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Kayilo vs Vector


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Ok so I just finished Alderan and got Vector as a companion character and see has much much better dps than Kayilo it seems so I have started to use him instead of kayilo, but he dies faster than Kayilo. I am spec'd out as a healer and have around rank 5 heals (still waiting on the AoE heal) so which is better? The not-so-good tank Kayilo or the dps Vector?
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I have used Kaliyo throughout leveling. I am 44 currently, and will hopefully get to 50 by this weekend barring a crazy work schedule.


*Edit: I did this both as a healer spec, or dps spec for a while. I just like the ability for Kaliyo to tank a mob, while one is sleeping, and I either heal, or dps one of the other mobs down. Makes heroic (2)s possible solo.

Edited by Dwerth
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After I finished Alderan I did the mission on Hutta to kill the Egale as lv 28 and killed him with Vector even tho he was 4 lv's above me and elite and he went down quick, iv never been able to do that before with Kayilo so I already like Vector better, have you been able to kill any elites 4 lvs above you with Kayilo?

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Ensign Temple > all imo.


It really is a matter of personal preference though.


If you use all three of our interrupts and your shield then there is no quest elite that you cannot tank yourself easily. I like Ensign because she has pretty nice damage and is ranged.


ok ok ok


I really jsut like how she shouts "FANTASTIC!" whenever I kill something.


I am light side, so carting Kaliyo through the game is not a good prospect because she will never be over 2k like unless I give her gifts constantly whereas I got Temple 4 levels ago and she is 5k already.

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need to keep kalyio's upgraded as much as possible, don't rely on quest rewards for this.


i fitted her our with moddable gear and used planet tokens to upgrade her gear.


i replaced kalyio with scorpio.




at the start of corellia class quests you lose kalyio for a while so better have a back up plan


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As an operative heal spec I used Kaliyo all the way until I got Temple. I now use Temple for trash mobs and general questing and pull out Kaliyo for Boss Fights as I find it easier for her to just meat shield during these fights.


I am Cybertech and keep both companions completely modded and in as much orange gear as I can come across. Mainly with planet accoms and cheap AH oranges. Since we can share weapons with Kaliyo and he can share weapons with Temple, it really makes keeping them geared easy. I get BH oranges from low level FP's and mod them from Cybertech and cheap AH enhancements. Temple also uses our hand me downs, so I have plenty of oranges for her in my bank.


That is my strategy until I get SCORPIO. I can complete Heroic 2's and take down champs, so its a solid strategy for leveling as a healer OP.

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Ensign Temple > all imo.


It really is a matter of personal preference though.


If you use all three of our interrupts and your shield then there is no quest elite that you cannot tank yourself easily. I like Ensign because she has pretty nice damage and is ranged.


ok ok ok


I really jsut like how she shouts "FANTASTIC!" whenever I kill something.


I am light side, so carting Kaliyo through the game is not a good prospect because she will never be over 2k like unless I give her gifts constantly whereas I got Temple 4 levels ago and she is 5k already.


Ok thanks for all the advice now its time for a noob question, operatives get a shield? I have yet to see this ability, although I am dirt poor after buying the speeder and havent trained anything aside from heals for the past 5 lvs............and I only know of the one interpet. What are the lvs when you get the interputs?

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The shield is Shield Probe at level 32 and the interrupts are Debilitate level 4, Flash Bang level 6, and Distraction level 18. However, I think anything higher than a gold elite only Distraction will work on. Edited by STGrant
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I played as a healer while leveling and prefered taking Vector out of Kaliyo. He does take more damage so you do have to heal him more than Kaliyo, but I ended up killing things a lot faster with him. Also, you will probably end up tanking most of the mobs with Vector out, but if you are a medic then it won't be a problem.


Also if you are light side Vector will love most your choices. :)

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I am spec'd out as a healer and have around rank 5 heals (still waiting on the AoE heal) so which is better? The not-so-good tank Kayilo or the dps Vector?


Vector is crap. He isn't even good dps.


Kaliyo is an amazing tank. Keep her gear upgraded, toggle off abilities you don't need. I now have several epic 126 rated gear on her and I lurves her. Her ability to range tank can keep her out of some damage and allows the user to click her STORM ability to move Kaliyo out of AOEs.


I will say, Scorpio is pretty good tank too but since shes melee, she can and has attracted more adds than Kaliyo does. And she is more susceptible to PBAOEs.


