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Combat post 40


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I'm about to level to 40 and I'm thinking about giving combat another try, simply because I like the idea of doing burst damage. Does it get better, or should is just a bad tree overall as is? Edited by dominion
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Im currently level 24 and have only tryed combat. I read about how its suppose to be weak until 40 yet ive only died once in a boss fight. So im eager to see it at 40, if it really is that much better it should be faceroll after 40.
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Combat starts to shine bright at Lvl 43. That's the point where the combat ultimate is joined by the talent Focused Slash, that refunds one focus point on your Blade Rush.


It's worth the discussion if the Sentinel should specc Focused Slash before going up the combat tree to eventually reach Blade Rush.

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Yeah, everything I've read so far indicates that Combat really takes off after 40, as well. Definitely give it a try...variety is the spice of life :D Plus, then I won't be the only one trying it that late in the game!


Level 43 Combat-spec Sentinel here. It really does shine at this level, what with pretty much every ability I use at a reduced cost and/or refunding focus for me. Granted, I levelled up with that spec the whole way, and I never saw any issues feeling "underpowered" like some have claimed. It's just so overwhelmingly better once you get Blade Rush and then even moreso once you put those couple points into Watchman to get it to refund focus every hit.

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I'm about to level to 40 and I'm thinking about giving combat another try, simply because I like the idea of doing burst damage. Does it get better, or should is just a bad tree overall as is?


If your combat and you hit 40 it gets better yes. The question you should be asking is it as good as watchman? I would say a big fat NO! I was combat to 30, ran watchman to like 42 and then tried combat and was amazed how much worse it was then watchman. Where I was able to easily solo heroics and take out 2-3 elites at once without dieing, I was struggling as combat and dieing vs the same mobs. I think combat might get better at 40 , but I still think it needs some buffing to be as good as watchman is.

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40 combat:


I have played combat since the start...it was a little rough at the start but bout 15 it took off, I got blade rush and its awesome. i use Lord scourge and everything *even golds* die super fast. all those crying about getting owned by golds or even two silvers just dont really understand how to use everything they have is my guess

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If your combat and you hit 40 it gets better yes. The question you should be asking is it as good as watchman? I would say a big fat NO! I was combat to 30, ran watchman to like 42 and then tried combat and was amazed how much worse it was then watchman. Where I was able to easily solo heroics and take out 2-3 elites at once without dieing, I was struggling as combat and dieing vs the same mobs. I think combat might get better at 40 , but I still think it needs some buffing to be as good as watchman is.


Here's the thing: I don't want to play a DoT build. I like pure, raw DPS based on how many times per second I can swing my lightsabers at the enemy's face. Could Watchman technically give me higher DPS? Sure I guess, but I don't care, as it's not the style I want to play. Also, I've never once felt there was a problem with my build/AC, and I don't think the damage difference between the two builds is at all statistically significant. The main deciding factor really is just the individual skill/preferences of the player.


In my experience, DoT builds do tend to give somewhat higher DPS than straight DPS builds do, but the tradeoff is a less-than-ideal levelling process (harder to deal damage until you get all the setup abilities) and a playstyle that I'm not a fan of (relying on the setup and maintaining those DoTs).


EDIT: TL;DR--pick whatever you think is most entertaining. Any potential balance issues are either insignificant or are going to be addressed by Bioware, so don't worry about them.

Edited by CrimsonEdge
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Here's the thing: I don't want to play a DoT build. I like pure, raw DPS based on how many times per second I can swing my lightsabers at the enemy's face. Could Watchman technically give me higher DPS? Sure I guess, but I don't care, as it's not the style I want to play. Also, I've never once felt there was a problem with my build/AC, and I don't think the damage difference between the two builds is at all statistically significant. The main deciding factor really is just the individual skill/preferences of the player.


In my experience, DoT builds do tend to give somewhat higher DPS than straight DPS builds do, but the tradeoff is a less-than-ideal levelling process (harder to deal damage until you get all the setup abilities) and a playstyle that I'm not a fan of (relying on the setup and maintaining those DoTs).


EDIT: TL;DR--pick whatever you think is most entertaining. Any potential balance issues are either insignificant or are going to be addressed by Bioware, so don't worry about them.


