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From a Sorc, about Sorc nerf QQ... the low down.


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I love how all these "players" think LIGHT ARMOR DPS'ERS should have 12k health, no shield, no heals, and no sprint.


Ok fine, let us have all our dps skills, but put them in heavy armor with 20k hp, and let us jump at people.

Seems like your going to cry again, so lets re-nerf the sorc.



Put them in light armor, take away force speed, but reduce the cooldown on the shield ( Which having tested thoroughly, shields 4k damage at level 50, 5k with the 20% bonus talent, and 10k if you have the talent AND a juggernaut guarding you. ) .



Ok so that was a more subtle tweak instead of a nerf, but it just changed the game. Without force speed, we no longer have the advantage of getting to the huttball first ( which isn't really an advantage, because we have 12k health and light armor. )


Let's face it, any class up against the Sorc is going to kill it, unless they just have no clue as to how to play their class. LOS / Heal / Shield / LOS / Kite tactic is useless. If you are dps spec, and have adequate gear, go after the sorc... if not. DON'T. Run the hell away and stop picking fights with geared sorcs. If you can't manage to dps down 15k health with MINIMAL absorbtion before they have a chance to run away and heal and re-shield, you shouldn't be fighting them.


This would be the same if I ( as a sorc ) got ganked by an operative, and cried because I couldnt kill him. DUH PEOPLE, operatives are meant to kill us. My strategy, CC and run away. If your standing toe to toe against a sorc and your outmatched, that is it... simply. Get better gear, and then go toe to toe with them, and after you learn to play, I promise you will beat them 9/10 times 1v1. if it's 2v1, well then you can't even complain about the class.


Operatives that are dps spec hardly ever top the dps charts in a match, they are simply there to be able to dps sorcs down before they have a chance to los/kite/heal/run. These stats should be taken with a grain of salt anyways. As a competitive player, i've learned to recognize when people are playing for personal epeen dps numbers, and when they are playing to win. Sorcs have the ability to top the charts over 400k either as dps or heal spec. If they are over 300k in dps, most likely they were not playing to win, they were playing for medals /epeen. I realize some of you are going to troll that last statement, so let me clarify. When I was heal spec, and I got over 300k, that was damn good on my part, and meant most of the time my team was alive resulting in me doing my part to win the game. When i'm dps spec, and I get over 300k, most of the time it's because I was simply trying to do so, rather than get the rest of my medals or even help the team. In huttball, when I'm running the ball and assisting others to get the ball in the goal, I hardly ever top 100k dps. But when I sit back and freecast, yes, 500k is easy ( unless I'm being focus hunted by operatives or mauraders etc.. )



Sorcs can play many roles in pvp, from assistance, to cc, to heals and dps... but bottom line, we are squishy casters just like every other mmo since the history of mmo's. Instead of being able to 3 shot people ( like dark age of camelot wizards could 2-3 shot almost anyone including tanks ) sorcs are given utility and over-time dps. We have 1 isnta aoe for 1-2k that only hits 3 people, 1 insta aoe ( if talented correctly ) that hits for 2-3k, a 3 second channeled lightning that hits for 2-3k, and 2 dots ( one insta if talented ) hits for 800 up front with an extra 1200 over 6 seconds on a 20 second cooldown, and an insta that does 1100 over 18 seconds. These are the raw numbers displayed on the tooltip, so now you all know exactly what we have, what we can work with, and what we were intended to be.


If you have any questions or comments, I have tested everything in this class ( i'm very interested in the technicalities of the game ), please feel free to ask or troll, whatever floats your boat.

Edited by Paralassa
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I don't care really, I just think the class should be more difficult to play. All I see is lightning, lightning, lightning. It's almost as bad as the BH's with their one button tracer spam.


Yes, all you see is Lightning, Lightning, Lightning...




/rageplay (far more effective than /ragequit)


People who call for nerfs RARELY need to Learn to Play...


Rather, they should read over and learn the class they are crying about because it's typically not as cut and dry as they first percieve it...


Classes are balanced, stop complaining...

Edited by TheFishes
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the Sorc situation is a great example of why not to listen to bads on forums. Some bad players lose in pvp - majority of players are sorcs = OMG SORCS OP! but in reality sorcs are one of the weaker classes. Their damage sucks. Oh i'm so scared of your 2.5k crits off a spell that takes 2 seconds to cast. Sorc/Sage scales the least of any class.
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I love how all these "players" think LIGHT ARMOR DPS'ERS should have 12k health, no shield, no heals, and no sprint.


Ok fine, let us have all our dps skills, but put them in heavy armor with 20k hp, and let us jump at people.



Seems like your going to cry again, so lets re-nerf the sorc.



