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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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Is ok, I got this.



- Leg shot, Flash Grenade, Dirty Kick, Pulse Detonator. Why you letting them attack you?

- I can cede this point unless target heath > 30%

- Snipers and slingers who let them selves get beat on? sure. Those others have Defense screen and hunker down.

- Dirty Fighting would disagree with you.

- Again dirty fighting would like to have a word. Them DoTs keep rolling. Also wouldn't ALL classes suffer LoS and range issues?


Granted i dont play a slinger/sniper like a tank. I don't try to melee. I dont try going toe to toe with a sentinel. I fight on my terms. If i do find myself get *** rushed I take it in stride and toss my DoTs out as fast i can to make sure they feel me when im gone. I never assume that if focused i can walk away with no assistance, no class should.


Give me some heals, maybe a nice vangaurd or gaurdian gaurding me, and theyll never make it past the acid pools.


The only problem with this is, lethality/dirty fighting .... in pubs maybe it works, but with premade who know what they are doing , they will just cleanse all your dots over and over,


ALL your CD Cleanse with a 30-60s CD...


GG your damage.

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The only problem with this is, lethality/dirty fighting .... in pubs maybe it works, but with premade who know what they are doing , they will just cleanse all your dots over and over,


ALL your CD Cleanse with a 30-60s CD...


GG your damage.


People love to throw this around, but in my experience it's just not true. Either that or my server doesn't have those magical Commandos that follow you around all game dispelling everything you do while spamming Grav Rounds that don't have to worry about Line of Sight.


In theory, a healer can disable you by dispelling your dots. In practice, that doesn't happen very often. I'm valor rank 42 for reference, and ever since the 50s bracket was created I've had my dots dispelled once. It was by a healing Operative on my friends list who knows I'm Lethality, knows how hard I hit, and wanted to make sure I didn't kill him the whole game.


In actual gameplay, a healer is too busy trying to keep a focus target alive or healing 4 people at once to notice you put an acid grenade debuff on a target. Even if he does notice, it has to register with him what it is and what it might mean. Then he has to decide between using a GCD to dispel damage that might happen, or to use that GCD to heal damage that has already happened. Then if he does go with the dispel, he has to hope it gets your debuffs and not the other 5 debuffs on the target.


If 3v3 arenas were in the game, dispels would be a huge issue for sure. Time will tell, but I highly doubt they'll ever be a huge deal in WZs.


Actually, I take it all back. Snipers are so gimp, please buff me :jawa_angel:

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Is ok, I got this.



- Leg shot, Flash Grenade, Dirty Kick, Pulse Detonator. Why you letting them attack you?

- I can cede this point unless target heath > 30%

- Snipers and slingers who let them selves get beat on? sure. Those others have Defense screen and hunker down.

- Dirty Fighting would disagree with you.

- Again dirty fighting would like to have a word. Them DoTs keep rolling. Also wouldn't ALL classes suffer LoS and range issues?


Granted i dont play a slinger/sniper like a tank. I don't try to melee. I dont try going toe to toe with a sentinel. I fight on my terms. If i do find myself get *** rushed I take it in stride and toss my DoTs out as fast i can to make sure they feel me when im gone. I never assume that if focused i can walk away with no assistance, no class should.


Give me some heals, maybe a nice vangaurd or gaurdian gaurding me, and theyll never make it past the acid pools.

You do know that dirty fighting spec means we have ONLY melee stun? DOTs instantly dispel all other forms of CC. If leg shot lasted full 5 seconds snipers/slingers would be so much better and would actually have a role.

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People need to stop throwing around how one class is better then another... other then the operatives getting 10k crits... php in this game is not competitive arena settings so no one knows what class is truly more powerful then another. You can't know what classes are better until you play 3v3 arena which is indubitably the most competitive pvp you could play in an mmo so far.
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As a Sniper, from level 40-50 (pre-brackets), I always ended up in the top 4 in my warzone rankings.


Since level 50-brackets, I've typically been in the upper half. I'd say I'm around average - I don't do amazing damage, but I don't suck. And I'd rather be in that position than where Operatives are, with everyone calling for a nerf.


I personally feel like we do fine in warzones. If you're doing it right (which I admit, I only do about half the time), you should be staying far away and mostly just helping your teammates kill people - don't let the other team know where you are.

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I just saw somebody say that a sniper has taken half his health with a single shot. You MUST be speaking about pre 1.1 when 50's and non 50's weren't seperated. The highest damage attack that a gunslinger has is Aimed Shot (and whatever the Sniper equivalent is). It deals about 2500 damage, and ignores 20% armor. If he crits, and has like 80% crit increase, that's still only 4500 damage (before armor mitigation). So unless you have like 8000-9000 health, you're lying.


I want to follow up that, I don't think the class is as weak as all that. I used to, when I was straight gunslinger spec'ed. It's awful for PVP, you have to go DoTs, and still there is a very steep learning curve. We lack any form of escape mechanism what-so-ever. BUT, the dots also mitigate stealthing escapes, and if you're good you can stop force speed with leg shot. Once I respec'ed into a more mobile tree, where I have very little reliance on being in cover, or needing LoS for my damage, I did much better. (But then that's your main argument, isn't it? That LoS and cover based charge moves make the class suck, you're right, they're for PVE, they suck for PVP.)

