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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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20 sec of staying in the same place gets you killed. Hell, 8 seconds in one place usually gets you killed if the other teams is not stupid. It'd be a great skill if it was a about 6-8 secs on a proportionately shorter CD. I'd love to hear what the "great defensive skills" are, btw. Our dodge shield doesn't work vs. tech and force attacks, or against what it's supposed to when we are stunned. Our absorb prob takes a pitiful amount. Cover pulse works only when it feels like it. Unable to use defensive CDs or powerful shots when immobilized because we can't go into cover when immobilized.


You summed it up nicely (especially that our cover ability isn't doing much if there is no hard cover nearby - now isn't that ironic?) but this is not all...


1. Dodge ability

Helps only against a pitiful amount attacks...ironically that of marksman snipers. Soooo... lightings will simply melt your face etc. Oh, and of course it cannot be used while in cover. A bit convenience would be too much.


2. Shield Probe

An honest question...but does it absorb anything at all? I popped it so often and I felt no difference (nearly full champ with some pieces centurion)


3. Mitigation

Marksman damage gets mitigated by nearly all defenses yaaay and is crap against heavy armour


4. Lethality

1 baseline healer ability is enough to destroy: 1 31point talent, and 16 point talent plus 1 other dot in one blow and has a shorter cd. Great game design!


However, it is mildly amusing to see so many BHs and Sorcs here who tell us how great our class is and that we are TOTALLY wrong and absolute noobs. Especially when BHs talk about our enormous front loaded damage...vs their heavy armour... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


The only time when I really grin is when I am playing Huttball and I am 1 level above him in cover a melee and he tries to get force charge off while I pelt him with shot. I guess playing a totally underplayed AC has sometimes its advantages

Edited by Desgarden
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I haven't tried gunslinger, but as a gunnery commando I can say that commando/mercenary is a pretty immobile specc as well, and not too hard to lock down either when people actually use interrupts (which no one does, so I completely obliterate people on my lvl 42 commando in WZs, even more so if I am left completely alone). We actually do not have a reliable slow.


If you want a reliable Slow, go Assault spec, Super fun mobility with very decent dps. That's if you find yourself needing to be mobile more often than not. Otherwise, if you're wreaking people because most are ignoring you, the few deaths you may get from the occasional beat down, may still be worth it for the amount of dps you can do in Gunnery.

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The fact that you harp on tracer, our easiest thing to counter, and use pve set bonuses in this discussion. Proves to me that you definatly do not know much of anything about our class. If youve actually been pvping a sniper at 50 since before ega ended and are this bad still, you should reroll. Are you trolling?





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It seems i upset you. Maybe you should take a break and reroll another class :)

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The level 27 Sniper is a strong nomination for class leader of Gunslinger/Sniper, however I'd also like to run.


I agree, you're an excellent choice as well, you've shown your ability to neglect PvE set bonuses for PvP usage despite them being ridiculous and your inexperience almost matches the level 27s.

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Everyone here that is either a MERC/SORC or their Counterpart on the republic side, is completely clueless how much better their class is.


They are trying to tell us that sniper is good, so that their OP class doesnt get Nerf Hammered.


Get Real. An HYBRID Class isnt suppose to do MORE Damage that a PURE DPS Class. PERIOD. Oh wait Tell me more about your NON-OP Class Called MERC, Tell me your rotation plz


1.4s CD for 2.5K Energy Damage. ARE YOU KIDDING.


Sniper is 1.5s CD and does 1.5k Weapon damage. Ambush 2.5s CD, 2.5k Weapon Damage , Can crit to 5k Weapon which is about the same as 2.5k Energy.



Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile, Unload Tracer Missile............ REPEAT 100000x

(yes this retarted rotation does the same damage as a snipe-ambush-explosion probe-series of shot-followthru.


Same things for sorcs - Apply 2 dots ----> Proceed to spam Force lightning.


The fact that all their dmg is Energy and Kinetic, ROFL BW?




