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From a Sorc, about Sorc nerf QQ... the low down.


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Thanks for the troll


Try this:


1) Make your abilities do energy damage that can be mitigated


2) Make at least 1 of your 211 lightning abilities NOT stun/slow


3) Make some of your abilities not insta-cast with zero cooldown.


4) You're trying to defend a completely and statistically invalid argument


5) Try playing any other class that isn't Inquisitor or Agent then return to your OP


Umadsir? :csw_trooper:

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Im sorry are you saying sorc is op or operatives?

If so please just make the title more correct :D


Please read the OP. I stated the complaints, and rebuttals I offered on the ignorant posts crying nerf to the sorc. I used the operative as an example of why a sorc would cry op on the operative, yet they are not op, they are just designed to kill sorcs.


For those that cried 500k club, if they were smart enough to pull their head out of their ***, they would notice the sorc that did that damage was using aoe's hitting for very little damage per target, thus doing nothing to the opposing team, high damage players are for epeen only. When a sorc is actually using the utility it is given, as dps or heal, they rarely get over 200k in either while trying to win a match rather than aoe pew pew everyone for low damage.

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Try this:


1) Make your abilities do energy damage that can be mitigated


2) Make at least 1 of your 211 lightning abilities NOT stun/slow

We have 5 lightning abilites, and only 1 of them slows ( force lightning ), the other can slow if talented into it which is rare.

3) Make some of your abilities not insta-cast with zero cooldown.

We have 3 non talented insta cast abilities, all with a cooldown of 15 seconds or more. If talented correctly, a force lightning critical hit gives us a buff that makes the next activation needed cast instant.

4) You're trying to defend a completely and statistically invalid argument

Prove this.


5) Try playing any other class that isn't Inquisitor or Agent then return to your OP

I played beta for months, and started early access on the 13th of december. I have had 3 level 50's, and 4 others lvl 30+. I tried it, and came back to the sorc because I liked the storyline and it fit my playstyle, as the last 13 years in mmo gaming I have played a caster.


Umadsir? :csw_trooper:


Cute, maybe if you spent more time learning to play, and learning the class your crying about instead of finding little trooper pictures, you might not be as bad and ignorant as you are.

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Sorcerers are the only class in the game that has no burst dps at all, we are a dot class that doenst even deal the largest hitting dot damage, all our damage is insanely mitigated by armor since its all energy.


BH merc can do almost every thing a sorc can do, but they do it alot better.

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Sorcerers are the only class in the game that has no burst dps at all, we are a dot class that doenst even deal the largest hitting dot damage, all our damage is insanely mitigated by armor since its all energy.


BH merc can do almost every thing a sorc can do, but they do it alot better.


I partially agree, and the reason I chose to play a Sorc rather than the Merc which is better at burst dpsing, is because I like playing a Sorc character, rather than a Bounty Hunter. I like the lightning effects and the armor.

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I don't care really, I just think the class should be more difficult to play. All I see is lightning, lightning, lightning. It's almost as bad as the BH's with their one button tracer spam.


Almost as bad as troopers with their grav spam? I seriously start to wonder if troopers have any other abilities :p

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Cute, maybe if you spent more time learning to play, and learning the class your crying about instead of finding little trooper pictures, you might not be as bad and ignorant as you are.


He made more arguments than u did to be honest.

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I'm a tank, assassin with only 3 pieces that arent pvp, coming to 5 total that arent champion.


When i duel a sorceror friend of mine with my 9.3% expertise and mitigation, yeah sure i lose, but guess what, IM A FREAKING TANK.


The amount times i stunned and slowed him, someone who outgears me a little was ridiculous and the fight lasted for ages and this is a guy who melts face in pvp, gets his 300k easy without trying, has broken 600k by trying to break it.


My point is i go him down to 1/3 with my tank dps. Operatives/Smugglers/Stalker assassins are BURST dps, and ive seen a smuggler drop my hp with all my mitigation to 1/3 in less than 5 seconds compared to a 30sec+ fight vs this geared sorc.


Sorcerors are not OP like the poster said, they require protection. And im the kind of tank to have guard on the sorceror who knows how to play who quite often, has to run away and heal even though im taking 50% of his damage.


You kiddies who are voting against the main poster need to learn to use your class properly, and time your CC's so that you DON'T proc resolve within the first 2 seconds (5 stuns cast at the same time)


One thing i do vs hard to kill targets, when we're grouped up, i have this nifty little skill called Force Pull, I know BH and Troopers have it, probably shadow if they go tank (idk if they can but there must be another republic class which can).


