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HORRIBLE AA implamentation.


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Hi folks,


Just in case you missed it, we added the following to the Known Issues thread earlier today:


  • Anti-aliasing is currently disabled for ATI 6900 series graphics cards.
  • Holograms will disappear during conversations if players modify their preferences to turn off bloom while anti-aliasing is on.


To give you all some more insight, the ATI issue is due to a severe graphical glitch and we are in discussions with ATI to resolve this. Thank you for your patience.


I got an Nvidia GTX 570 with newest drivers, when i got AA on i see no Holograms


just wanted to inform of my current problem

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Haha, are people in this thread serious when they're saying there's actually no AA at all?


If you're one of those people you might want to get down to Specsavers because even though it's clearly some sort of post-process smoothing along the lines of MLAA and FXAA (as opposed to true 8/16x FSAA) the effect is still clear and obvious when you use the high setting.


The vast majority of games now use deferred shading, as such traditional anti-aliasing methods do not work without some back-end API level stuff, and in DX9 games you're not going to get any form of FSAA whatsoever. You better get used to it.

Edited by PJEBarlow
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I don't know why this is such a big debate. The game engine is not optimized. You should not need an insanely over-the-top rig to run a themepark MMO, period. And no, it's not ATI/Nvidia's job to optimize Star Wars and release drivers. It's the other way around. The game optimizes, and sends them code who then modify their drivers to allow a proper sync. They have done as such since well before open beta. So no, it's not an excuse.


Telling people to quote, "get a better computer", "the game is new" or "it's an MMO" isn't an excuse either. This is a failure to optimize a game for the average computer, period. I can't remember a game that I couldn't run with AA on at all. This engine is soooo bad :(

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The current AA Implementation just enables the old fashioned Multi-Sampling Anti aliasing which is getting kinda old. There are far better AA options which are both faster, don't need seperate transparency anti aliasing methods which will even slow the game down further, and they are less memory intensive as well.

Neither FXAA, SMAA nor MLAA are 'better' than MSAA.


They usually have less of a performance hit, especially on games using deferred rendering, but they're not nearly as clean. The results aren't as good and there's a tendency to smear the UI and fonts that you don't get with MSAA.


SSAA is better, however, and given that this is a DX9 game it's definitely worth a shot if you've got the horsepower.

High AA seems to be working for everybody but Low doesn't work at all.

No, neither option works for me.

Haha, are people in this thread serious when they're saying there's actually no AA at all?

Yes, because it clearly doesn't work.


Just because it works for you doesn't mean it does so for everyone, this thread have ample examples of people that get identical results with AA set to 'off' and 'high'. Myself included.

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I know what AA does. It simply isn't working. As someone above me mentioned I have to force it through my graphics card settings for it to work.


I have an AMD 6970 card. Anyone else running on AMD/ATI and having issue with it not working at all?


I have the exact same card as you please help me! How do you "force it through your graphics card settings for it to work?"

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I have the exact same card as you please help me! How do you "force it through your graphics card settings for it to work?"


Just choose "overide application settings" from the anti aliasing dropdown menu. Then choose 4x or 8x (imo 4x looks good and doesnt take much fps) then choose filter. ( i like edge detect better) and hit apply.


Down the bottom of that screen is another option Antialiasing mode. You have 3 choices from left best performance to right best quality. I like the first one but you can try and see.


All these options are changeable while you are playing the game. Just alt tab out change a setting then hit apply. Then when you go back to swtor it will reload the game engine and apply the new aa. You can then check fps and appearance and see what you think is best.

You have to be in proper fullscreen for this otherwise it doesnt reload the game engine when you alt tab.

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My girlfriend's computer has dual Radeon 6950s, and it looks way more jagged than on my single Radeon 5870.


It should.


Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi folks,


Just in case you missed it, we added the following to the Known Issues thread earlier today:


Anti-aliasing is currently disabled for ATI 6900 series graphics cards.

Holograms will disappear during conversations if players modify their preferences to turn off bloom while anti-aliasing is on.



To give you all some more insight, the ATI issue is due to a severe graphical glitch and we are in discussions with ATI to resolve this. Thank you for your patience.

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Because IT'S NOT IN. They lied...again. There is no AA.




AA is in, but it seems like the low AA setting=no AA at all and the high AA setting is just 2xFSAA. On top of that, it seems like you can't force the AA level via the client_settings.ini anymore.

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80% drop in fps.


running a Q9550 at 3.6ghz; GTX 285, 8gig of 4-4-4-12 800 memory and rest isn't important setup.


Fix it. Thanks. I'm not going to pay for a game that has no basic game features. Especially one that looks like it should run on 5y old machines.



Dont wanna complain but that setup is realy aging using same setup as yours for my work pc and that cpu and gpu realy cannot run aa decently.


At home i run a i7 with gtx 580 and its realy different game maxx aa all high and between 60-110 fps . Should realy upgrade cannot complain about a new game running bad on old hardware rift for example will run even worse on that system atleast it did for me.

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I don't know why this is such a big debate. The game engine is not optimized. You should not need an insanely over-the-top rig to run a themepark MMO, period. And no, it's not ATI/Nvidia's job to optimize Star Wars and release drivers. It's the other way around. The game optimizes, and sends them code who then modify their drivers to allow a proper sync. They have done as such since well before open beta. So no, it's not an excuse.


Telling people to quote, "get a better computer", "the game is new" or "it's an MMO" isn't an excuse either. This is a failure to optimize a game for the average computer, period. I can't remember a game that I couldn't run with AA on at all. This engine is soooo bad :(

Next time you update the drivers for your graphics card I highly suggest you look at the patch notes. Actually since you're spouting off nonsense I highly suggest you check immediately..





My 5770 is running high AA and stuff pretty well at 1920x1200in windowed mode with firefox etc on a 1280x1024 screen.

Edited by Tool_of_Society
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Dont wanna complain but that setup is realy aging using same setup as yours for my work pc and that cpu and gpu realy cannot run aa decently.


At home i run a i7 with gtx 580 and its realy different game maxx aa all high and between 60-110 fps . Should realy upgrade cannot complain about a new game running bad on old hardware rift for example will run even worse on that system atleast it did for me.


E8500 3.16Ghz with 3,37 GB RAM on GTX 560 - 60 FPS on max settings with out a problem. Game runs as smood as a butter on a bread.

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When you mouse over it, it says that it's not even actually in the game. :confused:


ya i wondered about that.



Kinda glad I do not need AA either forced or through the game since i run in 1920x 1080. I have seen screenshots taken with rigs that need to use AA and i can see the horror for some.

Edited by Baaddare
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No. Different games, different genres.


Works differently, makes use of your hardware differently.


Compare it to another recent MMO, not Crysis or Battlefield 3 which are FPS games.


tried that argument in an old thread about graphics and AA unfortunatly some of the screamign is beyond logical thought

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Before patch I had to Force my AA through My own GFX Options. After Patch, I Tried an experiement where I set it back to "use application Settings". It didnt work. I still have to use my own options.


Doesnt bother me a great deal, but its pretty silly.

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Come again? We have different computers for FPS and MMO genre games these days? That sure is news to me. Newsflash: everything runs on the same API, everything uses the same hardware.


however it uses it differently which is his point. For example MMO's are more cpu intensive than an rpg which is more gpu intensive when it comes to graphics.

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