Cover absorbs NOTHING(except Sniper attack). Shield Probe absorbs NOTHING. Evasion Absorbs NOTHING (except Sniper attacks).


Oh wait , i'm not done.


Let's talk about BH Set Bonuses.


Sniper - Reduce the cost of Takedown by 8 energy.

BH - Gives 15% more crit.

Edited by DestyOwn
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Huttball: I agree

Voidstar: Depends where you sit

Civil War: I've sat on the second level of the middle the length of entire games


And... are people unable to get away for some reason? I have no more issues getting away from people on my Sniper than I do on my Operative or Juggernaut


Do you fight a half dozen sorc's per WZ all spamming that broken channeled slow every GCD, that cannot be broken, or effectively interrupted.


Do you have a half dozen sorcs that simply dot you up and force speed away.


Do you have a half dozen sorcs that use force speed to run you down when you try to break LoS?


Do you have a half dozen sorcs that break your cover mechanic entirely with their channeled slow?



Gunslinger is not a horrible class. It does have a few things going for it. But the bugs with the cover system, and the fact that our cover bonuses are useless in PvP, in addition to the fact that we are trying to compete against classes with more simplified mechanics, and the bonus of offspec healing really makes the class less desirable in PvP.


#1 if you have a root or a slow on you it prevents you from entering or leaving cover.


#2 if you have a channeled slow on you it can break our cast and channel animations.


#3 when entering cover or using a long cast or channel ability, if you do not wait for the ridiculously long animation to end properly you will lag out / bug out your next ability. So if you enter cover but click hunker down ((cc immunity)) or aimed shot before the cover animation completely finishes, the abilities will bug out. The hunker down effect will occur, you'll get the buff, but for about 1 second CC will still hit thru. If you use a cast or channel the effect will occur but it will not do damage. Our AoE KB which already takes about .5-1 second to trigger due to the animation will bug out even more and not fire off at all.


#4 Our main dps tree, our burst tree does purely kinetic damage, and we have 1 armor debuff in that tree 20%. This debuff is cleanse-able by both sorc and BH. When you get into battlemaster matches, where your facing teams with lots of BH's / tanks it completely guts that trees damage output. Even squishy sorcs, when in battlemaster completely laugh off your damage. Unlike commando / BH we do not get a large amount of armor ignore on our main abilities.


#5 Most of the cover bonuses and defensive abilities do not function in PvP. Our accuracy debuffs from the spec'd skills do not function in PvP, except against our mirror. Our +20% ranged defense buff from cover only applies to attacks from our mirror. Even the hard cover bonus does not work in pvp against any melee attack, force attack, or tech attack. So that's 100% useless. The interrupt immunity does not stop ability setback from channels like tracer missiles, the channeled slow, force choke.


#6 Our defensive abilities do not work in pvp. Our dodge ability only dodges ranged weapon attacks. Force abilities, tech abilities, and melee abilities cannot be dodged, neither can channels. Our defensive absorb is 1/5th the value of the sorc / sage absorb.


#7 Our CC breaks do not work. They do not break channeled effects. Escape our main CC break which is suppose to prevent us from being slowed or rooted does not work. We can be immediately slowed and rooted again.


#8 Our most effective dps tree in PvP is arguably Dirty fighting. Its a dot spec that does not require cover. The problem is if your team has half a brain it is also the most easily countered spec. Sorcs can remove the dots faster than a gunslinger can apply them. You can literally shut down the entire dps of that spec with a cleanse every 5 seconds.


Now when you take these 8 items into account you realize that cover in pvp is just an added ability requirement that is not giving us any real bonus. Its not providing us with anything for the added ability requirement and loss of mobility. Its an easily countered mechanic, given the majority of classes have 2 if not 3 ranged CC abilities, and for pvp it has the fundamental flaw of making us immobile.


The only way you survive in PvP at the moment is being mobile, kiting and breaking LoS. Healing cannot fully cope with the burst damage at endgame right now. So you have to use defensive abilities and break LoS to stay alive. Our mechanic works against this, our defensive abilities are useless for this.


