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Why do so many play Empire?


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I'm a goody-two-shoes in real life. It's kind of nice to take a break from that in a game... and being Sith allows that. And since I don't get my jollies being rude, crude, and obnoxious towards real people, I can freely do so towards the NPCs and feel fine about it.


Plus, 'Peace is a lie, there is only passion' resonates with me FAR FAR MORE than 'There is no emotion, only peace.' Pfeh. No thanks.


My 'Pub character is a Smuggler. She leans light side, but as of level 36 she's still barely bouncing in and out of Light II. Smuggler is also the only class that appeals to me Light Side.


All of my other characters are Empire, and happily so, though none of them are 'I select the Dark Side choice just because I get DS points'. I don't play to gain LS/DS points, I play to pick whichever choice seems the best/most interesting/most fitting.


Anyway- that's my reason!

Edited by Shaz
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One point that I haven't seen mentioned - a number of people will pick empire as the "internet" are telling them:

a) Empire is better in every aspect of the game.

b) More people are already playing empire.


So for someone without any pre-conceptions/thoughts on the matter, Empire is the more appealing faction. Which really doesn't help if there's already an imbalance :(.

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It feels better to be a hero on the Empire side

It feels better to be a villain on the Empire side

It feels better to remain neutral on the Republic side

Overall, Sith wins, but it can be changed if the neutral get more love

Edited by Melkolin
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It feels better to be a hero on the Empire side

It feels better to be a villain on the Empire side

It feels better to remain neutral on the Republic side

Overall, Sith wins, but it can be changed if the neutral get more love


Isn't Neutral Gear on the way?

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In my opinion, it's the simple human nature desire to stand out from normality (the boring good guys) and be special/cool. Much like getting a tattoo or piercing. Ironically, just like in real life, everyone does it.


You think majority of people have a tattoo or piercing? I'm not talking about some 3rd world country. I'm talking about the United States.

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People like to play the "the bad guys"


I wouldn't say they are bad, just missunderstood.


If the story was the other way round, then loads would be playing the republic.


Also cult followings for people like Bobba Fett are a reason people like to explore the imps, there was plenty of rich story in the films for the republic, but no way near enough for imperials.


Now there is some story people want to play them.

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In my opinion*:


It is more fun to play a dark side Republic toon than it is to play a dark side Imperial toon. I think if more people tried dark side Republic they would agree. Perhaps if more folks were aware how much fun a dark side Rep toon was there would be a bit less of a faction balance issue. I played a Smug as a total PoS and it was a blast. Forgive me, but playing Empire makes me feel like a tool, especially as the IA, although that class is a much better reflection in the mirror. I know a lot of history, it's my rl thing - as such I cannot bring myself to play a faction that is essentially fascist. It's been said of fascism, "Long on passion, short on intellect." The Sith Code itself pretty much backs that notion up, especially when compared to the Jedi Code. The Empire with its gaudiness and supposedly better looking gear as compared to the drab Jedi fashion leads me to believe the Empire is tailored to [fictional] people who have no control over their so-called ego.



Honestly, in the end, I think the Republic is more badazz than the Empire. I know hip-hop will make many of you vomit, I understand that about gaming culture. But go read the lyrics to a guy named Immortal Technique, here for example. His ideas, are far more Republic than Empire. I tend to agree with much of what Immortal Technique says, and like many of you I'm no hip-hop fan. Art is a reflection of culture. These factions, although relegated to a game, reflect real life concepts political views and whatnot. I'd wager if a college degree or an age over 25 was required to play this game the factions would be far more balanced.


Why do so many people play Empire? Some couldn't care less about lore and want the more developed classes, some simply think it's awesome (Grrr, I'm bad ppl), some go for the aesthetics, some like Nietzsche and Anton LaVey, some are rl conservatives or right wingers, some folks do it to play with friends or family, some want to be on the zerg faction... there are many, many reasons.



*This usually goes without saying, but for some reason on these boards you have to tell people your opinion is an opinion.



Person 1: Chevy is better than Ford

Person 2: That's, like, your opinion and stuff

Person 1: Well no s--- Sherlock


Edit: I didn't read through this entire thread before posting, only the OP. Consider this a "case in point" to what I said about opinions on this particular forum:


Originally Posted by FerrusPA

"Empire is much better developed, both in regards to classes and leveling zones."


Originally Posted by Kanharn

"In your opinion."

