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Why do so many play Empire?


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Personally speaking, the animations of my Jedi Knight compared to my Sith Warrior are like chalk and cheese. I'm not sure who thought the attack animations for Jedi Knights looked good. Considering so much of the game involves your character being in combat, animations for me have to look good and fit what i am playing - the Jedi Knight ones just make me feel like i am waving a fluro marker in someones face. Unfortunately for me as well, my rl friend who formed our guild just went and made empire without asking anyone back when the guild formation stuff went live, so we got stuck playing empire.


Lightsaber combat bugs me - feels like i am just waving a plastic glow rod that bounces of everything in complete contradiction to lightsabers in the movies. Yes i understand it's a game and balance is needed, but i still think they missed the mark.

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Because the development of your character through the story is much better and much more developed.



Also, the Republic's "Dark Side" are all a bunch of boring "well if I have to do it for the Republic...it's for a greater good", while the Empire's Dark Side choices are pure evil, like kill people because you like to.

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My first character was a knight. Throughout act 1, all class quests were made of this " please master Jedi, our super weapon of the week has been stolen by the Empire, could you pleeeeease take it back for us ? Our military and intelligence communities are helpless without your awesomely awesome Jedi skills."


I went Empire because I got fed up of the sheer incompetence of the Republic and the stuck up self righteousness of the Jedi. Most light side choices amounted to letting bad people go and hope that they would change their ways (essentially passing the buck).


I now play a sorcerer and, on top of the utter fun I'm having with the class, I find the Empire much more competent and pragmatic.


Empire all the way from now on.

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One more thing:


I don't know about US servers (I play on the Progenitor) the people claiming that the Empire side is somehow less mature seem to be widely exaggerating. I have seen nothing but sensible and profanities free discussions between players.

Edited by Pathlight-
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One more thing:


I don't know about US servers (I play on the Progenitor) the people claiming that the Empire side is somehow less mature seem to be widely exaggerating. I have seen nothing but we sensible and profanities free discussions between players.


Come to Fatman and you won't say that.

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*Insert general moronic response to people playing Empire because they want to be "bad guys" or "cool"*


On a serious note.


I play both sides and just prefer the quest lines on Empire.


Although my highest character at 44 is Republic my 42 Empire was more fun to level both in terms of class story and the planets quests.

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This. MrSchmoo is correct.


Humans are born evil. Empire feels "comfortable" to most Players and allows them to be the people they always wanted to be.


Now that I said that I confess.... I hate playing an Empire character, any Empire character. I tired, I tried and hated it, every Empire class and race. Too much like real life for me.


So now I am playing Republic and enjoying the fairytale and having fun :)


I have to agree here. Sadly Empire is too close to "real world" to really be enjoyable as an escape. Oh its more up front about it than real world nations, but the Empire more or less represents the social cesspool that the more progressive elements of humanity have been trying to drag our race out of since the beginning. The Empire represents a hardline, superstitious, ethnocentric world view that is honestly prevalent in most of humanity. Makes it hard to get into.


I mean what's exciting about playing Kim Jong Il in space? :D


But like you I'm trapped in it because my friends all wanted to giggle about being douche bags lol. So here I am rolling my eyes at dialogue all the way to 50 :rolleyes:

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well bh should have been a universal class as with smuggler and trooper

then you would have seen an increase in publiiC players.


reason being both sides used troopers smugglers and bounty killers

also spies/operatives.


the only 2 true factions where sith vs jedi and they tricked the rest of us peace loving

people into mdk rages.:rolleyes:

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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


Because bioware doesn't know the meaning of Mirror classes. And tend to favor Empire when it comes to fixes / changes, why would anyone play republic.

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The Republic suffers from an identity crisis. They're supposed to be the superpower on the block that got into a scuff with the sith empire that pops out of nowhere for revenge but they also want to be the rebel alliance fighting the big meanie evil empire... which does not really fit them at all....
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Why do i play empire?, several reasons. i tried republic, but i cant just face them


Aesthetics, imperial and sith gear looks awesome or decent at least, BH`s rock, jedi`s look like poo, thier pvp sets are HILLARIOUSLY BAD, troopers look like plastic stormtroopers with cans as helmets with funny coloured stripes. and the only decent looking republic class imo are smugglers


Story, i personally cant stand the jedi code, its weak, pointless and laughable, the sith code on the other hand, far better, far more realistic and interesting,


Biggest peeve for the republics imo, WHY OH WHY, DOES THE STORY NOT CARE IF IM DARK..... it makes absolutely no sense to me, id be turned in, executed or imprisoned within hours, labled as a traitor and hunted down, my master? hah, would disown me as a padawan.