We are not horrible, we have a nice place in PvE but we just do not work as well as the others in PvP.


There are going to be people that refute this, that say its a l2p issue and that they own face. Well good for them. But I'm on a competitive PvP server and there is not one competitive PvP guild that is running gunslingers and snipers in their premades. Pretty much every single one of us is re-rolling until at least the cover ability lag issues are fixed and they give us something to counter the OPness of off spec healing from the hybrid dps'ers.


Simply put it is a ridiculously squishy, easily countered, and unresponsive class currently. You cannot do anything without support, and even with support if they enemy team understands how the class works, which most decent teams do, they will shut you down completely, with ease.

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Do you fight a half dozen sorc's per WZ all spamming that broken channeled slow every GCD, that cannot be broken, or effectively interrupted.


Do you have a half dozen sorcs that simply dot you up and force speed away.


Do you have a half dozen sorcs that use force speed to run you down when you try to break LoS?


Do you have a half dozen sorcs that break your cover mechanic entirely with their channeled slow?



Gunslinger is not a horrible class. It does have a few things going for it. But the bugs with the cover system, and the fact that our cover bonuses are useless in PvP, in addition to the fact that we are trying to compete against classes with more simplified mechanics, and the bonus of offspec healing really makes the class less desirable in PvP.


#1 if you have a root or a slow on you it prevents you from entering or leaving cover.


#2 if you have a channeled slow on you it can break our cast and channel animations.


#3 when entering cover or using a long cast or channel ability, if you do not wait for the ridiculously long animation to end properly you will lag out / bug out your next ability. So if you enter cover but click hunker down ((cc immunity)) or aimed shot before the cover animation completely finishes, the abilities will bug out. The hunker down effect will occur, you'll get the buff, but for about 1 second CC will still hit thru. If you use a cast or channel the effect will occur but it will not do damage. Our AoE KB which already takes about .5-1 second to trigger due to the animation will bug out even more and not fire off at all.


#4 Our main dps tree, our burst tree does purely kinetic damage, and we have 1 armor debuff in that tree 20%. This debuff is cleanse-able by both sorc and BH. When you get into battlemaster matches, where your facing teams with lots of BH's / tanks it completely guts that trees damage output. Even squishy sorcs, when in battlemaster completely laugh off your damage. Unlike commando / BH we do not get a large amount of armor ignore on our main abilities.


#5 Most of the cover bonuses and defensive abilities do not function in PvP. Our accuracy debuffs from the spec'd skills do not function in PvP, except against our mirror. Our +20% ranged defense buff from cover only applies to attacks from our mirror. Even the hard cover bonus does not work in pvp against any melee attack, force attack, or tech attack. So that's 100% useless. The interrupt immunity does not stop ability setback from channels like tracer missiles, the channeled slow, force choke.


#6 Our defensive abilities do not work in pvp. Our dodge ability only dodges ranged weapon attacks. Force abilities, tech abilities, and melee abilities cannot be dodged, neither can channels. Our defensive absorb is 1/5th the value of the sorc / sage absorb.


#7 Our CC breaks do not work. They do not break channeled effects. Escape our main CC break which is suppose to prevent us from being slowed or rooted does not work. We can be immediately slowed and rooted again.


#8 Our most effective dps tree in PvP is arguably Dirty fighting. Its a dot spec that does not require cover. The problem is if your team has half a brain it is also the most easily countered spec. Sorcs can remove the dots faster than a gunslinger can apply them. You can literally shut down the entire dps of that spec with a cleanse every 5 seconds.


Now when you take these 8 items into account you realize that cover in pvp is just an added ability requirement that is not giving us any real bonus. Its not providing us with anything for the added ability requirement and loss of mobility. Its an easily countered mechanic, given the majority of classes have 2 if not 3 ranged CC abilities, and for pvp it has the fundamental flaw of making us immobile.


The only way you survive in PvP at the moment is being mobile, kiting and breaking LoS. Healing cannot fully cope with the burst damage at endgame right now. So you have to use defensive abilities and break LoS to stay alive. Our mechanic works against this, our defensive abilities are useless for this.


