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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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It's really annoying when someone takes a few steps down a ramp to LoS me. By the time I get back into range, they already got a 1.5 sec cast time heal off. I think flourish shot should do something like reduce the amount of healing received for 8 seconds or something.


I rolled a DPS class, I don't expect to be able to heal myself. Just give me a little something for those 1v1 fights to balance it out.

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Our damage is fine I would like to see a bit more cc though. We have like a 4 sec stun that breaks at 2 with dmg and a grenade cc that breaks with damage and a knockback which must be used from cover. The grenade is 8 secs and sounds nice but I hope you didn't dot them up. The kb we have is kinda nice but must be used from cover, bleh. In a bad situation if you are not in cover it takes far to long to pop this. My only real complaint but I guess that has to do with the skill lag. Cover is neat but we shouldn't be forced to use it for the majority of our skills. In pvp it takes a couple secs just to get in cover w/ this skill lag.
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Another issue is that even though cover is an "instant" ability, your brain still perceives it as a casted ability while you wait for your character to kneel and cover to pop up before you instinctively start shooting.


Even if you tell yourself it's instant, you'll immediately forget to remind yourself after your first death.

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Here is a fresh one did 10 mins ago, solo queue no less...




Marksmanship, btw...



I could have tossed some from my collection, but then you would whine that it was something that happened once in a while...


Basically, whoever claims that we can't do damage or kill things need to l2p...



But yeah, feel free to buff Snipers, more power to me really...


Edit: because it's to late to look at screenshots.

Edited by Kaptain_Kabul
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I posted about this in the class forums earlier. I do okay in warzones but considering I have zero heals, have to be in cover to use most abilties (even knockback which other classes can use freely) and die pretty quickly, I feel I should be a bit more powerful.


People say we're supposed to be a 'glass cannon' but our damage output isn't high enough to warrant that title. Healer/dps hybrids with equal level gear shouldn't be able to comfortably do more damage than us.


We have more drawbacks and restrictions than other classes so we should be able to pump out more DPS than them to make to make up for it.

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You're better off than dps Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors.


nice funny post.....sentinels/marauders OWNS...they are far superiors than snipers/guns

my sentinel eat for breakfast snipers/guns and always top 3 dmg dealers...when i was playing with my 50 sniper i couldnt do nothing especialy vs shadow/sins operatives/scounds


Not to mention if a sentinel/marauder have a good healer with them they cant be stoped

Edited by Maniigoldo
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Umm Bounty Hunter is more than fine right now. Say otherwise and you dont know what you're talking about.


And im simply stating facts here.


BH has a knockback, does not require cover, superior to Sniper

BH has a stun, has range on it, Sniper's is melee range, Superior to sniper

BH has cast time damage abilities, deal more or equal amounts of damage to similar cast time abilites of snipers, does not require cover, again Superior to Sniper

BH has high damage mitigation, Sniper has the low damage mitigation.

BH can have heals/dispels, Sniper can have.. cover?


I guess BH have it rough eh?


u forgot the tracer i win button spam

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No one bursts like an engineer specced sniper or the gunslinger version. Sure you aren't topping damage charts, but your targets die... I don't care if they are tank, sorc, or what they are, as long as you don't panic, use your entrench properly, pop ballistic shield when you're in the middle of the combat zone, etc, you're going to do a lot. The PROBLEM is, a lot of what they bring to the group isn't shown on the scoreboard, so that gives the impression that they are worse then what they really are.
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I have a 50 Mercenary, 49 Juggernaut and a 35 gunslinger.


My mercenary is good, BUT BORING AS HELL.


My juggernaut is FUN, but I played this game for a ranged class.


My Gunslinger Bursts, and as sabotuer, has mobility, BUT COVER (an essential mechanic of our class) DOESNT WORK IN WZ's.


mine and many other players gripes about gunslingers are their inability to utilize their skills due to the horrendous server delay. Fix the Server delay, you will be able to use cover WHEN you want, more easily KITE players, and be just generally more effective with the class and people will be considerably happier with them.

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People ***** about sorcs, and yet I kill them and kill them fast, bubble or no bubble. The only competition was ops/scoundrels, and while they still may be under them in that department, engineer specced snipers have a longer more sustained burst that can kill even if they are spamming heals or bubbling. The only thing that saves people from a good engineer spec is LoS.


Quite frankly though, ANYONE who says cover does not work well in PvP needs to play a different class. You absolutely can't panic and run as a cover class like the majority do... actually, that applies to any class really, most common way to end up slaughtered in warzones really is being afraid of getting into the middle of things.

Edited by Kuari
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Ok, ignorance is bliss but this is usually the case with people who need to come up with "l2p" followed by how l33t they are.


Too bad that you do not get anything when it comes to game mechanics else you wouldn't write that stuff.


The restrictions are still there: the damage mitigation and the target restriction, the piss-poor synergy of the trees, the restriction with which our cc comes, and also the restriction based on us by the energy regeneration rate.


