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Please allow us to space Corso Riggs


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Oh riiiight, because anyone who isn't all "yo, I r from da hood!" is automatically a "bumpkin".




It's not an expression we use here in the UK, I was just asking for an explaination of the term.


I don't see that a personal attack is at all necessary.

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Gonna echo all the hate on Corso. Everything about him screams "redneck hick". I keep expecting him to start yelling "YEEHAW!" in combat... oh wait... he already does. God I hate him.


To make matters worse my Smuggler is rockin the awesome 70's pronstar mustache and retro puffy vest. And he's saddled with this inbred cow-tipping backwater douchebag who will never go away. It's starting to look disturbingly like some slash version of Star Wars with the "Homoerotic Adventures of Diggler and Riggs".

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I'm a chick, liberal feminist, and I'm completely ambivalent toward Riggs.


Yeah, his chauvinism annoys me, but I think the fact he begs me for help whenever he's dying cancels that out. Bowdaar just tells me he's failed me and tries to die with dignity. Corso has to make it a, "Save me, Cap't!" every time his health teeters. Still, he's fairly respectable and even quick-witted at times.


If he were a complete chauvinist and, say, fought me for control, told me a chick couldn't lead like a man could, or didn't respect my authoritah, he'd be a piece of furniture aboard my ship. I like to think I'm showing him his home-grown ideas about gender roles are completely erroneous.


The one time he really pissed me off, though, was when facing the sith on Tatooine. She tries to mind-control me and fails. Then she tries to mind-control Corso and succeeds. At the very least, BioWare, if you're going to make Corso my sole romance option, don't make him out to be weak-willed. So far as I've seen (am only level 27 at the moment), it didn't affect what occurred there at all, so why throw it in at all?


So yes, from a personality standpoint, Corso has his definite flaws. He's the gentleman the South forgot...but he has my back when I need it, doesn't try to run me, and is very loyal. I understand the hate, but I also understand the love. I'm just somewhere in the middle.

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Gonna echo all the hate on Corso. Everything about him screams "redneck hick". I keep expecting him to start yelling "YEEHAW!" in combat... oh wait... he already does. God I hate him.


To make matters worse my Smuggler is rockin the awesome 70's pronstar mustache and retro puffy vest. And he's saddled with this inbred cow-tipping backwater douchebag who will never go away. It's starting to look disturbingly like some slash version of Star Wars with the "Homoerotic Adventures of Diggler and Riggs".


Wow he does do that all the time.


He is my favorite of all of them. Surgically pulls the target you want out of a crowd to be killed.


Let me see who does that in WoW? Oh yea the Death Knight TANK!


Single targets are a faster kill then idiotic AOE on all of them like a Smuggler is a tank.


Besides Bowdar will just beat one of them into another pile of Elites all the time.

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I'm a chick, liberal feminist, and I'm completely ambivalent toward Riggs.


Yeah, his chauvinism annoys me, but I think the fact he begs me for help whenever he's dying cancels that out. Bowdaar just tells me he's failed me and tries to die with dignity. Corso has to make it a, "Save me, Cap't!" every time his health teeters. Still, he's fairly respectable and even quick-witted at times.


If he were a complete chauvinist and, say, fought me for control, told me a chick couldn't lead like a man could, or didn't respect my authoritah, he'd be a piece of furniture aboard my ship. I like to think I'm showing him his home-grown ideas about gender roles are completely erroneous.


The one time he really pissed me off, though, was when facing the sith on Tatooine. She tries to mind-control me and fails. Then she tries to mind-control Corso and succeeds. At the very least, BioWare, if you're going to make Corso my sole romance option, don't make him out to be weak-willed. So far as I've seen (am only level 27 at the moment), it didn't affect what occurred there at all, so why throw it in at all?


So yes, from a personality standpoint, Corso has his definite flaws. He's the gentleman the South forgot...but he has my back when I need it, doesn't try to run me, and is very loyal. I understand the hate, but I also understand the love. I'm just somewhere in the middle.


If you paid attention the Sith says "You want to kill your Captain."

Riggs says "I want to kill your Captain."

He made a joke see....


And he responded immediately after that to any commands. I failed several time so got the diolog down pat, also discovered he was not mind controlled at any time. He is not stupid.

