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Why do so many play Empire?


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It was all Aesthetics for me. Things just look better on the Empire side, The ships, the Armour, I personally don't care that the Sorc hits with her shock .5 seconds quicker than the Sage hits with her Boulder or the Population Imbalance between sides (Though its quite minor on my server)


I originally started playing Republic, absolutely loved my Jedi Guardian, then thought what would I have as my main Alt? Ahh a Trooper... Big Gun goes Bang, make Man smile ug.


Then I looked at the ship............ Who the hell designed that? Its the most butt ugly ship I've ever seen in a game. Compared to the Bounty Hunters ship - Which is the ugliest Empire Ship I think - there is no comparison, then if you compare it to the Imperial Agent ship which is Sex in Space, the Trooper ship is as pretty as a Cockroach, that has been semi crushed, then burnt, then crushed again before been given aids and the Abola virus.


The Two saving graces the Republic has in the Aesthetics department are Jedi Guardian Plate armour (Which I found none of in 38 levels and yes I've done every flashpoint, I've not even seen it drop and lost the roll), The Jedi Ship and Trooper Armour and Trooper armour is only on Par with Bounty Hunter Armour.


All that is why I decided its Empire for me, They LOOK better :)

Edited by CptBrit
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There are countless reasons for choosing one side over the other.

But one of the biggest reasons (according to posts here on forum) is character and ship design or looks. And that is also normal ... up to a point.

I simply can't understand how a design of your dress is more important then choices you make?

I know this is a game but it would be interesting if some psychologist took this trend and made some analysis considering human behavior.

"I wanna look cool (even if I will not register my looks after I had spent some time playing) and that's the most important aspect for me!"

"But ... doesn't it bother you that you have to kill or torture so many? Doesn't being evil bother you"

"No ... looks matter more. It's how others judge me."


Like I said. It's only a game. But our personality is real and ever-present. And it shows in places like games. Where people are hidden by their avatar.

I am also biased or faulty. I have my own personality, but it's the same in real life or in games. And no ... I am not better because of it. Just expressing my thoughts.

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I'm not murdering pixels - I'm murdering pixels... And besides you do know that there is a light an a dark side?? And that you can kill/be evil on the REP side and be a do-gooder on the IMP side?


Now the only thing that is different is the looks.

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I simply can't understand how a design of your dress is more important then choices you make?


o_O. What choice would that be?

- I picked empire, and have an operative who is the nicest guy you could ever hope to meet - he just fights to defend his home and flirts a bit too much ;).

- I picked republic, and have a smuggler who happily sells spice/slave collars, shoots first and has shot at least one character in the back in cold blood.


Are the Imperial civilians "evil"? Is it wrong to protect them? What makes a bounty hunter more evil than a smuggler?


You can usually make LS and DS choices on both sides of the war. You could argue that the sith are inherently evil and I haven't explored their storyline enough to answer that... but I always saw sith/jedi as a difference of philosophy more than 'one eats kittens, the other has a halo'.

Edited by formulaic
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Like i have Posted before whenever the question came up.


On Lord Araas the Players on Empire seem to be more Mature and just nicer in every aspect of the game.


Now this is just my view not saying it's true on every server or to every person but it's just the way it seems to me.


Example : Last night in a pvp match on my empire and then republic player.


for the Empire people don't mind following suggestions and the team works well together even if we win or lose.


For republic. Team members still do pretty much whatever they want, don't listen and seem to not care about team work. When someone says anything about it or they start to lose they resort to insults towards other team mates.

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I never understood this either. IMHO, I think it's because a majority of players are teenagers and kids, and they think the "bad guys" are always the coolest?


This has been a trend for a long time in MMO's and it kinda ticks me off. This is my first time being the "bad guys," and in any MMO I've ever played, the "bad guys" are always way overpopulated and own in PvP solely for that reason.


Apparently peer pressure has translated over into MMO's because everybody wants to be with "THE BAD GUYS!!!!"


It's extremely frustrated that people who play bad guys, will NEVER CHOOSE TO BE THE GOOD GUYS. Get over yourselves and try out a new faction! Jesus.

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In my opinion, it's the simple human nature desire to stand out from normality (the boring good guys) and be special/cool. Much like getting a tattoo or piercing. Ironically, just like in real life, everyone does it.


Oddly enough I joined the Empire for the opposite reason. I always play the good guys. It was time for a change.