We are not horrible, we have a nice place in PvE but we just do not work as well as the others in PvP.


There are going to be people that refute this, that say its a l2p issue and that they own face. Well good for them. But I'm on a competitive PvP server and there is not one competitive PvP guild that is running gunslingers and snipers in their premades. Pretty much every single one of us is re-rolling until at least the cover ability lag issues are fixed and they give us something to counter the OPness of off spec healing from the hybrid dps'ers.


Simply put it is a ridiculously squishy, easily countered, and unresponsive class currently. You cannot do anything without support, and even with support if they enemy team understands how the class works, which most decent teams do, they will shut you down completely, with ease.


This man tells the truth. I agree completely

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So true, but posting is basically pointless because you will get a bunch of ignorant replies like "well this one time in a warzone i got top damage, gunslinger is fine" or 'i see Gunslingers top damage all the time" when in actuality what they see are OPs/scoundrels. (As the above posts illustrate)


Too bad dealing damage alone in a warzone is not an accurate measure of whether or not a class is good or bad.


Gunslinger/Sniper are far and away the worst advanced class in the game.


-You can do decent damage, but not while being attacked.

-You have no worthwhile instant damage abilities, instead you have casted or channelled abilities that deal as much damage or less then the instant abilities of other classes.

-You have virtually no survivability. Id say without a doubt snipers are the easiest class to kill.

-You have no mobility, you are forced to stand still to do damage. Move and your damage is about 10% of what it was behind cover.

-and to top it off your damage is incredibly easy to mitigate/avoid by simply line of sighting or going out of range.


It seems they spent too much time making Operatives stupidly overpowered to make snipers decent. I guess you picked the wrong class.



1) Let me say that this is not true. Your cover provides adequate enough defense boost that you can repeatedly fire and tank someone face to face, you also have your low CD knockback and, if spec'd, it roots


2) This also is not true, Snipers/Gunslingers are extremely powerful, as is every class if played correctly and definitely when paired with Adrenals and Buffs.

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Seriously guys, I can see why you are arguing so much but really, just admit it, they released the game too early and I bet there will be some changes, but for me it just feels like its still in Beta with such many errors..


Just give Gunslingers a "Sniper Mode" and a "Mobility Mode" and its fixed! :)


I enjoyed reading all your tips and defeats, but hey its a game that focuses more on story than on pvp, yet in their latest video bioware said they were going to focus more on PvP, I can't tell if Gunslinger should be buffed or others nerfed, but as it is now, I do not like the offhand damage output, its just to low, and really there's nothing good and unique with Gunslingers except the scrambler field which imo is to small radius-wise.


But I will not do the same mistake as I did in WoW, which was rerolled as soon as I reached top level because of the imbalance, Gunslingers out there, There will come a time where pople probably will whine on our class, so atm just try to make the best out of it and stick with your teammates, you are no good to anyone if you are alone in teamfights, and especially not dead.



/Arcadoz the Space Cowboy :D

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1) Let me say that this is not true. Your cover provides adequate enough defense boost that you can repeatedly fire and tank someone face to face, you also have your low CD knockback and, if spec'd, it roots


2) This also is not true, Snipers/Gunslingers are extremely powerful, as is every class if played correctly and definitely when paired with Adrenals and Buffs.


You know that cover defense bonus only applies to certain ranged attacks right? Learn class abilities before spouting incorrect information.


Yes we can be powerful if left alone, and we tend to get a lot of damage "inflation" by people not moving out of our XS Freighter Strike although with a well timed Flash Grenade we can keep people in it. There's diddly squat we can do against tanks though :(

Edited by Beelzebubs
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Everyone here that is either a MERC/SORC or their Counterpart on the republic side, is completely clueless how much better their class is.


They are trying to tell us that sniper is good, so that their OP class doesnt get Nerf Hammered.


