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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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the class is a pure glass cannon, but the dps is nice ...if you can get yourself into a good spot


positioning is key with this class, especially sharpshooter


if you dont have a healer on you as soon as you are taking dmg from 2 or more then yeh you are gonna go down fast


1 on 1 can be quite easy, depends on gear i suppose.


2 on 1 is very possible if you use your cc's, interupts and knockbacks properly, but with 1.5sec global cooldown that can be a tough one from time to time. - Depends on opponents ofc.


i played it over the 2 weekends i got into beta and i liked it enough to roll it when it went live


no regrets.

Edited by Scotland
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sad but true, damage is mediocre and you have not enough survival tools. (Damage mitigation skills like absorb and stuff are to weak or dont last long enough, maybe absorb like 1k damage)


Bountyhunters and other classes outdamage you, have heavy armor and selfheal

and are not a pure dps class like we are. (something is seriously wrong here)


On top of that, the stupid cover system is preventing you from doing damage because it happens alot that enemies just LOS or sprint away. Also every build that i tested now has energy problems up to the point where its just better to die and have full bar of energy rather then wait for energy to return and being useless for like 1 minute ..


Competent Teams will also knock, choke, push you out of cover the whole time.

Only viable build for PVP is lethality (the one with the dots) I have around 400 expertise and manage to deal around 250-300k damage in a WZ without going to cover a single time.


LOS is less of a problem because of the dots ticking and you dont have to waste time and GCD for going to cover ...

Only downside of the dots is that they instantly break flash grenade and legshot, so this two skills become useless once you have dotted people


BW you should revisit this class and think over the cover system, thanks


Go to the sniper forums. There are several good threads which make the class' shortcomings very visible.


The problem basically is that classes like sorcerer and BH can easily reproduce what snipers can do and bring a lot more utility to the table (and don't suffer from the cover mechanic either). In short: if you need burst, take a BH. If you need sustained high dps and tons of utility a sorcerer.


However, posting here in the forum is no good idea. Those who claim that snipers have great burst have obviously no idea how mitigation works in the game and why marksman is therefore in really deep water.

Edited by Desgarden
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I don't know if I should laugh or cry that you mention armory.


I guess I'll cry. It's sad you even mention pve in a pvp forum. PVE are gear checks in this game as none of the encounters take a hint of coordination.


Are you really saying that this is the only skill your gun slinger has. How about an AOE Mez? How about great aoe damage? Like I said you want a 'swiss army knife' of a class that just will never exists for balancing reasons.


I just listed everything "achievable" in this game, yet i don't care like you do. I don't write these in my sig, since everything in this game is so easy doable its not worth to mention. Yet, you seem to value those pvp "achievements."


Great aoe damage, ok. You should read more about the other classes aoe capabilities. Flashbang could be great in a 8 man premade. Right now every random and their mother hits everything that is mezzed in 1 seconds. But its a good skill, idd.


Problem is just that none of the mentioned is in any league than taunt or x support.

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I have tried both marksman spec for pvp and lethality spec, both works fine but completly diffrent playstyle


I kinda like marksman spec in 1v1 because it feels like you are in control, cycling defensive abilities, ccs, roots and knockbacks.


I also like the great burst from marksman, starting with explosive probe, ambush, folowthrough, all hit at once, kinda nice when all of them crit to see someone get scared for teh sudden loss of life.

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I have tried both marksman spec for pvp and lethality spec, both works fine but completly diffrent playstyle


I kinda like marksman spec in 1v1 because it feels like you are in control, cycling defensive abilities, ccs, roots and knockbacks.


I also like the great burst from marksman, starting with explosive probe, ambush, folowthrough, all hit at once, kinda nice when all of them crit to see someone get scared for teh sudden loss of life.


pretty much the same for sharpshooter.


1 on 1 can be easy at times.

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Yeah, in fast pact PvP sitting for 20 seconds is a way to go.


timing is everything


when hunker down is up you cannot be knocked out of cover, if you picked a good spot to go into cover you should be ok unless you have 3 people on you, any class should die then.


with sharpshooter you have it up for a long time and the cooldown isnt that far away from the effect dropping off, best bet is to get out of focus from the enemy and start over.


there is pretty good defense effects for moving and re-entering cover, its worth it on occasion.


in saying that, the wrong spot, a very mobile enemy and/or los can be a problem at times.

Edited by Scotland
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I just listed everything "achievable" in this game, yet i don't care like you do. I don't write these in my sig, since everything in this game is so easy doable its not worth to mention. Yet, you seem to value those pvp "achievements."


What pvp achievements? What are you even talking about?


Here is how it happened:


You're the one that use adhominem attacks like:

You don't have to, i don't take advice from baddies anyway;).


And all I stated is that ... if you think I'm a baddie ... then ask around. I never even said I was good because an argument like that is subjective and irrelevant to the argument. It would not matter if I was the best or worst player in the game.


I answered:


You can ask my server, just how bad I am. Let's put it this way. I have enough confidence to put my toon and guild in my signature :rolleyes:. Unlike some people.


I play on best server in Europe btw. But good job with the insult, something totally irrelevenat to the discussion.


So yeah .. guess who the tool is here?

Edited by Orangerascal
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I fairly like my gunslinger. You can really cover a zone as soon as you´re set up IF cover is working. That´s the only part nagging me. Abilities bug. You see, like kicking that guy in the nuts, aiming at him while he´s out and then - plop - nothing happens. That´s really something that needs a fix.
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It's a shame this thread is of low quality as gunslingers most definitely need some attention of the developers. I am not referring to a blatant buff however, as most posters seem to oppose to in this thread. I am asking for a fix to some glaring bugs and short-sighted decisions.


