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Why do so many play Empire?


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Empire is much better developed, both in regards to classes and leveling zones.


This is just false. Classes and leveling zones are fully developed on republic, not sure what you are talking about. You may prefer empire but that doesn't make republic classes and zones not developed.


I had to drop quests on each planet because there was so much content, But yah it's underdeveloped



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In my opinion, it's the simple human nature desire to stand out from normality (the boring good guys) and be special/cool. Much like getting a tattoo or piercing. Ironically, just like in real life, everyone does it. Edited by Joeymtl
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Honestly, I love the Empire class stories moreso than the Republic class stories. I am hooked on my Imp Agent... even though I play him neutral (usually around 0 lightside or darkside after everything is tallied).


I really love the Trooper story too, but I have to admit, the agent one hooked me deeper.

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Well... with the exception of Jedi Knight, just about every class just seems more "cool" on the empire side.


"Bounty Hunter" sounds more cool than Trooper.

"Agent" sounds more cool than Smuggler.

"Inquisitor" sounds more cool than Consular.

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I just wanted a double ended Light saber... that was red....



I can tell you though When I do manage to not pvp empire vs empire theres a few Republic class that can just pwn in PvP, makes me wanna make one...


Plus I dont have to worry about answering the questions right. EVERYBODY DIES is my moto...

Edited by Lordadamar
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This is just false. Classes and leveling zones are fully developed on republic, not sure what you are talking about. You may prefer empire but that doesn't make republic classes and zones not developed.


I had to drop quests on each planet because there was so much content, But yah it's underdeveloped




The amount of quests has nothing do to with it. It's the presentation of said quests. Also last I heard Republic-side Taris is a buggy mess that can break your game. Most people also seem to find the class storylines for Republic characters to be much worse.

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Empire has (all IMO obviously):


-Better armor

-Better stories

-Better "mirror" classes

-Better starter planets.

-Jedi have a huge giant badonkadonk butt that looks so stupid the entire industry should be teasing the Bioware artists.


As I see it anyway.

Edited by Die_Scream
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People like to be bad. Same reason running over ******s in gta is fun. Fun to do bad things.


I choose republic just cause of the imbalance. Plus when I get bored of the republic side, the empire will be like a whole new game to me.

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In my opinion, it's the simple human nature desire to stand out from normality (the boring good guys) and be special. Much like getting a tattoo or piercing. Ironically, just like in real life, everyone does it.


but the empire are the boring normal guys by the numbers we are seeing.


The republic are the exception.




Enjoy your stereotypical comic style evilness, its a cliche too far in my opinion. Tried to level an agent, its just lol, its all kid level evilness no nuance at all. My agent has to bascially kill everyone, rather than keep assets for the future and his personal gain.



I find the republic more nuanced. Better models, and over all a better faction.

Trooper >>>>>>>>BH

Consular >>>>>> LOL LIGHTNING Inquisitor


Smuggler = agent (or not actually that hat is just brilliant!)




Shame ability delay is crippling republic side.

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The evil side always has more players. Why? Beats me.


I don't think that's always true. i remember the Alliance always had more players in Vanilla WoW than the Horde.


Most of the hardcore guilds were on the Alliance side as well.

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It came down to pixels and voices. I can't stand the look of JK/Sage... I know its Lore friendly, but I don't have to like it. The male voice-overs for Republic mostly sound like a bunch of sissies, except for Trooper.


So I like the look of my Empire (Light-side) humans and prefer their voices, even the SI voice (over Sage)... ehhh.


EDIT: On top of that, the Republic side has a bunch of Lore trolls that tell you how to play. Why can't I play dark-side Jedi without someone trying to give me a freaking Lore lesson every hour? I'd rather deal with the Chick Norris fans and just put them on ignore.

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Same reason more and more people tend to make evil characters in games and goes anti-democratic when they feel they can safely and anonimously express it.


Western civilization is decadent, it's dying. People subconsiuosly feel it, demand change, are revolting against current order.


As art shows society's condition so does "avatars" people create.

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but the empire are the boring normal guys by the numbers we are seeing.


The republic are the exception.


Yes, that's why I say it's ironic that everyone does it and they become normality afterward. :p

Edited by Joeymtl
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