So I show you a completely random screenshot I took several minutes ago at a time of posting and you just go "omghhh... but the restrictions, but the damage mitigation... omg no synergy... qq"


Bottom line - I claim that Snipers are just fine and that's it. If you have no idea how to bypass said "restrictions" while utilizing our very unique strengths like ranged burst, CC immunity, and excellent array of CC we have, then it's your problem.


You can continue your clown parade as long as you like, heck if you manage to get me buffed, then it will be just sweet. I just find all the claims that Snipers do crap damage laughable at best and the most amusing part is that it is a leading claim in this thread, despite it being a total and complete BS.

Edited by Gaidax
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Even though we don't need a buff, i'm going to have to agree with the op just becasue i'm a gunslinger.


We can't top damage, die in 2 hits, can't do anything in groups or 1v1s, people los me like *** im suppose to hit u through the wall!

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Nah they have to do something, ALL Our damage except Explosion Probe is Range Attack.


Don't Count lethality because its all dots, and if you play in game where people know what they are doing they dispell everything.


So marksman is the only options for "assured" damage.


and it's all range ???


BH is all TECH

Sorc is all FORCE


They do more damage to tanks, they do more damage to everybody because only the armor mitigates their damage. thats it.


well snipers every thing in this god damn game mitigate our damage.


Ya right a bubble only absorbs 3k damage.


I snipe crit on him 2.5k + Follow thru an another 2.5k and now the bubble goes down but he takes no damage.


Guess what. i leg shot him, ambush explosion probe. he loses what 1/3 of his health.i use flashbang, he uses force speed escape and i cant catch him .... rofl


this is the encounter for sorcs.


Well tanks, i just do 0damage to them, because guess what, they dodge absorb everything.


BH's? If i win a fight against them, they LOS then heal then stun then heal , then they are full heallth and i am half health.


Don't you guys notice that there is thread about almost every class out there saying this class is OP blablabla.


Well gues what there is no SNIPER IS OP thread. because you know what? it's more the opposite , we have no survivability, no heals,****** armor, no force speed/stealth, COVER Gives NO BONUS except against snipers? ROFL.


Against an equally geared player, you are gonna do what 3-5k damage with snipe-ambush-followthru... which is what 3 tracer missiles? if they dont crit.

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I hope devs are reading this...This class is less than mediocre. There are so many things that are wrong with it ( most of it due to shabby cover mechanic ); it needs a serious revamp or a huge buff to make it up to par with other classes... Edited by Wrakk
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Don't you guys notice that there is thread about almost every class out there saying this class is OP blablabla.


Well gues what there is no SNIPER IS OP thread. because you know what? it's more the opposite , we have no survivability, no heals,****** armor, no force speed/stealth, COVER Gives NO BONUS except against snipers?


This. Snipers are playable, but very likely the least easy class to play.


Plus, the server delay and no-cover-for-you issues are shocking. Some warzones you´re just worthless. Hit cover and pulse to knock the guys away? Well, cover didn´t work, so... it´s 1,5 secs later and you´re still standing there, with two melees bashing your soon-to-be-pulp-head. GG?

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Nah they have to do something, ALL Our damage except Explosion Probe is Range Attack.


Don't Count lethality because its all dots, and if you play in game where people know what they are doing they dispell everything.


So marksman is the only options for "assured" damage.


and it's all range ???


BH is all TECH

Sorc is all FORCE


They do more damage to tanks, they do more damage to everybody because only the armor mitigates their damage. thats it.


well snipers every thing in this gosh darn game mitigate our damage.


Ya right a bubble only absorbs 3k damage.


I snipe crit on him 2.5k + Follow thru an another 2.5k and now the bubble goes down but he takes no damage.


Guess what. i leg shot him, ambush explosion probe. he loses what 1/3 of his health.i use flashbang, he uses force speed escape and i cant catch him .... rofl


this is the encounter for sorcs.


Well tanks, i just do 0damage to them, because guess what, they dodge absorb everything.


BH's? If i win a fight against them, they LOS then heal then stun then heal , then they are full heallth and i am half health.


Don't you guys notice that there is thread about almost every class out there saying this class is OP blablabla.


Well gues what there is no SNIPER IS OP thread. because you know what? it's more the opposite , we have no survivability, no heals,****** armor, no force speed/stealth, COVER Gives NO BONUS except against snipers? ROFL.


Against an equally geared player, you are gonna do what 3-5k damage with snipe-ambush-followthru... which is what 3 tracer missiles? if they dont crit.


I have a 50 slinger and also a 22k hp full battlemaster pvp vanguard. You're right, snipers do absolutely no damage to me as vanguard. I can basically shrug it off and ignore it, operatives however...

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I have a 50 slinger and also a 22k hp full battlemaster pvp vanguard. You're right, snipers do absolutely no damage to me as vanguard. I can basically shrug it off and ignore it, operatives however...


Its clear people aren't using shatter shot then... or being engineer spec. 20% armor penetration is nothing to laugh at really. Not to mention the engineer tree stuff is largely tech.

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Its clear people aren't using shatter shot then... or being engineer spec. 20% armor penetration is nothing to laugh at really. Not to mention the engineer tree stuff is largely tech.


