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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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50 Sniper here..maxed expertise.


There's not a single class I'm confident against in 1v1. Yes, I realize the game isn't designed around 1v1. Just stating my opinion on that.


Pre-50 bracket, people were ignoring me, I was blasting away on Medium/Light armored targets. Heavy armor? Forget about it.


Now, post-50 bracket debacle, you better pray entrenched is off CD to use or you're dead. Even if its up and you're using it against a melee/sorc/BH whacking away on you, you're still dead.


This isn't a QQ post, I promise. I just legitimately don't feel confident in any 1v1 match whatsoever.


In a group setting, I'm knockbacked so frequently that getting back into cover is just about impossible. It literally takes forever.

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20 out of every 45 seconds



Have you even played sniper on any warzone? Do you even aware of the fact that you must move a lot cause ppl break LOS every damn time with so much obstacles around. In my whole experience on my slinger I used hunkered down only on very situational places (when I see someone gonna knock me down from ramp). And I wanna see that dumb slinger that be sitting 20 seconds in one place for every 45 seconds.

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And for anyone talking about Lethality (Dirty Fightning on Republic?), get real. It's a joke.


Dispel is tossed around like candy and you'd need a 300+ energy pool with the way it eats away resources.


Spoken like someone who's never played Lethality. Healers are too busy healing to waste a GCD on a dispel that may or may not prevent a Cull's damage. DPS-ers don't even know they have a dispel button. Go spec Lethality and bask in awe as everyone you look at melts (including those pesky tanks). If you really have maxed Expertise you'll easily top 400k damage in every game you spend fighting if you're any good at all.

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Have you even played sniper on any warzone? Do you even aware of the fact that you must move a lot cause ppl break LOS every damn time with so much obstacles around. In my whole experience on my slinger I used hunkered down only on very situational places (when I see someone gonna knock me down from ramp). And I wanna see that dumb slinger that be sitting 20 seconds in one place for every 45 seconds.


Protip: If you chase on a glass cannon with multiple other enemies around

You're PROBABLY gonna die

Sit tight and pressure runners by hitting their teammates

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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Spoken like someone who's never played Lethality. Healers are too busy healing to waste a GCD on a dispel that may or may not prevent a Cull's damage. DPS-ers don't even know they have a dispel button. Go spec Lethality and bask in awe as everyone you look at melts (including those pesky tanks). If you really have maxed Expertise you'll easily top 400k damage in every game you spend fighting if you're any good at all.


I have. 400k damage means absolutely nothing when you can't take down smart opponents who toss around bubbles and heals like candy.


Lethality spec is the farthest thing from a "Sniper" I've ever seen.

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Yeah, your words just proove you're never played sniper.


You're right, I've never played a sniper

I've played a gunslinger




One guy says "This class is terrible, BUFF ME"

Another guy says "This class is fine, I do well"

This first guy says "Well clearly YOU have never played the class before"

Logical fallacy, much :p

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32 pages of people discussing an issue that can't be analyzed properly until cover/crouch (ability lag) is fixed?


Come on guys, we simply don't know how snipers/gunslingers will work until it's possible to play proper specs. Lethality doesn't count (yes, I am using that spec now) although it is possible to do decent dmg with Cull.


Let's talk about this after 1.1.1, if they manage to fix a large part of the ability lag and we're able to actually play cover-based (crouch at least, since I bet cover will still suck) builds?

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Let's talk about this after 1.1.1, if they manage to fix a large part of the ability lag and we're able to actually play cover-based (crouch at least, since I bet cover will still suck) builds?


I've been playing sharpshooter with consistently top damage and fewest deaths

My prediction for post 1.1.1: Even more carnage

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You're right, I've never played a sniper

I've played a gunslinger




One guy says "This class is terrible, BUFF ME"

Another guy says "This class is fine, I do well"

This first guy says "Well clearly YOU have never played the class before"

Logical fallacy, much :p


And cheap excuses just proove that you're actually some other class that don't know anything about snipers. Saying "I use Hunker Down and I win" is the stupidest ignorance I ever heard.


You don't know about this class anything and you lack of any real experience with this class.