For tanking, I greatly prefer Kaliyo. For damage I greatly prefer Raina Temple. Temple is ranged dps that has AOE options and single target damage. Pick the mode you want and turn her loose.

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Just another aspect of this, I chose Vector (and eventually switched to Temple) because he fell more in line with my lightside choices. I know, I know... dirty hippy lightsider... for shame.

But Kaliyo pretty much hated all my conversation choices.... except when I mouth off to Sith Lords... so I picked Vector for that reason. Plus that ****** totally c-blocked me on Tatooine. She is like some giant c-blocking robot built in some secret Imperial lab.


I specced and leveled as a healer so, as stated above in posts, it was important to keep them geared. And really I think that is the real thing to take away from this type of question. It really doesn't matter who you chose if you keep them geared. If you plan on keeping your companion geared, it really will come down to your playstyle to decide who you want out.

I leveled all the way to 40-something with vector and finished with Temple, as a heal spec. If you keep your companions geared - I placed modable equipment on them and used a majority if not all of the commendations from a planet on them - you should not have a problem no matter who you choose.


Some different specs might be able to slack off on gear, but if you keep your comp geared questing will never be a problem.

Edited by VladeMarkov
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From my experience playing full heal spec, using DPS companion is the way to go even on elite boss. I always open with sleep dart (heal spec has talent that reduce dmg done when sleep effect wear off for 15 sec.), run behind, hidden strike and do some burst dmg to get aggro, after that just dps and heal myself while vector doing his dps. When I get low HP, I can Stun + heal up. The most important thing is interrupt his nasty move - Robot has missiles, Trooper channel full auto , etc.


I agree that temple would be a better than Vector cuz she's ranged. But I just hate her Voice and her eyes. (personal reason lol - I think she looks too honest, cheerful, optimistic, etc)

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I will say, Scorpio is pretty good tank too but since shes melee, she can and has attracted more adds than Kaliyo does. And she is more susceptible to PBAOEs.


She won't attract adds, barring one that walks right through your fight that gets hit by an AoE of hers. In which case a grenade tossed by Kaliyo would have the same effect. Mobs don't aggro on companions. They aggro on you, and then often decide to attack your companion first. But I often let Temple stand somewhere shooting at something, while an NPC walks right through her, no problem, no aggro.


And as to PBAoEs, that depends. Mobs that use those tend to close anyway, so it won't matter. Kaliyo does have the advantage that, if you melee, and she's at range, AoEs won't hit both of you. But that comes at the cost of DPS, since her own melee ranged attacks won't be used.


And the flip side of that, because Kaliyo will often stand at range, you split up the enemies. Ranged stay away and blast, melee close on Kaliyo. With SCORPIO, she closes, which means any melees on her stay near the ranged mobs. And her AoEs hit them both, so she tanks better. Since enemies are grouped, my own AoEs hit more mobs. Though obviously you can get Kaliyo to close by telling her to use one of the appropriate abilities, just less hassle with SCORPIO.


I prefer SCORPIO.

Edited by Battilea
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Ok so I just finished Alderan and got Vector as a companion character and see has much much better dps than Kayilo it seems so I have started to use him instead of kayilo, but he dies faster than Kayilo. I am spec'd out as a healer and have around rank 5 heals (still waiting on the AoE heal) so which is better? The not-so-good tank Kayilo or the dps Vector?


kaliyo in DPS mode with AOE enabled plus using your aoe clears trash faster than a full geared vector was my experience.


Toggling her to tank mode only single target for multi elite cc pulls doing heroics.


I spent over 80K gearing vector to equivalent levels of my kaliyo in orange moded gear and tested.


Only place vector performed better was single elite pulls with myself tanking the mob and primarily DPS'ing with hots running but I'm not tanking 2.


Granted he doesn't like me as much as she does so that may be a factor.

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As concealment at level 50, I find Dr. Lokin the most useful. Unless he pulls too much healing aggro, he can usually heal me through anything. If I'm not taking much damage, I trade off between Temple or Vector depending on whose comments I find more amusing or annoying at the time. Edited by chuixupu
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Vector is dps. It will be (a bit) easier on soft targets with him but while leveling mobs start really hit harder. Kaliyo is good at taking aggro, is tank and is ranged (good versus ranged mobs). As a healer she really is the best.

Vector and Raina will require more healing and your own dps, even as healer, is nearly as good as a DPS pet. Tank pet means no/low healing so more dps on easy packs, and the ability to kill (slowly) very hard targets.

Scorpio does fine but she is melee and is abit harder to gear up (and is very less kinky).

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