Put them in light armor, take away force speed, but reduce the cooldown on the shield ( Which having tested thoroughly, shields 4k damage at level 50, 5k with the 20% bonus talent, and 10k if you have the talent AND a juggernaut guarding you. ) .


Ok so that was a more subtle tweak instead of a nerf, but it just changed the game. Without force speed, we no longer have the advantage of getting to the huttball first ( which isn't really an advantage, because we have 12k health and light armor. )


Let's face it, any class up against the Sorc is going to kill it, unless they just have no clue as to how to play their class. LOS / Heal / Shield / LOS / Kite tactic is useless. If you are dps spec, and have adequate gear, go after the sorc... if not. DON'T. Run the hell away and stop picking fights with geared sorcs. If you can't manage to dps down 15k health with MINIMAL absorbtion before they have a chance to run away and heal and re-shield, you shouldn't be fighting them.


This would be the same if I ( as a sorc ) got ganked by an operative, and cried because I couldnt kill him. DUH PEOPLE, operatives are meant to kill us. My strategy, CC and run away. If your standing toe to toe against a sorc and your outmatched, that is it... simply. Get better gear, and then go toe to toe with them, and after you learn to play, I promise you will beat them 9/10 times 1v1. if it's 2v1, well then you can't even complain about the class.


Operatives that are dps spec hardly ever top the dps charts in a match, they are simply there to be able to dps sorcs down before they have a chance to los/kite/heal/run. These stats should be taken with a grain of salt anyways. As a competitive player, i've learned to recognize when people are playing for personal epeen dps numbers, and when they are playing to win. Sorcs have the ability to top the charts over 400k either as dps or heal spec. If they are over 300k in dps, most likely they were not playing to win, they were playing for medals /epeen. I realize some of you are going to troll that last statement, so let me clarify. When I was heal spec, and I got over 300k, that was damn good on my part, and meant most of the time my team was alive resulting in me doing my part to win the game. When i'm dps spec, and I get over 300k, most of the time it's because I was simply trying to do so, rather than get the rest of my medals or even help the team. In huttball, when I'm running the ball and assisting others to get the ball in the goal, I hardly ever top 100k dps. But when I sit back and freecast, yes, 500k is easy ( unless I'm being focus hunted by operatives or mauraders etc.. )



Sorcs can play many roles in pvp, from assistance, to cc, to heals and dps... but bottom line, we are squishy casters just like every other mmo since the history of mmo's. Instead of being able to 3 shot people ( like dark age of camelot wizards could 2-3 shot almost anyone including tanks ) sorcs are given utility and over-time dps. We have 1 isnta aoe for 1-2k that only hits 3 people, 1 insta aoe ( if talented correctly ) that hits for 2-3k, a 3 second channeled lightning that hits for 2-3k, and 2 dots ( one insta if talented ) hits for 800 up front with an extra 1200 over 6 seconds on a 20 second cooldown, and an insta that does 1100 over 18 seconds. These are the raw numbers displayed on the tooltip, so now you all know exactly what we have, what we can work with, and what we were intended to be.


If you have any questions or comments, I have tested everything in this class ( i'm very interested in the technicalities of the game ), please feel free to ask or troll, whatever floats your boat.


U bored brah?


TL;DR, but agree with the premise. Fact is each class is highly capable and there is no true imba class. Bio-Chem is OP right now and geared 50's are miles beyond anyone under level 50. The QQer are those that don't understand the game mechanics.

Edited by Paralassa
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i cant even read that the colors are just awful


I changed the colors, is that acceptable?


You honestly dont think Sorc's are not overpowered? really?



No I do not, I believe they have the same principles as every other games casters have, as stated earlier. The only difference, is in this game they got utility rather than burst dps. Just out of curiosity, what class do you play?

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Sorc is mildly overpowered, nothing like Ops but they need a nerf, this nerf:


Increase the cooldown on bubble for Sorcs not deep into the healing tree. Everything else can stay, but when I attack a sorc who has bubble up because hes not a baddie, and I break that and another one comes up and I break that and I'm about to kill him (because I'M not a baddie) and... a third bubble, it's too much. Too much bubblage. I don't mean to get bubbly but ive seen enough bubbles bubble to bubble bubble bubble. Nerf bubble. Bubble.

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I don't care really, I just think the class should be more difficult to play. All I see is lightning, lightning, lightning. It's almost as bad as the BH's with their one button tracer spam.


We've got the exact same lightning animation for some 6-7 abilities.



I've literally had people tell me that sages are 10x harder to play than sorcerers because all sorcs do is spam lightning.