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And cheap excuses just proove that you're actually some other class that don't know anything about snipers. Saying "I use Hunker Down and I win" is the stupidest ignorance I ever heard.


You don't know about this class anything and you lack of any real experience with this class.


Keep telling yourself that

It's a worse way to live life than accepting that other people are better than you and learning from them

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gunslinger/sniper isn't supposed to be a sustained dps class... you are a class that makes people burn thier oh **** buttons so the other classes can melt them. You are a spike damage support class.


Use your support abilities(cc/interup) to aid your teamates, hold a defensible position(dont chase), and communicate with your teamates simple.


Stop trying to compare 1v1 with team oriented pvp. Sniper/gunslinger is not a 1v1 spec and will never be.


Snipers are there to put objective takers on the defensive so the rest of the team has time to get in and clean up simple as that.

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Keep telling yourself that

It's a worse way to live life than accepting that other people are better than you and learning from them


And why do you think I need learning? Did I say I perform bad on scens? I come almost always top on damage and kills on every warzone I join (at least on republic side). And I still open for learning but not just from unnamed scrubs who telling ppl L2P and "I use Hunker Down and I win hurr durr".


Now back to topic - slingers got a lot of troubles. They aren't big one but they require attention since this class require a lot more efforts to play and to achieve the same results other classes can (which are also have access to healing specs).

Edited by FuriCuri
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gunslinger/sniper isn't supposed to be a sustained dps class... you are a class that makes people burn thier oh **** buttons so the other classes can melt them. You are a spike damage support class.


Use your support abilities(cc/interup) to aid your teamates, hold a defensible position(dont chase), and communicate with your teamates simple.


Stop trying to compare 1v1 with team oriented pvp. Sniper/gunslinger is not a 1v1 spec and will never be.


Snipers are there to put objective takers on the defensive so the rest of the team has time to get in and clean up simple as that.


As gunslinger you can sustain a high DPS rate for very long. So your point is not valid. It's absolutly rare that i ran out of energy and when that happens i already did an immense amount of damage. So your point is based on which facts? or just you guessing wild what our role is.


Which brings me to point 2. We have an immense burst, so do other classes.


point 3 is that gunslinger/sniper are pretty good 1vs1. The problem is our function in teamplay, which can be fullfield by many other classes without having the bugged cover mechanics or other drawbacks.


We are by no means useless. But other classes don't need their whole keyboard binded to be effective and have more to offer for grpplay.


Why need a gunslinger/Sniper burst when a BH can do that damage,too. All while not needing cover and having heavy armor.


Why need a gunsliner/sniper when a sorc can do that burstdamge, who also can have bubbel,sprint, heal.


Theres is just no need for this class in PvP.

I still will play my gunslinger just for style reasons.

Edited by Kaptain_Kabul
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As gunslinger you can sustain a high DPS rate for very long. So your point is not valid. It's absolutly rare that i ran out of energy and when that happens i already did an immense amount of damage. So your point is based on which facts? or just you guessing wild what our role is.


Which brings me to point 2. We have an immense burst, so do other classes.


point 3 is that gunslinger/sniper are pretty good 1vs1. The problem is our function in teamplay, which can be fullfield by many other classes without having the bugged cover mechanics or other drawbacks.


We are by no means useless. But other classes don't need their whole keyboard binded to be effective and have more to offer for grpplay.


Why need a gunslinger/Sniper burst when a BH can do that damage,too. All while not needing cover and having heavy armor.


Why need a gunsliner/sniper when a sorc can do that burstdamge, who also can have bubbel,sprint, heal.


Theres is just no need for this class in PvP.

I still will play my gunslinger just for style reasons.



I would disagree with both of you. The GS is a solid 1v1 class. Between our 3 damage reductions we get in cover, the reduction bubble, that reduction robot that floats around and hunker down, we have 6-10 seconds of near immunity. That's enough time to do at least 10K damage. I win 1v1s all the time.


As for te other point that were not as good in PVP, I disagree as well. We are not as versatile as the Troop but in 2/3 war zones you don't have a ton of moving around anyway. Sit at door wai for bomb/sit at turret defend it. Us staying there frees up the more mobile dps to be mobile and go where needed. We're a defense/passive aggressive class. Troops are the opposite.

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