But anyway, i use Force Pull and then stun to either separate the tank from the dps or the dps from the tank and then go CC the tank. Why? Guard, the thing which keeps a lot of these sorcs alive in premades or in a pug with half a brain, has a 15 metre range. Make use of it and separate them asap.


As to the burst dpsers, you will never match a sorc in damage. You probably can slaughter them in kills/solo kills though.

Edited by Gumbicus
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Almost as bad as troopers with their grav spam? I seriously start to wonder if troopers have any other abilities :p


If they are that much of a problem, and seem like they are spamming ( like the sorc's lightning ), do some research on them, find out what they are really spamming if anything and learn how to counter it. That's a great way to nerf the cry-nerfer's before they can cry nerf, is if they actually researched the class they are cry-nerfing about. Last sentence didn't apply to you, just putting it in there as a general piece of advise to the cry-nerfers out there.

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He made more arguments than u did to be honest.


To be honest, fantastic. He's trying to prove a point, so arguements are acceptable. I was laying out the entire cry list and explaining what it actually is rather than the rumors going around, and leaving the rest for you to speculate if you think it's OP or not. I had no arguements, I had facts.. To be honest.

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sorc need nerf, and force lighting needs ranged touned down. 5 sorc in huttball they dominate...ner bat will come, deal with it


It won't come, they aren't op. They are as intended. People like you must be very new to mmo's, or just very slow. Having played over 10 different mmo's, the pattern is the exact same for casters, and the nerf bat pattern will stay the same. There isn't one. Deal with it.

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This makes no sense?


Let me break it down for you.


You are not objective, you are OP and claiming not to be. So you calling it QQ when somone points out that your class can do just about everything all in one, you have absolutely no room to say they are wrong. Because they aren't.

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I don't think we are OP either, I just think that buffs and consume stacks and relics mixed in with champ gear makes everyone overpowered.


I use to never use relics or consumes and I was not so great as a soc died alot, when I started dropping relics and consumes and getting champ gear i started to murder people.


Where is the problem in the game? Its not the class itself, its the buffs

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classic at the sorcs are op people.


light armour, all they really have is a shield and a 2 second sprint.


Can easily tell who the terrible players are, the ones saying they just spam lightning.

Madness rotation is 3x dots, and AOE instant cast that increases dot crit, and force lightning.



So this means the terrible players dont notice they are even being attacked till they have 3 dots on them and the AOE hits.


At this stage they are like "What the", and the force lightning starts, they die because they have been attacked for 7 seconds without noticing, and think its just imbalanced, when really it is their lack of ability to even notice they are being attacked.




So not only do we use 4 attacks that are not lightning that you dont notice, but the other attacks we actually do have, are ALL LIGHTNING.


Force Lightning, our stun, shock and 2-3 other abilities all use lightning as an animation.



Dont blame sorcs because you fail to even notice your being dotted up before the lightning hits you and to stupid to realise that those lightning attacks arnt all the same thing ....

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Let me break it down for you.


You are not objective, you are OP and claiming not to be. So you calling it QQ when somone points out that your class can do just about everything all in one, you have absolutely no room to say they are wrong. Because they aren't.


Let me break it down for you.


I am not objective, I am not op and claim as such. I call it crying when someone points out I spam lightning for 45 seconds, I stun them 5 times in a row, I do 500k single target damage, and that I should not have any mechanics of survival while having 1/5th the armor rating everyone else has. You are now relieved from this conversation as you are obviously incapable of intelligently replying to anything relevant. In this case, I would call an "Objection your honor", as you have failed to even present a valid arguement, and your statement is infallibly flawed. That is all.

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I don't believe any classes are OP in this game it's just that half of the Republic players don't know how to rip you to pieces as a sage, or do the scoundrel shot gun knock down kill.


Most of the crying OP, in every game is due to people not understanding the class they are crying about. If you do not understand a class, how can you kill it. This can be applied to so many different analogies in real life, and most of the time explains why these QQ'ers play for hours on end a day on video games. Because they fail at everything else.

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last night a sage had 410k damage and 300k healing, it's just a bit ridiculous that one class is the best healer and the best dps'er rolled into one.


sorcs should be glass canons, not armor plated steel canons.


just remove the stupid bubble and sorcs will be at least killable.

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