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Sorc is mildly overpowered, nothing like Ops but they need a nerf, this nerf:


Increase the cooldown on bubble for Sorcs not deep into the healing tree. Everything else can stay, but when I attack a sorc who has bubble up because hes not a baddie, and I break that and another one comes up and I break that and I'm about to kill him (because I'M not a baddie) and... a third bubble, it's too much. Too much bubblage. I don't mean to get bubbly but ive seen enough bubbles bubble to bubble bubble bubble. Nerf bubble. Bubble.


Like I previously stated, read the mechanics on the bubble, if a sorc has the timing correctly to pop 3 bubbles during your fight with him, and you still can't get him down before then either 1... your playing your class wrong, or 2... your class is not meant to kill sorcs easily... or 3 your just not geared enough. And i'm just shaking my head at people like you who think 12k hp light armor wearing casters need no form of defense. Just out of curiosity, what class are you?

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I am not part of the 500k club,guess which classes are.




Sorcerers have an AoE spec that isn't widely used, most dps sorcs play as creeping terror, but our AoE spec does absolutely insane damage on voidstar.


Note that almost all of these insane sorc damage pics are coming from voidstar games where sorcerers were just spamming AoEs.

Edited by Aidank
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I am not part of the 500k club,guess which classes are.




The 500k club is useless, it is for epeen only. The 500k club consists of sorcs who do nothing to help the team, but just sit back and use the 2k damage insta aoe that hits 3 people, and chain lightning with a 3 second cast timer that hits anyone within 8 meters for 2k, and force lightning which hits anyone in the area for 200-300 a second for 6 seconds. Tell me who this is going to kill? Nobody, they are just farming dps, they are of absolute no help to the team they are on. If you see these kinds of numbers against you, be grateful that was 1 less player you had to worry about. Now, part two of my rebuttal, you as a scoundrel of all people should have the least right to even cry op against a sorc, your class was built to kill us before we stand up from your knockdown. If we are killing you, your playing wrong.

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Sorc is mildly overpowered, nothing like Ops but they need a nerf, this nerf:


Increase the cooldown on bubble for Sorcs not deep into the healing tree. Everything else can stay, but when I attack a sorc who has bubble up because hes not a baddie, and I break that and another one comes up and I break that and I'm about to kill him (because I'M not a baddie) and... a third bubble, it's too much. Too much bubblage. I don't mean to get bubbly but ive seen enough bubbles bubble to bubble bubble bubble. Nerf bubble. Bubble.


when you bubble yourself you get a 20 second debuff and can't put it back on. how could he use 3 bubbles? you must suck at doing damage.

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when you bubble yourself you get a 20 second debuff and can't put it back on. how could he use 3 bubbles? you must suck at doing damage.





Any decent sorc can put up 2 bubbles in a fight very easily. When I die, I pop my bubble right as I respawn, because there will be 10 seconds where my bubble is still active by the time i reach the pvp action again, yet i have no cooldown so i can instantly pop it again as needed.. if that fight lasts more than 20 seconds, i can pop another bubble. It's just utility.

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Yes, all you see is Lightning, Lightning, Lightning...




/rageplay (far more effective than /ragequit)


People who call for nerfs RARELY need to Learn to Play...


Rather, they should read over and learn the class they are crying about because it's typically not as cut and dry as they first percieve it...


Classes are balanced, stop complaining...


Hi I'm an overpowered Scoundrel and I couldn't agree more. Except in Huttball when you're shooting a 45 minute stream of lightning in my face and I can't LOS.


*shakes fist*

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Add longer cooldown to sorc bubble and make lightning not so powerful.


Once again, this is just crying instead of a rational fix being suggested about a non-op class. You people can cry all you want, but the fact is, the only change that will happen with the sorc is the aoe heal will be fixed so that it is just like the sage, which has the initial heal and then the ticks... At the moment the sorcs is broke and only has the ticks, no initial heal. This is the only change that has been brought up that will be relevant to be fixed.

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Hi I'm an overpowered Scoundrel and I couldn't agree more. Except in Huttball when you're shooting a 45 minute stream of lightning in my face and I can't LOS.


*shakes fist*


I'm not real sure why you quoted something noone in this thread posted, and I'm not real sure what to say to your sarcastic post... ? O.o

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lol 12k. Sorc's are running around with 15-16k hp...


12k is a moderately geared sorc dps sorc focusing on willpower rather than endurance. If they are heal spec, and are decked out in force mystic champion gear which focuses on endurance, then yes you will see 15k sorcs. I'm glad you thought that was funny.

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12k is a moderately geared sorc dps sorc focusing on willpower rather than endurance. If they are heal spec, and are decked out in force mystic champion gear which focuses on endurance, then yes you will see 15k sorcs. I'm glad you thought that was funny.


No, the force master set nets you about 15-16k hp.


12k is only if you're still in questing greens.

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