General bugs such as armor mitigation and ability delay seem to disfavor Gunslingers by a large margin in addition to some class specific bugs such as immobility debuffs refraining taking cover. Also, a complete class tree is nullified the moment the opponent learns to dispell.




There are some well-written posts about the sorry state of Gunslingers on the appropriate forum, they seem to be of no avail however. I laugh everytime I see the statement: "You decide what changes we make." It took them 2 months to fix a simple cooldown difference between snipers and gunslingers.

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timing is everything


when hunker down is up you cannot be knocked out of cover, if you picked a good spot to go into cover you should be ok unless you have 3 people on you, any class should die then.


with sharpshooter you have it up for a long time and the cooldown isnt that far away from the effect dropping off, best bet is to get out of focus from the enemy and start over.


there is pretty good defense effects for moving and re-entering cover, its worth it on occasion.


in saying that, the wrong spot, a very mobile enemy and/or los can be a problem at times.


You say that you must use ability that hunker you for 20 sec then you say that you must move.


Listen, I know a lot about PvP with slinger but thinking about HD is our answer to all bugs and inconvience we have is too much.

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I enjoy my gunslinger.


Aside from the bugs that need to be worked out, it is absolutely fine.


I think most of the problems people have are positioning. It is very hard to beat an even opponent one-on-one, but possible.


The key is to stay near the healer but be in a place where you don't draw attention. If your opponents are any good, they will focus down the healer and let you go to town on them. With the amount of CC and burst damage, you should be able to focus down targets very quickly with the other dps.

Edited by Kazzilla
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Our top tier 6 and 7 Sharpshooter skill tree abilities are focused on Speed Shot skill which firing channeling pew-pew shots giving basically everyone and their grandmas a hint "go kill that sniper - he's over there!" Not to mention it deals crap damage and no burst whatsoever.


You do it wrong!


When used right, it melts people away. Also use speed relic and black market mods before you start Speed shooting people. It's a lot different if you channeling in 3 sec doing 3K or 1,4 secs doing 3K damage in that time, while you can recast it almost instant.


You can basically melt a healer out of a group.


I got swarmed, no escape possible.


Hunker down, blow defensive cooldowns, Speed relic on, blackmarket mods on. Melting their Sorc out of a grp of 5 before they could kill me, in like 5-6 seconds.

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A class can be countered through proper tactics. The horror of it all.


The problem I see with most cover based class players is they just sit there expecting the melee on top of them to somehow lose by a miracle. They have no idea how to create space again. I'm level 21 on my Sniper and can do it because I already have 4 (technically 5) different CC's available. It's not rocket science.


This is why you see people constantly going "buff this" and "nerf that." Because they don't want to learn how to be effective. They just want their class moved into the realm of being easier to play. If you would spend less time complaining and more time learning strategy, then you would be better off for it.


level 21 you got it going on son!

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Those numbers were prior 1.1 against low geared 50- randoms. And you probably top geared.


I don't know about him but last week post 1.1 my 50 Slinger SS did over 300k in dmg. I went 53-2 on Voidstar. This is a L2P issue. I am always in the top 3 for damage. Usually top spot. I run a minimum 6:1 KD, and usually have a top 5 objective score as well. Even against 50s I'm critting over 4K and I have only 2/5 Champ pieces. It's ridiculous. I can 1v1 3/4 classes w/o breaking a sweat. If you guys want a buff I won't complain...I'll take it and lay waste more than I already do.


L2P guys. Crazy thing...this is my first MMO.

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I think one of the reasons snipers seem lacking is just how blatantly overpowered some other classes are.


I would go as far as saying Snipers are one of the, if not the most balanced class around.

When you put a sorc or merc next to them, every class will look weak.

Edited by mufutiz
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You say that you must use ability that hunker you for 20 sec then you say that you must move.


Listen, I know a lot about PvP with slinger but thinking about HD is our answer to all bugs and inconvience we have is too much.


to be fair i dont know what you mean with what you have said.


im not saying you have to do anything, as it is all situational decisions.


and i never said we didnt have bugs that needed sorted.

Edited by Scotland
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This is 60% of the posts in this thread: "I got killed by a sniper one time and I'm the best player on <insert server here> that obiviously means they're fine if not OP!"


This is the other 39%: "I'm a level 10-30 sniper I do <a kajillion damage> I obviously know better than Snipers that have been level 50 before early access was over!"


We are the 1%

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I hope developers are reading this, cause this class really deserves some more attention. Cover mechanic is really shabby in fast and mobile pvp environments and there are other issues with gunslinger/sniper that could really use some love ( i get cc'ed while hunkered down, my abilities don't go off, cover animations is just too long, etc. ) Edited by Wrakk
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OP is freaking nuts, go into cover, I am invincible. Wait while I knock o you and root you and stab you and you are dead trying to get to me. I get a stun? doesn't matter because cover does not have a cooldown, does not have a casting bar, cannot be interrupted. I cannot be charged or interrupted while I am in cover...I am a nasty turret that deals insane amounts of damage and has defensive cooldowns every 45 seconds, a mez every 60 seconds a stun every 60 seconds. Play some other class and then come back and tell me that gunslinger is OP please....
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timing is everything


when hunker down is up you cannot be knocked out of cover, if you picked a good spot to go into cover you should be ok unless you have 3 people on you, any class should die then.


with sharpshooter you have it up for a long time and the cooldown isnt that far away from the effect dropping off, best bet is to get out of focus from the enemy and start over.


there is pretty good defense effects for moving and re-entering cover, its worth it on occasion.


in saying that, the wrong spot, a very mobile enemy and/or los can be a problem at times.


This is false. You can be Force Choked out of Hunker Down/Entrench. Test it.

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