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Are Jedi Sages Cheat Healing To Farm Medals In PvP?


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Its exactly the same as taking off gear and putting it back and healing.


I do it when I'm protection a point in WZ and there is no action. Better then just standing still doing nothing.


Its also a double edge sword if you're attacked right after having used noble sacrifice.

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I can't believe I never even knew about the 5k medal before. Also the whole "cheat" healing thing? Terrible waste of time and inefficient. I do 500k+ in a Voidstar easily just doing normal healing. 300k+ Alderaan usually if I stay at middle and see enough action. Huttball is a little more difficult because of all the movement so i sit ~200k if I'm lucky.


Usually these numbers are with queuing with a tank friend who keeps up guard and taunts those who target me.

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You should not look at the healing in the score board. It's doesn't mean you are better if you have done more dmg or healing. As for the medal you only need 300k healing to get all of them.


I know some sage doing over 1 million healing in voidstar and they don't use noble sacrifice. But the AoE healing (salvation) is a bit overpower since it don't have any limit on the number of player it can heal.

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You should not look at the healing in the score board. It's doesn't mean you are better if you have done more dmg or healing. As for the medal you only need 300k healing to get all of them.


I know some sage doing over 1 million healing in voidstar and they don't use noble sacrifice. But the AoE healing (salvation) is a bit overpower since it don't have any limit on the number of player it can heal.


Salvation Ticks for like 350 with 550 crits. I would not say that is OP. Anyone can easily DPS through that.

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The only time I, as a Sorc, spam Consumption and heal is while defending a point in Alderaan Guns Wz, I can get the 2.5k, 5k heals, 75k heals, 1k, 3k defender medals just by holding a point.


Otherwise I just use consumption to get the 5k heal medal in other WZs, if I pop everything I can heal for nearly 6k, but not in combat because of the Trauma debuff. So I'll spam my health down, leave the starter area, pop everything (95% + chance to crit with recklessness), get the medal and go back to fighting.


It's nothing that other healers shouldn't be able to do by reequipping gear, but certainly easier to pull off, and I've been known to spam consumption to let my Merc/Op guildies get some medals while defending or when a match is obviously over.

Edited by Dastion
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Any sages know how to get the 5k medal, i could really use it in WZ's. Is there some trick because my big heal never crits for that much?


+Power Relic

+Surge Stim


Force Potency



Usually crits for about 6.5k in mostly champ gear.

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I haven't read this whole thread, but I don't get it. Is your team THAT good that there's nobody to heal that actually needs it? Is the other team THAT bad that you have to damage yourself in order to find someone to heal? I find this hard to believe.
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I haven't read this whole thread, but I don't get it. Is your team THAT good that there's nobody to heal that actually needs it? Is the other team THAT bad that you have to damage yourself in order to find someone to heal? I find this hard to believe.


If you're in Alderaan and everyone else refuses to guard the left gun then it's handy. Kinda worthless in the other two maps.

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If you're in Alderaan and everyone else refuses to guard the left gun then it's handy. Kinda worthless in the other two maps.


If you're not a healer, I suppose you could do it while you kill time waiting. But if you ARE a healer, then you probably shouldn't be at a node where there's no one to heal.

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If you're not a healer, I suppose you could do it while you kill time waiting. But if you ARE a healer, then you probably shouldn't be at a node where there's no one to heal.


True, but the only thing worse than that is leaving the node completely undefended. Sometimes other players in warzones are well... idiots, and they'll leave their only healer defending a node while they go plow headlong into the imperial meat grinder on another node. :rolleyes:

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True, but the only thing worse than that is leaving the node completely undefended. Sometimes other players in warzones are well... idiots, and they'll leave their only healer defending a node while they go plow headlong into the imperial meat grinder on another node. :rolleyes:


As a healer, it's probably WORSE to stay, than to leave undefended. Your teammates are falling and dying, and FAILING to cap the other node because YOU aren't there. Effectively you've cost them the node that they can't take, 'cause they don't have a healer, because you decided to be useless at another node, with no one to heal and without the ability to actually kill anyone.


