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SWTOR Stands as one of the greatest and most ambitious achievements...


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I was just rereading the press release from Bioware, and I noticed a couple of choice quotes:



Fan reaction has been extremely positive


We're going to work together closely with our community in the weeks, months and years ahead, continually serving our audience


Star Wars: The Old Republic stands as one of the greatest and most ambitious achievements in video game history


BioWare and LucasArts have released an unparalleled artistic achievement, always putting fans and product quality first.



Anyone know where they are getting these impressions from?

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What a dumb *** thread. I mean my sub is already canceled because I've accomplished everything I want to, but people actually are happy with this game. If there's a vocal minority, it's the camp making posts like this.



Judging from the mass lockings of any disapproving topic, I am going to say the vocal minority are the ones that are 100% satisfied with their purchase.

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It's a press release, not a hard-hitting piece of journalism. Do you know what marketing is?


There is marketing, and then there is ignoring bugs and mistakes while saying that you have produced one of the most perfect things in history.

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The ingame support is crap, feels like they don't care what one write into a ticket, they don't going to read it but you get automatically answers that don't help. On many issues we don't get any answer here on the forums either, some bugs were reported half a year back during beta and are still in the game, many features people would like to have in the game we still not know if we might get them (or how long it might take). The Europeans get crappy maintenance times, and BioWare don't care that we complain about it. BioWare didn't even gave us server forums here on the board.


How BioWare treated the community before the game launched was not great, but it is even worse now.

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I was just rereading the press release from Bioware, and I noticed a couple of choice quotes:












Anyone know where they are getting these impressions from?


Yeah I guess if a MMO from 2007 is your thang

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Fan reaction has been extremely positive


They don't say how many fans.. ;) In all fairness though, TOR receives high reviews from most sites. Granted, a great many of these are fan sites, run by avid Star Wars and BioWare fans, so perhaps their opinions are biased. Like a French judge scoring a French Olympian higher than the other judges at the table.



We're going to work together closely with our community in the weeks, months and years ahead, continually serving our audience


Since this is a prediction, and hasn't actually happened yet, we can't really pick this one apart. I hesitate to take BioWare/EA at their word, though, as I personally thought they were hit and miss during beta on the whole "working closely with the community." As far as I could see, they relied more on their internal testing and "metrics" (whatever that means, exactly) than feedback from the beta testers themselves.


In fact, some of their design decisions were in direct contrast to what the beta testers almost unanimously indicated a desire to see, like the wholesale decrease in the number of modifiable items available to the player throughout the leveling process, or the removal of the "unify colors to chestpiece" settings option (I am still holding BioWare to their promise to give us a "new and improved" version of this setting in the future.)



Star Wars: The Old Republic stands as one of the greatest and most ambitious achievements in video game history


I suppose you can't argue with record setting initial sales. We'll see how many subs they maintain. Rift did very, very well in the first month as well, relative to other MMOs, but their subscription numbers began a steady decline soon after.



BioWare and LucasArts have released an unparalleled artistic achievement, always putting fans and product quality first.


Depending on your definition of artistic achievement, sure, this one's absolutely true. They certainly devoted huge efforts to both the planet design/themes/ambiance, as well as cinematics. Personally, I'd argue that some of their design decisions (like static lighting on planets as opposed to day/night cycles) actually detracts from the feeling of a living, breathing world, but their design is definitely "artistic," and a heavier emphasis is placed on that aspect of design than in any other MMO.


Putting fans and quality first? That seems like too bold a claim to make in the form of a "mission accomplished" statement, at least this early on. They certainly made compromises to "quality," like not offering a true "high res" graphics option, or the marked difference in quality between a Flashpoint like Black Talon/Esseles, and the flashpoints hastily added in late in beta like Hammer Station and Athiss. There was a fair amount of quality sacrificed there, just to push the content into the game.



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