Empire side? people cower before you, stand in line as its expected, or if your good, thankful and loyal. both feasible imo



then theres the lines, i hate the cheesy republic lines and the voice actors, the incompetence of thier npcs, if you incompetent in the empire, you die... you get in my way, ill probably kill you, you make me go to blah blah instead of what i want, ill probably do it wrong deliberately or kill you when im back, i`ll only help if its in my personal interest. Jedi seems to take it up the ***,

i also hated feeling like a public servant as a jedi. i hate letting people go with the general wording of `play nice now`. I find the light side choices of the empire stories far more morally interesting and compelling. i'd give detailed examples but i dont want to give out any spoilers, just one name `Toy Box` on Balmorra... will do






Khem val, didnt like him at first, but i find him hillarious now, love the converstion options with khem around.

Mako, adorable, my fem BH alt goes puppy eyes for her, treats her like a partner

Kaliyo, great companion for the agent, one smooth and cold, the other saucy and wicked.

Vette, get to abuse or befriend her, real sharp tongue on her, love her lines

Blizz, hes a frickin jawa! nuff said

Ashara, we get to convert and defile jedis? win...

Gault, didnt like the of him either at first, but hes grown on me, he sarcastic comments always make me smile


Whereas on republic, if anyone can suggest some good ones? ive only seen a few so far.

The droid? yeah.... ship ones bad enough

Qyzen? guys a moron, banging on about the scorekeeper, i do like poking fun at him over it though

Corso, too cheerful, also, oh no i cant hurt the ladies!


Yeah.. i want to like the republic, as essentially im only playing half of the game, but i keep finding myself annoyed with them in general.

Edited by DarkOpinion
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Empire has (all IMO obviously):


-Better armor

-Better stories

-Better "mirror" classes

-Better starter planets.

-Jedi have a huge giant badonkadonk butt that looks so stupid the entire industry should be teasing the Bioware artists.


As I see it anyway.


A few more for your list.


-Better animations. The Bountyhunter has better combat animations than the Trooper, as does the Sorc Vs the Consular.

-More races to choose from in character creation.

-Empire has hood down robes.

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The reasoning behin this is sooo simple:


Looks... All sith classes look awesome. All republic classes look like poop (save the trooper).



Look at the jedi knight for example. Same boring robe for 40 lvls and after that it only gets worse where you end up looking like a samurai. And the only good looking armor for jedi (the one on the box!) isn't even in the game. I mean COME ON!!!!


Also the combat animations are better for almost every empire class. Why does my jedi knight have to use both hands to use his light sabor where as the juggernaut holds it in one hand. Or why does the trooper have a boring electro thingy and grav rounds and the bounty hunter gets freaking missles and a flamethrower...


Oh and btw I play republic... but only due to friends who chose republic. I would have chosen empire otherwise.

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A few more for your list.


-Better animations. The Bountyhunter has better combat animations than the Trooper, as does the Sorc Vs the Consular.

-More races to choose from in character creation.

-Empire has hood down robes.


Oh the animations definitely, also whats with the elf-orc crossbreeds? i forget thier name

oh :D and flesh tone zabraks.


Mind you, I roll human 99% of the time, only having one rattataki and sith, to 6 humans...


What is there? humans and cyborgs are essentially the same

The green guys? dunno, perhaps

Twi`leks, an aquired taste imo, the fat ones scream troll to me though

Blind guys? bad customisation

Pink/brown zabraks? really? Darth Maul pretty much delivered that race, and he was red...


My republic race names are terrible I know :)


Edit: And 4 body types? damn... 1 is very `situational` 2 is normal, 3 only really suits melee or troopers, and 4? on women its busty, on guys? /trollface, i cant take them seriously

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I don't think that's always true. i remember the Alliance always had more players in Vanilla WoW than the Horde.


Most of the hardcore guilds were on the Alliance side as well.


Alliance is the evil side in wow. monsterous looks doesnt make one evil. wanting to kill everything that is not human/night elf is evil.

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Isn't that what makes Jedi attractive in the first place?


The whole Yoda thing. You walk into a room, clad in rags, 3 feet tall, and tell the huge, black-masked figure seething with rage and hate and powerhunger that you're deeply sorry but if he insists on being aggressive he leaves you no choice but to chop his head off. And in the moment he coughs out his last corrupted breath you make a sad face and tell him that you found no joy in this violence. And guess what, you mean it.


That's just so superior it gives me a *****, or well, almost. You know.


Except in this game, Yoda would have a 6ft human, decked out in the best gear credits could buy, have looted the sith corpse, complained that he couldn't use the artifact red lightsaber, and gone on to kill everything in sight in the hopes that one of them would leave some shiny loot behind :p

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