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Scariest Star Wars Monster/Species/Creature?


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What in Star Wars scares you the most? Or what would you least like to run into?


There's this creepy spider thing the in Jedi Academy books, and it lives on this moon just outside of the Kessel black hole clusters. There is a mining facility and all these slaves or indentured workers are working in this huge undergound mine system and people keep disappearing and finally they figure out that what they're mining is the webs that the spider makes. The spider has figured out how to hunt the workers and it basically goes crazy eating all these people. The spider has these spear like legs (maybe fangs) that it uses to spear people and then swallow them in its gigantic mouth. I haven't read this book in like 5 years so I don't remember all the details.


Anyways, I'm just curious about your opinions.

Edited by Gantoris_Aym
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If anything in any of the original movies, nothing really scared me (I was also the kid who saw Aliens in the theater at 9 years old and was completely enraptured), though I frankly found the probe droid on Hoth to be the creepiest thing by far. It has purpose, it has power, and is an implacable predator: it made me feel much the way I think people of earlier generations did about Daleks and Cylons.


And seriously, they just reeked evil.

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Any Ocean creature that is as large if not larger then a whale... I hate their song... some reason Ocean life forms freak the hell out of me, even in RL i'm not afraid of sharks or nothing... no giant *** whales simply cause they are sooooo much larger then I am and I can't see them coming
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Not that it was scary, but remember the scene in, The Empire Strikes Back; the Millennium Falcon trying to escape the Imperial ships, hides out in that 'asteroid', but instead turned out to be a massive space worm.

I'd love to see that implemented in a Star Wars game somehow. Perhaps similar to that worm in Gears of War 2, where they killed it from the inside.


One tense gaming experience I remember; Jedi Academy...Rancor chase. That was one of the features I LOVED.

I could see an update where you spend the whole time basically running from a seemingly indestructible rancor, your mission is simply to slow it down using the environment, or anything.

Btw, Bioware devs...if you happen to be reading this, and take this idea on board (small chance, but could happen) could you credit me by creating a 'legacy' item for players to pick up, or a lore object...eg: T'ssya-Rho's Anti-Rancor Spray :D

You get the idea, something unique, and not available in crafting items.

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Species: Yuuzahn Vong - Highly resolute, scary, fanatics about purity.


Creature: Tie between Sarlaac and like a poster before me stated, the crystalline arachnids of the Kessel Spice mines.


Kessel Spice mines, thank you! I couldn't remember what it was called haha, and yeah I think the C'thons and the giant underwater worm/dragon/spider thing from Shadow Hunter was pretty Scary....anyone remember what that was called?

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Starweirds/Spaceweirds. These things creep me out like nothing else, imagine hanging outside your ship repairing your hyberdrive/sublight engines and this thing shows up right next to you? Yeah. Let's not even mention that they're supposedly dark side apperations and their screams can kill you through starship hull.



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Starweirds/Spaceweirds. These things creep me out like nothing else, imagine hanging outside your ship repairing your hyberdrive/sublight engines and this thing shows up right next to you? Yeah. Let's not even mention that they're supposedly dark side apperations and their screams can kill you through starship hull.




Thanks for the nightmare fuel. :p


Now I added this one to my SW creepies list.

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