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Melee in this game....falling asleep


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I'm having some personal issues with melee in this game. Its making my experience dull and boring.


No Autoattack: When people think of auto attack they think of your character playing the game for you. It wasn't that to me, it was something worth far more. It was my character looking like it was in battle. With no auto attack and a 1.5 second global cooldown I feel very disconnected from battles. It's not very star wars to hit once every 1.5 seconds then stand there looking stupid.


Even if auto attack did no damage but just added fighting animations would help melee stay interested in combat...seriously right now it feels like I'm playing a turn based rpg. I feel like tidus running in to hit once then standing there until its his turn again.



1.5 second global cooldown: I really, really, really, really, really, really, really think the MMO community has matured enough to lower the global down to at LEAST 1 seconds or .75 seconds. A lower GCD = more actions in a shorter period = more reliant on skill. In wow my favorite class was the rogue just for the 1 second global cooldown. I can't stand 1.5.


The gcd is there to help casters...why be a caster if melee can pummel you with short global cooldowns? Well if the casters were balanced around it by shortening cast times it would work fine and make it more fun for everybody.



I play an operative for my melee and an operative has short attack animations so maybe i feel it more. Perhaps a marauder would serve me better because they seem to have a lot of double swing / triple swing animations that last almost the entire global cooldown. Right now my animations last probably .3 seconds and i stand there looking dumb for the rest.



So am I the only one that thinks people are ready for a 1 second global cooldown instead of what seems to be the standard and slow 1.5?


Do you also feel the lack of connection when doing combat on a melee class due to no autoattack even if it does no damage?

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Wait, you actually think an auto attack makes you heroic? So when you played a mage/warlock/priest in wow, did you not feel heroic?


I remember raiding Naxx in wotlk. It was fun when I could auto attack patchwerk with guildies and go and make a sandwich


And the 1.5 seconds is for player latency. But I agree that 1 would be better.

Edited by Amandeep
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I'm having some personal issues with melee in this game. Its making my experience dull and boring.


No Autoattack: When people think of auto attack they think of your character playing the game for you. It wasn't that to me, it was something worth far more. It was my character looking like it was in battle. With no auto attack and a 1.5 second global cooldown I feel very disconnected from battles. It's not very star wars to hit once every 1.5 seconds then stand there looking stupid.


Even if auto attack did no damage but just added fighting animations would help melee stay interested in combat...seriously right now it feels like I'm playing a turn based rpg. I feel like tidus running in to hit once then standing there until its his turn again.



1.5 second global cooldown: I really, really, really, really, really, really, really think the MMO community has matured enough to lower the global down to at LEAST 1 seconds or .75 seconds. A lower GCD = more actions in a shorter period = more reliant on skill. In wow my favorite class was the rogue just for the 1 second global cooldown. I can't stand 1.5.


The gcd is there to help casters...why be a caster if melee can pummel you with short global cooldowns? Well if the casters were balanced around it by shortening cast times it would work fine and make it more fun for everybody.



I play an operative for my melee and an operative has short attack animations so maybe i feel it more. Perhaps a marauder would serve me better because they seem to have a lot of double swing / triple swing animations that last almost the entire global cooldown. Right now my animations last probably .3 seconds and i stand there looking dumb for the rest.



So am I the only one that thinks people are ready for a 1 second global cooldown instead of what seems to be the standard and slow 1.5?


Do you also feel the lack of connection when doing combat on a melee class due to no autoattack even if it does no damage?

Sorry, but reading through this whole post I sense an undercurrent of you wanting an easy button? There are reasons why there are GCDs, and if you get annoyed at having them, then maybe playing MMOs and most other games isn't a good idea for you?


If you are really obsessed about lowering your GCD, work on building up alacrity, but it obviously won't get you to where you want to be "hit easy button, watch tv, come back two hours later to level 50".


Sorry, but if you're worried about that and having to watch an animation for .3 seconds, I really don't think gaming is for you.

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I hear you. I try to play the sith/jedi melee classes but they feel like they are waving thier sabers in the air and who/whatever they are attacking is fake getting hit.


Don't have this problem with my sith sorc. The lighting has the "take THIS" punch to it.


It's like the were all doing the lightsaber battle between obiwan and vader when we could be doing the duel of the fates.







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For what its worth, I feel your pain on my Merc. It just feels wrong, like there are these big gaps where the character is doing nothing on the screen. This wasn't an issue when when I played my assassin, that character's motions just seemed to flow better into each other.


my 2 cents

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I thought maybe there was something valuable to the thread in regards to why melee is... off.. but no. It's just wanting WoW.


Light Sabers should do more damage. The blade is far more lethal than the pommel


I know exactly what you mean. 230-430 base damage with the blade, 2k base damage with the pommel. Luke was doing it wrong, clearly.

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I read the replies and it seems not one of you even understood my post. I feel confused.



What mention of an iwin button? I referred to me wanting auto attack for the ANIMATIONS. The LOOK of my character doing something inbetween global cooldowns. I mentioned that TWICE.


Ill say it again. AUTOATTACK for ANIMATIONS doing ZERO DAMAGE. I really can't make it any more clear than that.


Lowering the global cooldown is the exact opposite of making the game easy. If the game was based around having a 1 second global cooldown it would require more attention not less because you would have less time to think about what to hit next.







.....??? What the hell did you guys read? I have no faith in peoples ability to comprehend literature anymore.

Edited by Rectalbeam
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I dunno, I quite like the combat in this game. On both my Sent and my Guardian, it's kind of like watching a fight scene in a movie. lol. Or maybe that's just me.


If anything, I'd remove the GCD and go for the queue system from DAoC/Lotro.

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don't feel you mate. trooper plays very smooth. lower gcd would be a hassle and ammo overspending. Animations too will be affected.


When did trooper become a melee? I said MELEE because ranged generally have cast times / channeled abilities to make it seem like you are doing something. Melee = mostly all instant fast attacks.


First all if the global was lowered your animations would be adjusted...not to mention if you overspend your ammo from lower global cooldowns then you are simple. Use the one that costs no ammo if you need to. Hard stuff.

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Some problems I see:


- The auto-face, which often turns your character in directions just outside of the short 4m melee range


- The inordinately high amount of strong mob HP starting around level 25


- The proportion of ranged NPCs to melee, paired with the fact that several melee classes don't get sufficient gap closers until late in the game


- The wonky AI prevents successful line-of-sight pulls in some cases. Mobs should cease fire if the player goes around a corner, and not re-engage ranged attacks for a few seconds after coming back into line-of-sight.


- The lack of NPC AI to switch to melee mode within a range of about 5-10m from the player


- Ability delay issues (especially on my Assassin and Jugg)

Edited by Traumahawk
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