Sounds like you know what you like and thats good. I was just giving Dominion my opinion which he asked for. I personally had a much easier time leveling as watchman then Combat. Having zero range force leap among other things just makes it so much easier to level in my opinion. Not that combat is any harder, no Sentinel should be struggling at all leveling.

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Sounds like you know what you like and thats good. I was just giving Dominion my opinion which he asked for. I personally had a much easier time leveling as watchman then Combat. Having zero range force leap among other things just makes it so much easier to level in my opinion. Not that combat is any harder, no Sentinel should be struggling at all leveling.


Yeah, sorry if I came off a little standoffish there. I basically just meant that no one should be picking a build/AC/crewskill/whatever based on what is the "best". Just pick what you like and run with it, and if you don't find it to your liking, then by all means switch.


Again, sorry. Min/maxers that act like that's the only way to go really annoy me, and there are far too many on these forums (EDIT: not saying that you're one of them). I was just sort of venting a bit.

Edited by CrimsonEdge
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Combat tree has some great skills for pvp, the roots on crippling throw and master strike, faster run speed, an extra root break with force camo are all nice, and coupling an insta crit bladestorm with your relic/adrenal should net you some decent burst. Once they fix the ability stutter on blade rush I think we will see more and more people going combat.
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I've been combat since the start on my main, and I gotta say after some really dodgy levels it shines after 40 and more after 43. I don't really run many flashpoints just because of the hours I'm playing, but there's a definite rhythm to it that there wasn't before.


For most fights my rotation is effectively this:

Force Leap -> Zealous Strike -> Strike to hit 11 focus

then Blade Rush -> Auto-crit Blade Storm -> Blade Rush until focus is gone, rebuild with Zealous Strike and Strike.


When I hit 30 stacks of Centering, I pop Zen with a full focus bar, blade rush/blade storm enemies down. If they're at least strong enemies I hit Precision Slash before my first Blade Rush so I get the damage boost on it and the critical Blade Storm. If its an elite I'll work Master Strike in, and use Force Stasis if I get below 40% health.


Ideally I start by leaping in and hitting Zen and Rebuke simultaneously with Saber Ward at 30% health and Guarded By The Force at 20%. The only enemies I've fought that have made me blow all my cooldowns were the elite guards in the Emperor's Fortress, and only because I chose to take Kira with me for story reasons. With Doc, I usually only need Rebuke as a defensive cooldown. Haven't really taken Lord Scourge out into the field yet but I have a feeling he'll be far and away the best.

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Your missing precision slash in that rotation? Also use Master strike when zealous strike is on cooldown for high dps with no focus cost.


It should be something like: Force leap > Zealous strike > blade rush/precision slash > Precision slash/blade rush (whichever you did not use first) > blade storm > Master strike. Then of course with master strike being on CD you have to spam blade rush a little bit every now and then.


Im not sure wether to use precision slash or blade rush first.. With blade rush first your precision slash will effect both blade storm and master strike as opposed to blade rush and blade storm so thats what i mostly go for.

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IMO, it should be something like: Force leap > Zealous strike > precision slash > blade rush > blade storm > balde rush until out of focus.


Then zealous strike (if up) and blade rush until no more focus -> masterstrike


Masterstrike if zealous is not yet up.

Edited by selectah
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IMO, it should be something like: Force leap > Zealous strike > precision slash > blade rush > blade storm > balde rush until out of focus.


Then zealous strike (if up) and blade rush until no more focus -> masterstrike


Masterstrike if zealous is not yet up.


After that first rotation"round" you wont have much focus left to spam blade rush but of course i agree on your main point that master strike should ONLY be used when zealous strike is on CD.

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The best opening in theory for combat is Force Leap --> Blade Rush --> Zealous Strike --> Precision Strike --> Blade Storm --> Master Strike --> Blade Rush


In theory the last hit of Master Strike should still benefit from Precision Slash however due to various circumstances this isn't always the case.

Furthermore Master Strike should always be used when it's up but only in combination with Precision Slash.


Seriously head over to the Marauder forum and read Kibaken's guide (hard to miss considering it's stickied) his build and rotation pretty much applies to Sentinel as well.

Edited by Blaaat
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