with the surname, and takes some creativity out of the character creation process. The fact that you can display it as "The X Legacy" doesn't help, because your alts can't have a surname of their own.


Also, there's no logical reason why characters of different races and on different factions should share a surname. If anything, it makes things awkward for RP-ers.


I like the surname idea, I like the legacy idea, but I too would have liked to be able to choose different surnames for my different characters. It doesn't bother me too much, though, since I chose a very neutral surname.

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Haven't fooled around with the settings too much for Legacy names, but can't you choose not to display them just like you can with titles?


That's correct.


The point is, people don't want multiple characters, in multiple factions, of multiple species to all somehow be related with the same last name.

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I like the idea of the Legacy system, it's planned to go fully live in March. For those having issues with the fact that the name is shared by both factions here's a simple solution: only have one faction for a given server. And for the different races just try and stick with a somewhat neutral faction type name and you should be fine
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I'm against the legacy surnames too.


Surname shouldn't have anything to do with the legacy system, imo. I don't want all my characters to have the same surname, it's annoying as a roleplayer.

Edited by Jimbe
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I'm against the legacy surnames too.


Surname shouldn't have anything to do with the legacy system, imo. I don't want all my characters to have the same surname, it's annoying as a roleplayer.


So, turn it off. Done. What's the problem?


People that want to have it on multiple characters will, those who don't turn it off with a simple preference election.

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So, turn it off. Done. What's the problem?


People that want to have it on multiple characters will, those who don't turn it off with a simple preference election.


It's just a pointless feature. Letting characters display different surnames would be an improvement over the current system.

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I like the idea of the Legacy system, it's planned to go fully live in March. For those having issues with the fact that the name is shared by both factions here's a simple solution: only have one faction for a given server. And for the different races just try and stick with a somewhat neutral faction type name and you should be fine


so your saying.. that if i like to have alts that i should dictate my race and class to the ability of my surname.


what a great way for me to enjoy playing different styles of chars. I mean its great that my 'evil' sith warrior is related to a 'good' twilek. Honest the family gatherings are so much fun. And telling me to role chars on different servers is not an option. I play this game with friends we are one server for a reason.


They have a great idea in the Legacy program but the last names should NOT be tied to it.

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Does anyone else agree that the Legacy rewards should not include a player last name? It turns out that the last name is shared across all characters on the server. I know that you can turn off the Legacy name but I feel like it's a waste. Either don't bother with Legacy or make it things that might be useful.


I heard they were talking about having Legacy unlock new character creation options and titles. That would be fine for me but now I'll have to change my naming convention to match the last name I choose or it sounds stupid for my alts. Just make last name choice available to everyone at a certain level for a credit cost and either exchange Legacy for something else or get rid of it entirely.


This is just to get the opinion out there, I know that BW has bigger problems to deal with right now but still.


I like it.


Makes me feel like my main and any alts I create are connected - almost as if I can make my own Jedi Family or something, which is kind of a cool concept if properly utilized. So I got no problems with it.

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I don't think the developers intended it to be thought of as a character surname. I think they intended it to be thought of as a player's Legacy name.


For instance, in the lore of my character Vertrand Irati, he is the patriarch of the Irati Legacy (and thus, it is named after him). My scoundrel, Nickel, would never be caught dead wearing the surname "Irati", but when I destroy someone's face in PvP with him, I still want people to know it was me :D

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It will not just offer stuff at character creation. I read that you can change the amounts of exp you get from different aspects of the game...ie lessen quest xp in exchange for more pvp exp if you like to level by pvp. There was also talk of items and other things. Also they said there would be rewards for people who don't want to level an alt.


I believe I read all this in a G4 news article on my phone app.

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The legacy name is for 1.2 patch in where you'll be able to create a family tree with your characters at the selection screen. Eg. Make two of your characters husband and wife, then asign your other character as the daughter. They said they may even have it so you get a family quest, in where you would play as one of your characters, and the other characters would show up as npc's in a mission. Which I think would be pretty sweet.
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I love my surname. I do think it sucks that all characters regardless of race or faction must share it though - for roleplayers, that does suck.


For me, I like the idea that everyone seeing a character with "The Fantastic Legacy" underneath knows exactly who they are dealing with.

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In a similar vein, can more than one account share the same legacy surname on the same server? Say a husband and wife play the game together and want to have the same surnames - will they be able to do so, or is it on a first-come-first-served basis where only one account per server can have a given surname?


Hope that made sense.


Getting on topic, I love the legacy surname system - as others have stated, just don't use it if you don't like feeling you have to choose first names that fit with the last name - and am looking forward to what BioWare does in the next patch with this system.

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IMO the legacy name idea is OK as long as you aren't forced to use the same legacy surname on all your characters on the server. Frankly that's just silly. I have some characters I'll want to share the name and some that I will want to have their own surname... I should have the option to choose. As it stands right now I can either have the same surname on all characters or just turn it off. This just isn't sufficient.


That all said... legacy system patch is coming soon so I'll hold off on any anger until then. However: We told them this was a problem in Beta.

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The thing is, is that it is meant so that if you want to prove you are a player, so you could turn on your legacy surname. Simple as that. Functionability.


In WoW, at least before the real-person/player thing they have, you could do nothing to prove it save for logging out and logging in as that toon.

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