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Does Dark Side Jedi Knight make sense?


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If I were you, I'd just play the way you feel at the moment.


Sith dude pleading for his life after killing dozens of innocents? Face, meet Lightsaber.


Republic performing unsanctioned experiments on prisoners that could hurt the Republic if it came out? Turn in the man most responsible.


I haven't really noticed any benefits to always being light-side, but sparing most people seems to work out for me. Just use your own moral compass to decide what to do.:D

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The dark-side always lead to the dark-side. Makes absolutely no sense of a dark-side Jedi. Every Jedi that fell to the dark-side became a sith lord, ie Darth Vader. And the ones that fell to the darkside but came back to the light side was no longer dark. So a Sith lord posing as a Jedi Knight is utterly ridiculous.
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If I were you, I'd just play the way you feel at the moment.


Sith dude pleading for his life after killing dozens of innocents? Face, meet Lightsaber.


Republic performing unsanctioned experiments on prisoners that could hurt the Republic if it came out? Turn in the man most responsible.


I haven't really noticed any benefits to always being light-side, but sparing most people seems to work out for me. Just use your own moral compass to decide what to do.:D



There are benefits. If you don't have enough lightside are darkside points there are certain gear and speeders you can't use or buy. Total fail on bioware part. It is best to go all dark or all light or miss opportunities to use certain items.

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The dark-side always lead to the dark-side. Makes absolutely no sense of a dark-side Jedi. Every Jedi that fell to the dark-side became a sith lord, ie Darth Vader. And the ones that fell to the darkside but came back to the light side was no longer dark. So a Sith lord posing as a Jedi Knight is utterly ridiculous.




EU stories have lots of dark jedi that weren't part of the sith order. And this game has plenty too.

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I went all-out dark-side and really haven't noticed many benefits to it.


Sure, there's some exclusive gear and the occasional weapon with dark/light requirements.


But those really only refer to the crystal color which can easily be replaced. Honestly, the only reason I think Bioware implemented Dark/Light-side gear was so that Jedi-Knight don't run around with red sabers.

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Dark Jedi doesn't mean you're out slaughtering everyone that is innocent.


You could just be looking out for what's best for the Republic and going against the Jedi code. I'd like to think that's what Anakin would have done if he didn't completely get consumed by power and join the sith.


In his mind, he was actually trying to save the Republic from the Jedi who palpatine said were trying to destroy the republic.


Or even Revan, going against the judgment of the council to help the Republic in the war. They eventually fell to the dark side and did some nasty things but you get my point. :cool:

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I went all-out dark-side and really haven't noticed many benefits to it.


Sure, there's some exclusive gear and the occasional weapon with dark/light requirements.


But those really only refer to the crystal color which can easily be replaced. Honestly, the only reason I think Bioware implemented Dark/Light-side gear was so that Jedi-Knight don't run around with red sabers.


You know that whole crystal restriction makes no sense to me


Anyone remember in KOTOR when you could make your lightsaber any color?


I mean it's just a crystal, a component in the machine, the color of your saber should have nothing to do with your alignment

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There are benefits. If you don't have enough lightside are darkside points there are certain gear and speeders you can't use or buy. Total fail on bioware part. It is best to go all dark or all light or miss opportunities to use certain items.


I'm level 50 and I have yet to put on a light required item on and from what I have been seeing, I probably never will. The orange gear that the dark/light vendors are in the end cosmetic, just like the social gear is. The only other thing youd miss out on is I guess the crappy leveling relics from Treasure hunting.

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So after creating like my 10th character, I was getting a bit bored and decided to create a dark side Sentinel and Scoundrel. The Scoundrel fits the part very well, with a manhunt to kill Skavak for screwing her royally. The Sentinel doesnt make as much sense, but Im still having fun and I like running around with red lightsabers lol.


My only problems is that the dark behavior doesnt fit with companion affection towards my characters. Corso sometimes likes it, but T7 never does. Do the affection scores give any type of benefit to me besides lower crafting times? None of my characters stay above 100 affection, but since Im not a hardcore crafter, I dont think it will bother me.

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Dark Jedi doesn't mean you're out slaughtering everyone that is innocent.


You could just be looking out for what's best for the Republic and going against the Jedi code. I'd like to think that's what Anakin would have done if he didn't completely get consumed by power and join the sith.


In his mind, he was actually trying to save the Republic from the Jedi who palpatine said were trying to destroy the republic.


Or even Revan, going against the judgment of the council to help the Republic in the war. They eventually fell to the dark side and did some nasty things but you get my point. :cool:


Don't forget greed and selfishness as well. There are some Jedi who do things out of greed but are not considered sith, but are still dark.

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light/dark is kindof all over the place.


Its not really hardline into jedi code vs breaking the code.


Sometimes its lawful good=light. sometimes its choatic good=light. Sometimes upholding the jedi code=light.


while dark is the reverse. Sometimes just being a jerk=dark.