Rofl ??? Shatter Shots Reduces the armor by 20%... but the shield still absorbs/dodge everything. you probably dont play sniper.

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sniper tree -you can kill most classes. cover, hunker down (no cc for 20 sec), 15% shield while in it. charge em up, instant cast charged burst (with tree points), instant cast trick shot, aimed shot, trickshot, speed shot, then use your instant cast finisher if under 30%..which they will be. knock back. do it again... hit dodge if your getting ****ed, medpac heal(biochem 400 is a must or your baddie), two stuns...not to mention adrenals ,stims, relics...l2p.
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sniper tree -you can kill most classes. cover, hunker down (no cc for 20 sec), 15% shield while in it. charge em up, instant cast charged burst (with tree points), instant cast trick shot, aimed shot, trickshot, speed shot, then use your instant cast finisher if under 30%..which they will be. knock back. do it again... hit dodge if your getting ****ed, medpac heal(biochem 400 is a must or your baddie), two stuns...not to mention adrenals ,stims, relics...l2p.


Right you can damage for the whole 15seconds, after entrech is gone , knockback fest stun fest. and be sure not to focus a tank, because with all this arsenal you probably did 90% on the tank.


Its funny how this thread has 20k+ Viewers , over 300 Answers, but no one said that sniper is OP.


You start a thread about sorc/bh , in the first 10 posts, someone is gonna say this class is OP blablabla

Edited by DestyOwn
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sniper tree -you can kill most classes. cover, hunker down (no cc for 20 sec), 15% shield while in it. charge em up, instant cast charged burst (with tree points), instant cast trick shot, aimed shot, trickshot, speed shot, then use your instant cast finisher if under 30%..which they will be. knock back. do it again... hit dodge if your getting ****ed, medpac heal(biochem 400 is a must or your baddie), two stuns...not to mention adrenals ,stims, relics...l2p.


Grats at theory crafting.


Now actually play a game, where you have to keep moving with the fight, you're being pressured by enemies who know what the hell theyre doing (sniper is an easy target hint hint), and know how to use LOS and you will see the pitfalls of the sniper class.


I've a 50 vanguard and 50 gunslinger. I pvp ALOT, on my vanguard snipers are easy kills. They are easily LOSable and because most of their damage is physical it has to go through ALL my defences, namely 52% reduction from armor, then if it gets through it has to get through my 40% chance, 40% absorb shield.


Sniper brings LITTLE to the table other than damage, which in alot of scenarios is VERY hard to apply and yet they're still gimped when dpsing tank classes ingame, which alot of infinitely more mobile classes can do way greater effect.

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It's all about how you build them. I can, and have successfully taken any other class in single combat as a sniper, regardless of their gear.


It all depends on how you build yourself. Two weeks ago I would have been flaming on this thread just like everyone else. I'll give a couple tips to playing sniper successfully.


1. First and foremost, do NOT focus on charge-up / cover dependent abilities. With my build I only have 1 move that requires me to be in cover, and it's sabo-charge. I've got speed-shot as a backup, but I'm not spec'ed to do anything with it.


My suggestion? Focus on dots, dot enhancers and disables. Having heavy damage in dots means that if you get stunned, or if your target runs behind cover, you are still dealing your damage to them. Also, it completely shuts down stealth classes.


2. Master your timing and decision making with your defensive abilities. We are hands down the easiest class to kill. Operatives have self-healing and stealthing atleast, we don't have a single healing ability (Unless you count the perk that makes our energer regenerator restore 6% of our life.) But, we can be tremendously tanky... for short bursts. I mostly only go into cover when I've been engaged, and I do so to make myself to immune to CC with hunker-down, which also increases defense, and always remember to pop your shield. Sure it doesn't absorb much, but it's better than nothing, and if you're built correctly, they'll drop much more quickly than you will. Learn class combos, and save dodge to shut-down pivotal damage windows for them.


3. You have to time your CC well. Flashbang is nice, but if you're already fighting them it's worthless, you'll break them right out. Same for leg-shot. (However, if you have more than one attacker on you, use pulse-detonator, and leg-shot the melee, then you can turn and focus on another.) Don't forget to use dirty kick to interrupt a long charge-up, it's a great supplement for distraction. And since you're dot based, and don't need cover for most of your skills, you can be more mobile with it.


When I was spec'ed in the gunslinger tree, I thought we were underpowered too. I hated it. The charge-up abilities and over reliance on LoS make it impossible to fight anyone. Now however, I sometimes feel like we're potentially over-powered. It comes and goes, sometimes I'll get into a 1v1 fight and get creamed. However there have also been instances when I have nearly 3 v 1'ed a shadow, sith warrior, and mercenary. With hunker down they couldn't stun or interrupt me, so all they could do was try to out DPS me, I had aoe damage, aoe dots, and absurd defense. Managed to kill the Merc and the shadow, and barely taken down by the Sith Warrior. It came down to him clicking the button faster than me.


Long rant, but just some honest advice.

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