Edited by Metalmac
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Most of the rage on this thread is from men who have chosen to play a female character. I think that there's a good chance that the developers had a female's interests in mind when they wrote the romance for a female character. The people who seem to be female irl who have posted in this thread have all supported the writing of Corso's character, and as a female I have to agree. He isn't offensive on a chauvinistic level, and he isn't THAT annoying. Anything he does that bothers you can be eradicated by simply using another companion. Overall I have to admit that I would have preferred having the choice between Corso and another, perhaps more rough-around-the-edges type of male companion who is more similar to my character, but there really isn't all that much hate-able about him, at least from a female standpoint. This begs the question, why are you playing a female character if you are so bothered by an annoyingly sweet NPC? As for your rude comment to that girl about sparkly vampires and such, that is far more sexist than anything that Bioware has written into the dialogue with Corso Riggs. Not every female is an ignorant worshiper of Edward Cullen you pig.




Nope, my wife plays a female smuggler and cant stand the guy.


I believe her exact words were "I wouldn't let him within 20 meters of my bunk, he'd be just as useless there as he is in battle!"



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Nope, my wife plays a female smuggler and cant stand the guy.


I believe her exact words were "I wouldn't let him within 20 meters of my bunk, he'd be just as useless there as he is in battle!"




Now that's funny. =P

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If you paid attention the Sith says "You want to kill your Captain."

Riggs says "I want to kill your Captain."

He made a joke see....


And he responded immediately after that to any commands. I failed several time so got the diolog down pat, also discovered he was not mind controlled at any time. He is not stupid.


It is possible I misheard. Wouldn't be the first time.


I've only tried it twice so I've had two chances to hear the dialogue (not sure why the convo repeats in that instance, but whatev). I paid extra attention the second time, and I could've sworn it was "you [comma] Captain." Pronounced pause. But I will happily eat my words the next time I take a crack at it. I figure I'll level up to 28 then try again. I'm kinda sucktastic at it right now.

Edited by HollyDA
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Most of the rage on this thread is from men who have chosen to play a female character. I think that there's a good chance that the developers had a female's interests in mind when they wrote the romance for a female character. The people who seem to be female irl who have posted in this thread have all supported the writing of Corso's character, and as a female I have to agree. He isn't offensive on a chauvinistic level, and he isn't THAT annoying. Anything he does that bothers you can be eradicated by simply using another companion. Overall I have to admit that I would have preferred having the choice between Corso and another, perhaps more rough-around-the-edges type of male companion who is more similar to my character, but there really isn't all that much hate-able about him, at least from a female standpoint. This begs the question, why are you playing a female character if you are so bothered by an annoyingly sweet NPC? As for your rude comment to that girl about sparkly vampires and such, that is far more sexist than anything that Bioware has written into the dialogue with Corso Riggs. Not every female is an ignorant worshiper of Edward Cullen you pig.


Didn't read all of this because ack! wall-o-text but last time I checked I am a woman in RL. Don't assume everyone who dislikes Corso is male. If anything I think he'd be more tolerable as a friend who wasn't trying to get in my toon's pants. Hell he'd be tolerable if he just wanted to get in my toon's pants. At 8000 affection (leveling the affection lvl for crafting reasons) I still get flirt options. Give it up dude, its not gonna happen.


I get the feeling Corso is for male smugglers kind of like Risha is for female ones. High fives when you get lucky and all that. Plus she's completely about the payday. Her and my smuggler are on the same wavelength. OF course I have given up any attempt to RP my dialog in this game and for the most part just pick whatever gives me affection with my companion.


And kind of off topic but since its been mentioned, my Jedi Knight is totally expecting Doc to slip her a Ruffie in her blue milk :rolleyes: Me and the hubby have nick-named him the "Date R*p*st."


Wow. That is pants on head retarded.


First off, Malcolm Reynolds was not a chauvinist. He didn't hesitate to shoot Patience or pummel Saffron.


Secondly, Mal isn't exactly a paragon of goodness. He does have a strong sense of justice, but its exact rules are rather flexible.


Finally, and most importantly, MAL WAS A SEPARATIST! The very core of his character is that he opposed unification and fought for the Independence.



Corso Riggs is about as unlike Malcolm Reynolds as you can possibly get.


QFT. I love Mal don't degrade him by comparing him to Corso ;)

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Much loling to be had within this thread.