Edited by Shortwave
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I played Repbulic through out the Beta and was lucky enough to be in 4-5 weekends.

It just feels boring.


I went Imp, frankly because I find it more fun, like the story line of the BH so far and don't feel restricted to answering a particular way.


I have 8 toons 4 Imp, and 4 Rep on one server.




I don't PVP on the Imp side though I think Imps are OP in PVP compared to the Rep (did PVP on Rep side.)


I like taking the dark route, and I just created a new Rep toon that I will take complete dark side just to explore. Though I feel I will play Imp more then Rep.

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In your opinion.


Yeah the Smug is just as developed as the IA, and the JC as much as the SI. They are "mirror" classes after all - although the mirrors they are referring to are the sort found in a fun house. For example, I have to stop to Dirty Kick on a Smug, but the IA can use his mirror move, Debilitate, while on the run.... totally, like, opinion dude.

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Why do so many people play Empire? Some couldn't care less about lore and want the more developed classes, some simply think it's awesome (Grrr, I'm bad ppl), some go for the aesthetics, some like Nietzsche and Anton LaVey, some are rl conservatives or right wingers, some folks do it to play with friends or family, some want to be on the zerg faction... there are many, many reasons.


Talk about stating the obvious. :rolleyes:


To say that right-wingers play bad guys IRL made me laugh though. It's like saying anyone playing a Drow Cleric in D&D could be a fascist IRL. All roleplaying games are played by all different kind of people IRL but once they get home and play a game they might not turn out playing the neutral good faerie you expected them to. Generally you should stop trying to explain game choices with possible real life positions or circumstances. A surgeon might go home and play an evil Rogue instead of a healer. Likewise that sniper in real life might play indeed that one faerie druid out to heal and help people.


I bet a large number of players joining the Empire just like to play with antagonizing power themes. Which is what the Empire provides - in large abundance even. If Togrutha were made available for Republic then you could bet that I'd stick to Republic.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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Talk about stating the obvious. :rolleyes:


To say that right-wingers play bad guys IRL made me laugh though. It's like saying anyone playing a Drow Cleric in D&D could be a fascist IRL. All roleplaying games are played by all different kind of people IRL but once they get home and play a game they might not turn out playing the neutral good faerie you expected them to. Generally you should stop trying to explain game choices with possible real life positions or circumstances. A surgeon might go home and play an evil Rogue instead of a healer. Likewise that sniper in real life might play indeed that one faerie druid out to heal and help people.


I bet a large number of players joining the Empire just like to play with antagonizing power themes. Which is what the Empire provides - in large abundance even.


This is exactly why trying to figure out a person by the faction they play doesn't work.


I'm a pretty nice guy IRL. I open doors for people, I say thank you, I smile politely, I let people in front of me in line...


But in D&D, and most MMOs, I play tyrants. I play bad people who do bad things. I torture people to get what I need (and all my DMs say I have a disturbingly active imagination when it comes to torture techniques.) yet my fiancee calls me a big teddy bear.


You can't judge a person by the character's they play.

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I love my Jedi Knight's plot, but I hate playing her. As well a big problem for me was that the early Jedi Knight play just sucks. The plot is slow and boring, and you don't feel like you are in training, despite the game calling you a padawan. The Sith War, despite me not liking it, was actually learning about what it meant to be Sith, which was something that was tragically missed on the Jedi side. As well there is no interest in the Rep characters I have played until 10 or even til you leave Coruscant, while the Imperial plots tend to grab you by level one. That leaves a big impression when you are trying to judge which character to play.


Also the Consular and Smugler gear is lacking, and trooper gear while decent manages to have too little variation, there is no moddable combat green armor for example. As well Jedi need to be able to take down their hoods...period. The Jedi Knight armor would be great if it wasn't hooded. Meanwhile pretty much all the Imperial Armor is amazing. It hits the right notes, while giving a lot of variety, with no annoying issues that plague the Jedi.


Lastly Imperial abilities are just concepted to be more enjoyable. This is easily visible on the Bounty Hunter. Every single ability they get is cooler and more satisfying than what the trooper gets. I prefer the blaster rifle, but still Flame Throwers, Missles, and jetpacks are cooler than boring grenades, stupid lighting gun, or um...more grenades?

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To all you guys who say Republic is a sissy faction ladida...


