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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Fine, have it your way. I guess you enjoyed randomly being sent to the character selection screen. To me. that's a big fix and constitutes an immediate fix.


Or maybe it never happend to me and Bioware just ruined the few hours I have on a saturday for some worthless patch.


Not to mention, a fix for one measly issue that took an extended downtime? Good god, talk about failure.

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also annoyed the post i put into the 'customer service' area was closed. although i was commenting on the patch time problem, my mean objection was too Biowares continued silence on the problem. this denotes poor customer service.


i see the issue as 2 fold


1) the timing of patches on EU servers,


2) The complete lack and disregard of customer service to EU PAYING CUSTOMERS.



1) the patch time could well become a policy descision, and we will have to live with it or leave. BUT, the customer service response (lack off) is not acceptable in any way for any reason

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"how many players do you REALLY think will create a character on another server to play for 4-8hrs ONCE a week in the middle of the night, seriously..."




You make this sound like an infrequent problem of minor proportions, and not something to put a lot of effort into.

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Is anyone actually constantly contacting bioware about this? Or cancelling subs? I'm afraid unless direct action is taken, they'll scarcely think about it.



I've contacted them a couple of times on the matter, you get a generic reply which is full of bullcrap about off peak and blah blah. They don't care, they aren't interested. I'm now at the point where I am not looking to the future of this game at all, it is now just a game to play until something better comes along.


I have no faith in BioWare, I don't think they have what it takes to run a AAA MMO title globally, they only know how to think and act locally. This basically means, if you aren't from the USA...SCREW YOU!

Edited by Mandrax
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2) The complete lack and disregard of customer service to EU PAYING CUSTOMERS.



1) the patch time could well become a policy descision, and we will have to live with it or leave. BUT, the customer service response (lack off) is not acceptable in any way for any reason




A survey of the forums suggests that the quality of customer service is considered bad by all forum posters regardless of country of residency.

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you can say goodbye to 1 more customer i wont pay anymore after my game card expire i dont want to pay for this ridiculous service(non existent) gl


Not going to that far because i a really like the game. But i know what you mean.

Edited by Alianar
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You make this sound like an infrequent problem of minor proportions, and not something to put a lot of effort into.


im just commenting on the americans using this as a reason for not having seperate maint times everytime these threads crop up and numerous times in this thread alone, like you state, MINOR proportions, yet the US posters seem to think its a big deal, hence, why I find it amusing

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I will say only one thing. Me and mine 4 frends that play toggether will unsub if this happens one more time. And yes we are from the EU.



Same here. I am ok with downtimes in the afternoon but NOT on the weekend. I hope BW learns from this. Either find a way to give EU players maintenances at 3am or at the very least stop making them during prime time.


If this happens again me and my wife will unsub.

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No, but blizzard has their EU and NA servers separated so one can not log into the other. I would hate those playing on an EU server logging into my server on their maintenance day as much as they would hate me logging into theirs.


So until they split it up to eliminate ques if BW goes separate maintenance days. I say one day for all is the best way.


Demand separate maintenance days and the segregation of the NA and EU communities just like Blizzard does.


Actually, it's worse than that - if they roll out a patch, then someone trying to log on to a US server that had already been patched with an unupdated client would just cause more problems.

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I suspect that the issue will eventually be resolved, but some EU players will not continue to invest while it is addressed. Your presence will be missed, because EU players are some of the best in the game. By the same token, the peoples of the EU have always set themselves apart with their maturity and dignity, and I have always appreciated how their interactions are often absent the vitriol, vehemence, and bold proclamations of dire consequence that often litter US threads and posts.


I hope that this tradition of refinement continues, and that Yankee custom does not seep overmuch to our brothers across the pond. For my own part, if the game ever becomes too much trouble for me, I hope to make a quiet exit with a customer service note explaining my reasons. I know that if enough people share my feelings, then money will speak more loudly than even the largest, reddest, or angriest forum post. Meanwhile, I shall not have given this frustration a rent-free residence in my heart. I'll rather be enjoying the next thing.

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What if you had a job worked all wekk apart from tuesdays and saterdays ?????