Get Real. An HYBRID Class isnt suppose to do MORE Damage that a PURE DPS Class. PERIOD. Oh wait Tell me more about your NON-OP Class Called MERC, Tell me your rotation plz

I've read this garbage in everything I've played since WoW. This hybrid class nonsense needs to stop. If someone is playing a damage specced Mercenary or Sorceror they are a damage class. There is no dual spec etc etc in this game. If a Merc or Sorc is "hybrid" outhealing you, frankly you are woefully incompetent.


Mitigation in this game is a joke, armor mitigates next to nothing (except for some godawful reason sniper damage) and no one I repeat no one is healing themselves to any real effect in PvP if they haven't heal specced on these classes. Mitigation is an issue in the game and it is contributing to how underpowered some classes may feel. The amount of damage that ignores mitigation makes it stand out even more when one class' attacks are subject to mitigation. This issue should be addressed either by making all classes have attacks that ignore mitigation or removing that effect from more classes.


Next step: people ************ about how their "pure" class is useless. Seriously, this isn't WoW, stop.


If you're really that upset about your class being underpowered, re-roll whatever class is the current FOTM and then return to the forums to complain when they end up nerfed.

Edited by SWImara
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I agree that Snipers and Gunslingers do not do the damage that they probably should. Rarely do I see them at the top of a damage list. That spot is normally reseerved for Sorcerers/Sages, at least on my server. This could be blamed on the fast that they really do not have a useful AOE skill (one that can not be easily avoided). I would like to see their single target damage increased by about 25% more than it currently has.
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I've read this garbage in everything I've played since WoW. This hybrid class nonsense needs to stop. If someone is playing a damage specced Mercenary or Sorceror they are a damage class. There is no dual spec etc etc in this game. If a Merc or Sorc is "hybrid" outhealing you, frankly you are woefully incompetent.


Mitigation in this game is a joke, armor mitigates next to nothing (except for some godawful reason sniper damage) and no one I repeat no one is healing themselves to any real effect in PvP if they haven't heal specced on these classes. Mitigation is an issue in the game and it is contributing to how underpowered some classes may feel. The amount of damage that ignores mitigation makes it stand out even more when one class' attacks are subject to mitigation. This issue should be addressed either by making all classes have attacks that ignore mitigation or removing that effect from more classes.


Next step: people ************ about how their "pure" class is useless. Seriously, this isn't WoW, stop.


If you're really that upset about your class being underpowered, re-roll whatever class is the current FOTM and then return to the forums to complain when they end up nerfed.


Are you playing MERC???


A Merc hybrid class needs what 5 points in bodyguard and can heal himself for 2-3k + shield in 1.5s in the middle of a fight if you interupt his tracer missile, then goes back to spam tracer missile tracer missile tracer misisle unload HT tracer missile tracer missile.


Which is all Energy damage...


the sniper little cover absorb about 0% of Energy damage..

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I am not an experienced PvP player. I have a current lvl 46 Gunslinger following the sharpshooter tree. My gear is just above average with no PvP specific items.


I ve watched a number of vids and read some posts about GS PvP play so i went to some WZ to test.


Well, it is all about support and positioning. GS is not the character that storms first to the opponent, he is the cannon that supports instead. In every WZ i try to pick the best available spot, given the situation and wait till i see some action. Then ,instead of picking a lone enemy, i focus my dps on an enemy that is fightng against oneof our own.


If i am picked by an opponent and left without support (Dps or Heals) then i would be very very lucky if i survive, especially if i have used my limited stun or escape abilities.


If i am picked by two opponents and left without help then death is a matter of seconds.

Still i am a vulnerable and easy target on 1 v 1, this class is a glass cannon, more glass than cannon apparently. Lag in WZ and ability delay hinder my efforts, plus the cover mechanic that is too slow when you enable it and triggers Global Cooldown. (I think)


So, Gunslinger is fun to play sometimes, but you have to be very smart to adapt and very lucky to survive in some cases.

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Sniper is a lot of work to play well in pvp, but its reasonably fun. I have found my niche to be bursting down cloth/medium armor targets who are at half health already, putting -20% armor on as many people as i can and slowing down enemies that are chasing the ball carrier.