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Sniper is a lot of work to play well in pvp, but its reasonably fun. I have found my niche to be bursting down cloth/medium armor targets who are at half health already, putting -20% armor on as many people as i can and slowing down enemies that are chasing the ball carrier.


The role is support; Huttball is all about the force jumps/runs and snipers can support well by doing what i described above. Other maps have their opportunities like orbital strike on the door in assault so the bombs cant be placed/defused is useful.


I do think that sniper should be buffed. And i think it will be for the simple reason that not many people are playing/choosing the class, and i think history has proven this, there is a need to keep the distribution of classes somewhat balanced.


I would welcome a damage buff, the cc utility is completely useless in pve since any creature of importance is immune to it. Which means its just dps and its not that great at it, a 'sniper' specced in 'marksmanship' should do more damage than it does.


Sorry, I do not want to offend you, but I hear that piss poor excuse over and over again. You are NOT a support class when e.g. sorcs and BHs outdamage you AND bring more to the table.

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Okay i speak more slowly for you.


Cover 1 GCD

Hunker down 1 GCD

Speed Relic 1 GCD

Blackmarket Mods 1 GCD


(The enemy hasn't received any damage until now)

Insert Random Stims/Buffs if needed


Instant Charged Burst 1 GCD (it's buggy sometimes but with the speed relic that doesn't matter) 2k+ Damage

Instant Trickshot 1 GCD. 4k+ Damage

nearly Instant Speed shot 1,7 Secs (now target starts moving) 3-4K+ Damage

Reset Speed shot 1 GCD (target still moving)

nearly Instant Speed shot 1,7 GCD 3-4K+ Damage

Instant Quick shot 1 GCD 4-5K+ Damage


Damage done in round about 8 seconds 16-19K against T2 at last. Everything melts this way.


If hes far away, he can LOS, i'am not denying that.

If hes near you, you just melt him away


Best rotation ever? No!


just an example for the immense Damage burst you can do on a single target.


Edit: Getting a second chance for a speed shot is rare, i won't deny that, better make some other move, but one speed shot is nice for nearly fnihsing and sending a quick shot to finish.


Except that cover and hunker down are off GCD. BMM and relics can be used in single GCD too and prior you enter the cover (on the move - when you aproach your target).

Not to mention Hunker Down is not needed in usual rotation.


So plain Charged Burst spamming is still more damage, more burst and less obvious then Speed Shot.

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sad but true, damage is mediocre and you have not enough survival tools. (Damage mitigation skills like absorb and stuff are to weak or dont last long enough, maybe absorb like 1k damage)


Bountyhunters and other classes outdamage you, have heavy armor and selfheal

and are not a pure dps class like we are. (something is seriously wrong here)


On top of that, the stupid cover system is preventing you from doing damage because it happens alot that enemies just LOS or sprint away. Also every build that i tested now has energy problems up to the point where its just better to die and have full bar of energy rather then wait for energy to return and being useless for like 1 minute ..


Competent Teams will also knock, choke, push you out of cover the whole time.

Only viable build for PVP is lethality (the one with the dots) I have around 400 expertise and manage to deal around 250-300k damage in a WZ without going to cover a single time.


LOS is less of a problem because of the dots ticking and you dont have to waste time and GCD for going to cover ...

Only downside of the dots is that they instantly break flash grenade and legshot, so this two skills become useless once you have dotted people


BW you should revisit this class and think over the cover system, thanks


Try playing a Marauder

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Gimped? You missed the part where I said kicking ***

See: not gimp

I'll take a buff though :) but I won't hear it when everyone is crying over my gunslinger being a god incarnate!


If you're kicking on gunslinger, then you'll be a death machine on sage/commando. Thats the problem.

Edited by FuriCuri
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For the Gunslingers/Snipers whining about getting jumped:



Leg Shot

Flash Bang


Yeah, those


^^^^ This


I don't have much trouble stopping a jumper. Pulse Detonate, leg shot, hit him hard, aimed shot with knock back, leg shot again. More damage and finish with a dirty kick. Congrats you destroyed a melee class.

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^^^^ This


I don't have much trouble stopping a jumper. Pulse Detonate, leg shot, hit him hard, aimed shot with knock back, leg shot again. More damage and finish with a dirty kick. Congrats you destroyed a melee class.


Is there a resolve system in that imaginary game you're describing?

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We have decent burst on sages and other gunslingers, and that's about it. On other classes it's mediocre. On tanks, it sucks donkey balls, it's not burst, it tickles.

I play a mercenary and I gotta agree, Idk why but heavy armor ruins gunslingers. He can trinket, use all of CDs and still struggle. Hell, half the time I can just lazily start shooting back and kill him without a fuss. Its not even challenging because they dont try to los, even the smart ones dont start moving until they realize that I can out turret them ( and its usually too late).

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