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I never understood this either. IMHO, I think it's because a majority of players are teenagers and kids, and they think the "bad guys" are always the coolest?


This has been a trend for a long time in MMO's and it kinda ticks me off. This is my first time being the "bad guys," and in any MMO I've ever played, the "bad guys" are always way overpopulated and own in PvP solely for that reason.


Apparently peer pressure has translated over into MMO's because everybody wants to be with "THE BAD GUYS!!!!"


It's extremely frustrated that people who play bad guys, will NEVER CHOOSE TO BE THE GOOD GUYS. Get over yourselves and try out a new faction! Jesus.


Pretty sure they can do whatever they want with the time THEY pay for. You're angry for no reason. How silly.

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Everyone knows that the good, mature, knowledgable players, play the same faction as I do:D


I like the Republic side better because I prefer Han Solo and Yoda over Boba Fett, Vader, Old Palpy, and Darth Maul. I even like C3P0:p

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The evil side always has more players. Why? Beats me.


Its because being evil is portrayed to look cool in a lot of games and movies. Who doesn't want to play a bad *** character running around in a cloak, killing anyone who stands in their way and wields a red lightsaber?

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Empire has (all IMO obviously):


-Better armor

-Better stories

-Better "mirror" classes

-Better starter planets.

-Jedi have a huge giant badonkadonk butt that looks so stupid the entire industry should be teasing the Bioware artists.


As I see it anyway.




Empire just look cooler. About the people wanting to play the bad guy thats only if the bad guy looks cooler. WoW had a big over populated alliance side at launch.

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Empire just look cooler. About the people wanting to play the bad guy thats only if the bad guy looks cooler. WoW had a big over populated alliance side at launch.


Better choice of races and personalisation too when creating characters.

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Today I was on the Jawa Ballon going for a ride to collect a DC. On board were a couple of Imperials. A Sith Inq. and a BH.


Me, a shadow consular and another Reb. We looked comical next to the imps. Have you seen the Consular head gear and the wedding dress we have to wear? We look ridiculous next to them.

I believe even the developers put more into the bad-guy side. They just look more fleshed out and cooler. Add the better story lines...better questing zones...better voice overs..I think you can see why us poor Rebs are the red headed step children of ToR...


This is the chief reason I dropped my Consular upon hitting 50 and went Trooper.

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They won at the end of Episode 3.


They also come back with a raging clue, in The SW Legacy era, plus if The Rebel Alliance hadn't had been a bunch of whiny uppity jerks Palpatine would have decimated the Yuuzhan Vong prevent millions (Not including the millons killed by the Rebels after destroying both Death Stars)of casualties.


You mean like the billions of lives destroyed when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan?

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The same reason in City of Heroes, half the population made characters with demon parts, and named their characters "DarkSoandSo".


What reason that is, I don't know. I grew up thinking the heroes... didn't matter if it was bright spandex or jedi robes, were cooler.

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I play both with my mains being a bounty hunter and smuggler. This has always been the state of MMO's with good and evil factions. People will always gravitate to the evil side and in many instances it is done because the evil faction is seen as being cooler. I've had this conversation with many, many people over the years throughout many games and when it comes down to it, this is the most common reason. There are those who will try to dispute by saying that the bad faction has a better story, but one can't judge the storyline if they haven't played the faction. Appearance could be a more legitimate factor but as much as I see players on both sides of the aisle complaining about how bad their gear looks I'm not sure how much this hold true. At any rate, no MMO is likely to ever be balanced but that is fine as people should be able to play whatever they like for whatever reason.
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This is the chief reason I dropped my Consular upon hitting 50 and went Trooper.


Boy are you in for disapointment.


Troopers look like clowns during leveling and all your gear looks the exact same from 40 up, even end-game purples.


until they give us back armor coloring, Trooper is a no go.

Edited by dargor-
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Well,. im gonna say its mostly for the looks,. gears look beter,. station looks cleaner,. abilities animations look wicked and yeah there is the"evil"side of it cause kids want to be the cool guy too, not to forget the migration of pvpers to this game,. these people care more if their shoes match their handbag rather then what content republic faction has to offer ^^ we live in the age of eye candy,.. substance doesnt matter anymore. Edited by smokebuds
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we live in the age of eye candy,.. substance doesnt matter anymore.


If I'm gonna look at my guy for hundreds of hours, I'd rather he looked stylish than well... you know.


I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to look good. Developpers just didn't deliver.

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