I'm not really going to add much to it, other than two things: firstly, I quite like Corso so far (level 20), and secondly... the OP is full of so much aggression and bile and hate and a general sense of looking down on anyone that would DARE like Corso as some kind of sub-human, that I'm actually genuinely astounded that s/he thought people WOULDN'T take offense. Looky here, pal, I don't give a damn if you hate Corso, that's your opinion and you are welcome to it. But don't hate on me because I don't share that opinion!

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I don't have a problem with Corso, after all he gives my female smuggler some nice weapons. :)


But Risha is completely of the same mindset as my character, I just have more morale as light side (and she doesnt like that, but who cares, I like to piss her off).


What I don't get about Corso, he is supposed to be a soldier, who has seen the worst cases of war crimes and the bad of human nature, yet he is still naive, and acts surprised when someone cheats, kills and double-crosses. In all these years he didn't grow up to this harsh universe.



I just want 1 thing from Bioware, please let me decide who is standing on my bridge, because I want to reserve that spot for my co-pilot, who is Bowdaar.

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Awwww. Baaaaaad troll. lol


Actually no, I still don't understand what it actually means. As I've already said, it's not a term we use in the UK.


But I assume it hits a raw nerve with some. So I'll let the matter drop.

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Much loling to be had within this thread.


I'm not really going to add much to it, other than two things: firstly, I quite like Corso so far (level 20), and secondly... the OP is full of so much aggression and bile and hate and a general sense of looking down on anyone that would DARE like Corso as some kind of sub-human, that I'm actually genuinely astounded that s/he thought people WOULDN'T take offense. Looky here, pal, I don't give a damn if you hate Corso, that's your opinion and you are welcome to it. But don't hate on me because I don't share that opinion!

Wow chill out, it's a *********** game bro
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Actually no, I still don't understand what it actually means. As I've already said, it's not a term we use in the UK.


But I assume it hits a raw nerve with some. So I'll let the matter drop.


Lol, I understand your frustration. I'm going to assume you haven't gotten an answer as it is rather difficult to define - it means different things to different people. A lot of people would consider it rather synonymous with a southern gentleman (in reference to a male) who is old fashioned in is views of women and the world at large. These views are often chauvanistic, but often not overtly or in an intended manner. To other people it just means backwards and stupid, which is probably where the sore spot really comes in. That's just how I see it though, and I'm sure others will disagree with my definition here - we shall see.


Now, I understand not liking the character (I personally have no problem with him, but I am a guy, so who knows) and wanting the option to swap him for someone else (which I think is a legitamate option that may come along some day). What I don't understand are the personal attacks on both sides - just because someone likes one type of person or doesn't like that same type of person doesn't give you the right to demean them or attack them - different people like different things, and I think a bit of tolerance would really go a long way in this world. So, to sum it up, chillaxe people, and don't worry so much about how someone else feels. Enjoy the game for what it is, and if you can't, then leave.


Hope everyone's day goes wonderfully :p

Edited by KusterJr
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There is a big difference between being a little bit country and Corso. He is willfully ignorant, and that puts him in the group of slurs others used here and I won't repeat. I wouldn't mind if he were only a little country.


I would sum it up this way (and is very painful to say because I never thought they could do worse):


Replaces Carth Onasi as Bioware's worst companion character ever ...

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Actually no, I still don't understand what it actually means. As I've already said, it's not a term we use in the UK.


But I assume it hits a raw nerve with some. So I'll let the matter drop.


Oh, well, then ... I apologize for calling you a troll. Odd, though. My buds from the UK are well aware of what what people (at least in the Southern U.S.A.) mean when they call somebody "country" or "countrified". A post above me gave a pretty good definition of it.


Otoh, from my own pov, when I run across other southerners who think country people are stupid just because they don't maintain a cynical world view and expect the worst from everyone they meet .... I always was to say to them, "You're not from around here, are ya."


Country guys (as opposed to pure red-necks) usually treat women with a great deal of respect and are a little protective toward them, even when they don't know them. Sounds a lot like Corso ... and somewhere in the far distant future .... a guy named Luke. :)

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Country guys (as opposed to pure red-necks) usually treat women with a great deal of respect and are a little protective toward them, even when they don't know them. Sounds a lot like Corso ... and somewhere in the far distant future .... a guy named Luke. :)


Wait, wasn't it a long time ago? :p

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