Personally, I'd leave the node and count to 10, and then announce "2 incoming!"

Edited by Bhorzo
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....... ask how often I use Force Shield. I use it quite often to protect my team mates. Too bad THAT doesn't count to my medal count. I'd probably get more medals that way.


Also, do take a second to notice that I did more damage and twice the healing of the second ranked healer, but we received the exact same medal count. Interesting, isn't it? I guess that medal farming business can only go so far, eh?


Does anybody else see this as a problem? I mean a healer already has to run 3 WZ to get the same medals that other classes get from 2. At least give us ONE more medal between 250k and 500k !

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i really wish they would fix this exploit, i am seeing it in most WZs now, especially alderaan. a sage will stand at a capped node with 2 other defenders and heal themselves while we get slaughtered trying to cap the other nodes.


they don't realise they would be better off actually fighting and the whole team suffers as a result.


please fix this bioware!

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Yes sages can do this and NO sages cant put up numbers like that doing just that alone.


personally i will do this to get medals when im left alone at a point by idiot dps who think they are more useful to a group then the healer that helped them take the point......


One game i had around 200k healing and there was 150ish points left in Civil War and doing it for all those points i could not push myself over the 300k mark ( sith stopped playing on us ). As pointed out earlier its really slow compared to what i can get by healing 2-3 other people taking dmg in a group fight

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I have never done this.

I am a member of "everyone."

Therefore, "everyone does this" is a false statement.


I know these posts are kind of old but I have to agree with you. If anybody as a healer is doing dps, it means they've probably got nothing to heal because shields are up on everybody and they want to help the other dps kill stuff. It isn't medal farming, it's proper pvp. Cutting down our own health and healing it back up is with the sole intent of getting a medal and has NOTHING to do with ANYBODY'S role in pvp.


And I'm with you on the team of "I don't do this." It makes it harder for me to see how my healing is improving if I'm padding meters. I can deal with only getting 4 medals or so if it means I'm doing what I'm supposed to. Then again I've noticed the sense of right and wrong lately has been getting shot to hell. I still won't stoop to that level.

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Well, I'm healing for around 175-225k most matches and every once in awhile someone tops 500k. It rarely happens but there is obviously something making it happen.


Yes, pro healing. It is not uncommon for me to hit 500k and upwards of 800k+ in a voidstar. This is all without killing myself and healing the damage.


It's just not worth it other than to get the 5K heal medal. Other than that it's much more productive to just play the match.

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It's medal farming, everyone does it. Personally I'm more interested in winning than sitting their NS'ing myself to help my healing. That said, if I'm stuck defending a node, I generally will do it just to get the 75k healer medal because I'm bored.


That doesn't mean though that all Sages are sitting there NS'ing the whole time. And even in the case of DPS most of our healing will still come from Force Armor on ourselves or our teammates. If a Sage healer is doing it to beat you on the meters, oh well. It's not like MVP votes are logical anyways, and that's when someone actually bothers to vote.




I would hope most people would just rather win. You will never get more than Maybe 1 medal you would not have normally gotten by doing this.

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I do this on my DPS sage if I am guarding a node. I am more useful in the future if I get 5 medals watching a node than getting 2 medals guarding a node. Why shouldn't I get 3 medals for doing the most boring job in warzones?

I don't see many healers doing this when they have people to heal though.

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Tried it for ***** and giggles to see what I can do. In a full length voidstar at around lvl 35 I think I got some around 200k and 2 medals haha. Its far more productive (and fun...duh) to just play. If they're outhealing you by that much, they're just making far better use of the AOE heals and probably have a guards protection.


Quoted for truth.


I occaisonally do it to get my 2.5K medal if I'm off guarding a point that noone's coming to in Alderan. Too risky to keep doing in case an Assasin/Operative pops me at half half @ each use of the ability reduces mana regen by 25% - 4 uses & your at no mana regen for 20-30 secs...


Can't get many medals from this & it's far more productive to fight to get more medals.

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