I do - weekends and very late evenings are my only time - so I did the weekly food shopping during down time.


If it had been Saturday evening, then I'd probably have gone for a pint with my mates.




Actually - people keep comparing this game with other MMOs - WoW in particular. I actually found the weekly maintenance hit my play time, because of the odd hours that I worked at the time. It happens.


And as for "extended maintenance" - I ended up with about 6 weeks of added free play on WoW because of "extended maintenance" problems (include the WEEK that the Earthen Ring server was down...).

Edited by Colow_Leper
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Yay! Good! Glad you've left - bye! *waves*


Just out of curiosity, why are you so glad they've cancelled? They were obviously on a euro server. Are you on a euro server? I'll assume you are, as this thread is concerning them. And I'm assuming, also, that you aren't an american coming on here to troll. Taking that all into account, do you not think that the people cancelling will drive down server population, and bioware will be getting less income in order to do things like expansions?

You're fine with just that one person unsubbing or do you want more?

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Bioware, I understand the need to take down severs for maintainece but with the timezones its harsh on the EU as not everone works 9-5. Its a pain and many many posts have been made about this topic with no answers to long term plans for this.


Go to log in this morning to find the servers down again in the EU. What are you thinking taking down a severs on a weekend period, forget the timezones its the weekend.

I like many others dont work weekends this is our big slice of game time.


You need to sort this out now, before it starts to impact on people who pay your wages and shareholders.


If its an emergency hotfix, then post thats what it is....... people would be more forgiving.

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Just out of curiosity, why are you so glad they've cancelled? They were obviously on a euro server. Are you on a euro server? I'll assume you are, as this thread is concerning them. And I'm assuming, also, that you aren't an american coming on here to troll. Taking that all into account, do you not think that the people cancelling will drive down server population, and bioware will be getting less income in order to do things like expansions?

You're fine with just that one person unsubbing or do you want more?




If you're going to cancel, fine, do it - send a note to EA/BW - just don't bend our ears about it.


Frankly I'm fed up with it - on every game that comes out there are a bunch of posters screaming that "unless you make it better, then I'm taking my ball and going home".


If just 1% of the current player base left (which, at current sign up, would probably be replaced in two weeks), something between 10,000 and 20,000 players would be posting on here.


What's even sillier - the only people that look at these moans are a few moderators - if you want someone to look at your complaint, send something direct to them - at least that might be logged by someone.




Yes - I'm on an EU server - I'm in the UK.

Edited by Parali
rude, already warned
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One less whiner.


If you're going to cancel, fine, do it - send a note to EA/BW - just don't bend our ears about it.


Frankly I'm fed up with it - on every game that comes out there are a bunch of posters screaming that "unless you make it better, then I'm taking my ball and going home".


If just 1% of the current player base left (which, at current sign up, would probably be replaced in two weeks), something between 10,000 and 20,000 players would be posting on here.


What's even sillier - the only people that look at these moans are a few moderators - if you want someone to look at your complaint, send something direct to them - at least that might be logged by someone.


Why are you on this topic then if you don't care, do you need a tutorial on how to do searches for topics that do interest you?

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It's simple. There is no legit reason why the EU can't be on a seperate schedule to the US. Other MMO's do it so it's feasible.


Today's wasn't an emergency patch. Emergency means you stop the show, patch instantly then resume. They announced it then waited until the best time for North America and then patched it. Not so much of an emergency then is it?


Dev 1: Oh oh...we've heard of a terrible bug happening to 0.1% of the playerbase. We need to fix this bad boy asap.


Dev 2: Ah but Miss Black says it's friday...surely we can't work and '/get down' on friday?


Dev 1: Good point...mmm...Ok I got it, we'll patch it tonight after the 'after work knees-up'.


Dev 2: Wait no!!! Remember our mantra 'Thou shall not tamper with NA primetime'.


Dev 1: /Shudder. Thanks, that was close. Ok how about tomorrow at 2am PST?


Dev 2: Yeah, but isn't that at 10am-16pm EU time and it's a Saturday for them also?


Dev 1: EU-Who?


Dev 2: /ROFLMAO, nice one!

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