Or not allowing emotion to influence choice, still=dark.

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I went JK Guardian lightside and have dinged 50. At launch I had plans to sample all classes, but have to admit that I now want to see how the story turns out going darkside.



So I ended up 'redeeming everyone I ran across and thought it was very cool when they all start reappearing and helping later on. I want to see what happens if I had just killed them all.


Long story short, I think you will have a ton of fun darkside.

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Doesn't really make sense from a story standpoint when you actually consider what the entire conflict in this universe is about.


I tend to disagree. The dark jedi is still a good guy, but gets things done a different way. Dark jedi does not equal sith.

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The dark-side always lead to the dark-side. Makes absolutely no sense of a dark-side Jedi. Every Jedi that fell to the dark-side became a sith lord, ie Darth Vader. And the ones that fell to the darkside but came back to the light side was no longer dark. So a Sith lord posing as a Jedi Knight is utterly ridiculous.


In the EU, there's quite a difference between a Sith Lord and a dark Jedi.


Although, if you go the dark Jedi route, you have to wonder why the council choose to let you on such sensitive missions. Sending you against Sith Lords... there's a good chance you'll switch sides.

Edited by instantdeath
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You know that whole crystal restriction makes no sense to me


Anyone remember in KOTOR when you could make your lightsaber any color?


I mean it's just a crystal, a component in the machine, the color of your saber should have nothing to do with your alignment

You can make the exact same argument asking why Republic characters don't wear armor with Sith emblems on it and vice-versa. It's a symbol showing allegiance to a particular ideal. A dark side character using blue or green sabers is showing weakness to their enemies, and a light side character using a red saber is showing that he has been corrupted by the dark side.

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My only problems is that the dark behavior doesnt fit with companion affection towards my characters. Corso sometimes likes it, but T7 never does. Do the affection scores give any type of benefit to me besides lower crafting times? None of my characters stay above 100 affection, but since Im not a hardcore crafter, I dont think it will bother me.

The other benefit is that you get quests from your companions if you have a high enough affection from them. Not raising affection means that you miss out on the experience and story from those quests.

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was thinking of rolling a DS JK but was worried about the compaions affection. do some compaions turn dark with you, kinda like vette will for the SW. and does DS mess up the romiance arc.

Companions don't get alignment like PCs. All companions stay neutral which means that unfortunately they can never wear gear with light/dark requirements. The romance arcs are independent of alignment, and depend on what choices you make in dialog options and how high your companion's affection score is.


Yes, going dark side may make it a bit more difficult to raise affection with certain companions. But it's not as bad as you'd think. You get a ton of dialog options with one mission after another, and many opportunities to raise affection through those dialog options. Only once in awhile do you get a dialog option that has a dark/light side rating. So maybe you drop a character's affection score by picking a dark side choice, but then the next 15 dialog options with no alignment change can raise it again.


If you want to, you can act heroic, honest, and compassionate in most dialog choices then when the dark/light choice comes along become a ruthless monster. Doing that shouldn't be a problem.


Don't forget that you can also get companion gifts to increase affection. Diplomacy is a great skill for this, because you can send companions on missions to get gifts and you can also earn dark side points for completing the missions, so you win both ways.

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Compared to my experience with a <Level 33 Sith Warrior, the sub-37 Jedi Knight story doesn't seem to address your alignment much if at all. They kind of dismiss your arrogance and brash actions as ambition and say to be mindful of your feelings, no different than how Obi-wan treated Anakin. The story is the best I've played but your alignment really makes no difference. With the Sith Warrior, however, your alignment seems to have a much greater affect on the outcome of the story as a whole, especially with your companions.


Being Dark has a few benefits, noticeably some of the most twisted Dark Side decisions you will experience because they are coming from someone the NPC thought was going to help them. The NPC makes himself vulnerable because he assumes you're a good guy, then you kill or torture him. Pretty messed up.


Dark decisions outside of the alignment gain choices don't matter (except often give you negative affection with T7 or Kira) so you have to neuter yourself during normal banter for the sake of maintaining a positive affection rating. Explore the option, see what companion gains it gives you and what the line of dialogue sounds like, then escape to start over and pick the "right" choice instead.


The first twenty levels of DS choices were very meh and stupid bully type, but the 30s have some interesting moral choices. Alderaan had quite a few that I was very pleased with personally, giving me the sense of that adamant, renegade Jedi Knight who will do everything in his power to ensure the safety of his Republic and leaves no loose ends during his adventures.

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The other benefit is that you get quests from your companions if you have a high enough affection from them. Not raising affection means that you miss out on the experience and story from those quests.


You get some cool stories about your companion, but 10000 affection seems to be about 15% crafting reduction, which is pretty relevant for slicing I suppose, but ultimately cybertech and biochem are the "good" crafting skills and maybe i'm unique, but the longer missions isn't really noticeable because I just send my random guys off while I'm questing.

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