The role is support; Huttball is all about the force jumps/runs and snipers can support well by doing what i described above. Other maps have their opportunities like orbital strike on the door in assault so the bombs cant be placed/defused is useful.


I do think that sniper should be buffed. And i think it will be for the simple reason that not many people are playing/choosing the class, and i think history has proven this, there is a need to keep the distribution of classes somewhat balanced.


I would welcome a damage buff, the cc utility is completely useless in pve since any creature of importance is immune to it. Which means its just dps and its not that great at it, a 'sniper' specced in 'marksmanship' should do more damage than it does.

Edited by Crankyhobo
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Are you playing MERC???


A Merc hybrid class needs what 5 points in bodyguard and can heal himself for 2-3k + shield in 1.5s in the middle of a fight if you interupt his tracer missile, then goes back to spam tracer missile tracer missile tracer misisle unload HT tracer missile tracer missile.


Which is all Energy damage...


the sniper little cover absorb about 0% of Energy damage..

A) Commando, Jedi Guardian & Operative

B) I mentioned previously (in the post you quoted) the issue with mitigation, Grav Round/Tracer Missile doing energy damage is stupid and imo somewhat poor design, it makes armor meaningless in the game but then almost all classes do a majority of their damage through non-mitigated sources. This makes Snipers seem worse than they should and is a system issue to address imo, not a class one. Look at the long threads from Guardians/Tank ACs on *** is up with shields etc.

C) Your tracer missile hate is not only noted but at least to an extent agreed with. This is an issue of class design and clearly was the direction the developers intended the class to go. I assure you no one enjoys shooting grav rounds or tracer missiles all day but its necessary to "spam it" 2-3 times at a bare minimum to keep your damage debuff going.

D) PvE armor set bonuses are a separate issue and should be addressed as one.


Honestly I think part of your problem also comes from playing Imperial and thus always getting stuck in Huttball. Huttball is a great/different instance but it is not equally fun for all classes. You're going to have a great deal more fun in Huttball playing as any of the force classes than you would on a normal map. In Alderaan or Voidstar there are plenty of A+ locations to mop people up as a sniper.


On a side note.. when picking an AC called "sniper" did you seriously expect to be doing damage on the run? I mean one playing a Commando/Mercenary could understandably get away with saying they had no idea they'd have to be stationary for a massive portion of their PvP career. Dude you're playing a sniper, did you expect to be WoW NElf flipping around/bunny hopping while throwing grenades or something?


To make it clear, I do think Snipers could use a bit of a buff in some area or another (perhaps damage I dunno) but I think that their damage being some of the only damage in the game that really gets mitigated is retarded.

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Is ok, I got this.

-You can do decent damage, but not while being attacked.

-You have no worthwhile instant damage abilities, instead you have casted or channelled abilities that deal as much damage or less then the instant abilities of other classes.

-You have virtually no survivability. Id say without a doubt snipers are the easiest class to kill.

-You have no mobility, you are forced to stand still to do damage. Move and your damage is about 10% of what it was behind cover.

-and to top it off your damage is incredibly easy to mitigate/avoid by simply line of sighting or going out of range.


- Leg shot, Flash Grenade, Dirty Kick, Pulse Detonator. Why you letting them attack you?

- I can cede this point unless target heath > 30%

- Snipers and slingers who let them selves get beat on? sure. Those others have Defense screen and hunker down.

- Dirty Fighting would disagree with you.

- Again dirty fighting would like to have a word. Them DoTs keep rolling. Also wouldn't ALL classes suffer LoS and range issues?


Granted i dont play a slinger/sniper like a tank. I don't try to melee. I dont try going toe to toe with a sentinel. I fight on my terms. If i do find myself get *** rushed I take it in stride and toss my DoTs out as fast i can to make sure they feel me when im gone. I never assume that if focused i can walk away with no assistance, no class should.


Give me some heals, maybe a nice vangaurd or gaurdian gaurding me, and theyll never make it past the acid pools.

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