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Why do so many play Empire?


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How many times do you get to play the Empire in a Star Wars game?


There was TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, those two Star Wars RTS games that I can't recall the names of, SWG, and now SWTOR. So 6, I think, unless someone can name any more. EDIT: Forgot about the Battlefront games, which would bring it to 8. There is also the Jedi Knight games, but not sure if those count as "Empire" or just "Darkside users."


In all the other STAR WARS games, you play for the Republic/Rebel Alliance, and there are a lot more STAR WARS games out there. Just to try and name a few, there was the original X-Wing arcade game, The ESB game on Atari, Super Star Wars, Super ESB, Super RoTJ (<-all on SNES) Rebel Assault (I forget, were there two Rebel Assault games?), Rogue Squadron (SNES), Rogue Squadron (Gamecube)...that's just the tip of the Iceberg.


So, that could be a reason for some people.

Edited by HanzoV
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How many times do you get to play the Empire in a Star Wars game?


There was TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, those two Star Wars RTS games that I can't recall the names of, SWG, and now SWTOR. So 6, I think, unless someone can name any more.


In all the other STAR WARS games, you play for the Republic/Rebel Alliance, and there are a lot more STAR WARS games out there.


So, that could be a reason for some people.


There's also the two Battlefront games. That might be what you meant up above, but those are first/third person shooters, not Real Time Strategy.

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I'd bet most empirepalyers were formerly alliance players that got their asses kicked in every bg by the horde so they said "never again playing the "good" guy" and rolled empire. Simple.





/face palm



thats just bad thinking all around.



Herp Durp.



Also Horde was not the "bad side" Please learn lore. (alliance was not bad as well) it was just War.

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There's also the two Battlefront games. That might be what you meant up above, but those are first/third person shooters, not Real Time Strategy.


Yeah, I just remembered and edited those in. There was an RTS Star Wars game and a turn based strategy game, that one was called Star Wars Rebellion, I believe.


Point being, most video games greatly favor the Rebels/Republic/Lightside.

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Because in the movies and books you mostly get the "good" sides perspectives. I suspect people want to see the "dark" side perspectives, since it's new and not as explored in Star Wars movies,books,games. Also the Empire is ******. I would of liked to try Republic, but I don't pay monthly for single player games no matter how much I love everything Star Wars.
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Darth Maul or Quigon Jin

General Grievous or Jar Jar Binks

Darth Vader or the Ewoks

Boba Fett or C3PO


Quigon Jin was one of the most ****** Jedi's in the movies, especially since he had his dark side problems.

Edited by Hunterzen
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I just wanted to shoot purple lightning from my finger tips.


and every other oraface..LOL thats it punk appeal and cool factor, I have not rolled anything other than an agent, the last toon out of all the story lines will be my inquisatard, I don't care to play fotm's but that just me, I don't follow the heard :)


to each thier own, enjoy what ever you choose.. :)

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Hmm, interesting. I look at the Jedi code of "There is peace, there is no passion" and I think "Er, no, human nature doesn't *work* that way, darling."


I wanted to play a Force user for my first and main... and the Sith philosophy of embracing and accepting your emotions (emotion --> to move --> motivation) to give you power and fulfillment feels far more natural and workable rather than the Jedi philosophy of repressing them and trying to deny they exist... *and* then reaping the very predictable whirlwind every so often when somebody's repression fails...


Add that to considering the machiavellian 'we'll do whatever we like and *then* rub your noses in it by telling you you voted for it' philosophy of the Republic as a concept, compared with the, to me, rather more "honest" Imperial philosophy of "We're in charge. If you don't like what we're doing, then get smart and/or strong enough to replace us"...


Then top that off with the fact that I'm not sure I'd feel 'natural' with my avatar having a US accent... and Empire becomes the logical faction, despite IC and OOC considering the Imperial Army to be a complete bunch of losers. :)

Edited by RowanThursday
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There's quite a few reasons why Empire is more prevalent, from the "Looks Cooler" to more idealistic "Bad guys are more fun to play when not in real life" or even the truthful amorals "It fits my political and societal views" which I find most interesting, and growing.


To add to the post above about the Jedi and Sith code, true, Sith act with their emotions, but it doesn't make them stronger, you could argue that they become slaves to their emotions, to lust, to anger, or hate which can make you weak in certain times or instances.


The Jedi do not denounce emotions, never have I heard a Jedi say they must repress emotions. They say you must control them when in dire or certain circumstances, making a logical choice with a cool head can save you when making an irrational emotional choice could doom you or others. It makes them wise, so no, Jedi are not automatons, they merely take a different approach at "setting you free" through clarity.

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I play both sides of the war because I want to learn about the stories. I've seen both immature kids and responsible adult players in both factions.


My guess about people choosing Empire is this:


1) Being good is difficult and often time unrewarding, the Empire offers an escape for that. There's no punishment for being evil in Empire, and often times you are rewarded for being evil. Besides, even Empire players have a chance to go Light, so why join the Republic where you'd be persecuted for being evil?


2) People thought being Jedi means emotionally-dead. The Code doesn't ask people to be robots or emotionally dead, it merely suggests that Jedi shouldn't let emotions dominate them. Reciting the code is a way to realign one's thoughts and feelings, not to deny human qualities. You see Jedi with emotions all the time in game and the rest of the extended universe, unlike the common stereotype.


3) Empire rarely appears as a full bloom civilization in extended universe, it's a myth that offers new explorations for new and old SW fans alike.


4) Being Sith people of Empire often respect you as a superior, unlike Jedi who's humble and often ranted on by ignorant Republicans. People fantasize the idea of being a bad*****, mistakenly believe that violence, trash talking, and belittling people automatically make them bad*****. There's plenty more opportunity in Empire than in Republic to satisfy that fantasy because players are authorized to be a bully in the Empire.


5) Self-sacrifice is a virtue commonly advertised in Republic, while in Empire, self-serving is justified. You gotta love yourself before you can love someone else, eh?


6) Good people are often looked upon as stubborn moral compass. Their rules, restriction and bondage. Ever wonder why GTA is popular? There's thrill in killing good and innocent people, or showing them mercy as if you are their God and owner, you have power over their morality and lives. Few realize that Republic storyline also have plenty of plot similar to Empire's.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I rolled a Bounty Hunter, thinking I would be the neutral guy punching his own way through the galaxy, occasionally working for the Imps. (aside from my bulky armor fetish :D). Hutta made the false impression on me that this would indeed be so. it was about the time I was done with Alderaan that I realized your main role in the game-world is not actually your class story but in fact preparing for the upcoming war in the ranks of either the Empire or the Republic. (Which I believe will be the course this game will take with expansions).


So my Bounty Hunter turns out to be nothing more than an imperial infantryman. The wast majority of missions are military assignments from the Empire. By the time i was running through Taris I had about enough of it.


My dreamed up rogue-knight character was made into a spearhead killer for a Selfdestructive nonsensical totalitarian regime. Rugged and fiercely independent MY ARSE....


So I rerolled a Trooper, my perception of the game is now in terms of a great war about the fate of the galaxy, where you pick sides based on the choice between freedom or eternal slavery...


I know most of you don't really care about the background and just want to see colorful sprites and numbers when you click buttons but i don't and to be forced to deal with arrogant *****s ordering me around for a cause that makes no sense, in my free time, just won't work for me. ^^ For the Republic :p

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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


since 1979, there has not been any social avenue that let the people who were building up their 'oooh vader is cool / darth maul is even cooler' ****** wannabeeness. the later movies only exacerbated this.


this is the first online game that allows it.


hence the result.

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