Ever played a Trooper or Jedi Knight. Soldier is special forces at its best and Knight has some really Obi-Wan-ish dialogue options. And Obi-Wan was hard as nails...



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I'm planning to roll a republican..a dark side jedi sage. I like healing and I want to see what happens if I go the bad guy road on the jedi side itself. My main roadblock is to find a good latin american guild on the republic side, because I really like my guild on the imperial side.
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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


IMO because the story (what I've seen so far) makes the Republic/Jedi out to be douchebags and not really great heroes. I've seen Trooper & Jedi Knight up to the where you go to the Fleet and all 4 Imperial to at least that far. I felt more like joining the seperatists on Ord Mantell than the Republic.


However I will admidt the military and governments of both sides is portrayed rather negatively in my experience so far. Imperial you're expected to be cruel, heartless, corrupt, and manipulative. Through out Ord Mantell the Republic is portrayed like they are inept, corrupt, and uncaring. All except you...maybe. Jedi are portrayed as weak, uncaring, and unsympathetic. I can't really say too much without getting into spoilers. Granted not all Jedi are warriors/fighters and they explicitly state that where Sith is all about the strong survive. I also understand that the Republic/Jedi Order is the underdog at this point and are struggling with resources and personal.


I also get what BioWare's writers were trying to do with each story but it was better saved for later on in the story. The Republic cinematic leaves you feeling kind of gung-ho to play Republic, even the Imperial cinematic gives them a good showing. That feeling kind of faded after Ord Mantell and Tython storylines.


I would have had them facing completely external threats, for the Trooper I would have had them start on an embattled planet, similar to Ord Mantell but against Imperial forces and overwhelming odds. Make the player fall in love with the Republic, save the internal "ugly underbelly" stuff for later.


For the Jedi Knight, some stuff works other stuff doesn't. The fact that actual Jedi Knights/Masters are stretched thin is stated several times yet you still have random Jedi Masters standing around doing basically nothing but waiting to give you a quest. With all the stuff going on that could use a full fledged Jedi what are they doing standing around or going about some trivial task? I mean you show up to a village and they are all happy to see you, a mere novice, because all this bad stuff is happening yet there is a actual Jedi in the village (who later gives you a quest) yet he allows all this bad stuff to happen and leaves it to a Padawan to fix. Not real endearing to the Order.

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Why do people assume that everyone has only one character? I play both Republic and Empire.


Me too. In fact I've got a highlevel Sentinel and a highlevel Sniper, of course they're not on the same server, but still.


The story arcs that impressed me the least were Sith and Jedi Consular. The storylines of the non-forcers were pretty much all good so far.


And heck, if you're one of the achievers that needs all his alts on one faction/server because you know, you won't "server first" with only 5 hrs/day playtime, dude, then why do you give a damn about the faction and the setting after all. The classes are pretty much 100% mirrored.



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For the Jedi Knight, some stuff works other stuff doesn't. The fact that actual Jedi Knights/Masters are stretched thin is stated several times yet you still have random Jedi Masters standing around doing basically nothing but waiting to give you a quest. With all the stuff going on that could use a full fledged Jedi what are they doing standing around or going about some trivial task? I mean you show up to a village and they are all happy to see you, a mere novice, because all this bad stuff is happening yet there is a actual Jedi in the village (who later gives you a quest) yet he allows all this bad stuff to happen and leaves it to a Padawan to fix. Not real endearing to the Order.


You should really play beyond the 10 tutorial levels.


They give you no impression at all about how the story is focused later on in the game. For example the Imperial Agent tutorial is pretty much James Bond for the Empire, all nice and dandy, when later on you're forced or at least led to do horrible things and get into serious moral decisions (if you want to take the game this far).

The Jedi Knight story is your next best fight off some savages on Tython and very unengaging, but really picks up during and after Coruscant with some truly epic "Jedi vs. Sith" moments. Also the Jedi Knight isn't an all-saints project like the consular. You get a cocky Padawan and have a lot of "you're gonna die!" choices while facing enemies.


So yea, by all means, play longer than the 10 tutorial levels, they're mostly standard fare for any class...



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I did because FINALLY I was playing a Dark Side character with a story designed to be Dark Side. Other games always give me the feel that they were designed for the good guy and they chuck bad guy options in just to keep people happy.


Also I really liked the idea of the Sith Sorcerer after reading the Darth Bane Trilogy with Darth Zannah. (little upset in SWTOR it's just lightning and not many cool spells)

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