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"We have so many pvpers!" duh. Heres Why.


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It is the easiest way to get gear and money. Is it really all that surprising that it is so popular? :confused:


Take away how easy it is to get gear. (AKA grindfest(AKA no skill what soever needed))

What will happen? DERP, the staggering numbers playing pvp will fall like a sack of poop poo.


"but flashpoints are ez too!" yea well you cant you just queue up for a flashpoint and be on ur merry way. You have to wait for sometimes hours for a group. So what do players do? they queue up for the WZ's and eventually the gear just falls in their lap.


Bioware really cracked me up when they were so herped and derped about the pvp numbers.

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Has nothing to do with that fact that many subscribers come from previous MMO's that had pvp and we.....wait for it....enjoy pvp? Operations are easy as hell in this game as long as you have people who know *** they are doing. Stop making it seem like PvE is hard bro! PvP is about besting your fellow combatant and believe it or not there is a huge following for PvP. Just because you probably suck it doesn't mean you should try and ruin it for other players. Let me guess, you're the type that thinks Raiders should have the best of everything. PvE all night long and roll into PvP and face roll everyone due to superior gear and stats. Sorry bro, this game doesn't work like that. Don't like it, ****. Edited by Zeratulz
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It is the easiest way to get gear and money. Is it really all that surprising that it is so popular? :confused:


Take away how easy it is to get gear. (AKA grindfest(AKA no skill what soever needed))

What will happen? DERP, the staggering numbers playing pvp will fall like a sack of poop poo.


"but flashpoints are ez too!" yea well you cant you just queue up for a flashpoint and be on ur merry way. You have to wait for sometimes hours for a group. So what do players do? they queue up for the WZ's and eventually the gear just falls in their lap.


Bioware really cracked me up when they were so herped and derped about the pvp numbers.


Who cares what's easy, i play to have fun,

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Been PVP'ing since UO. Enjoyed the Rallos Zek server (and subsequent RvR servers) on EQ.. Enjoyed PVP in EQ2. Loved PVP on DAOC.


I probably did more PVE than PVP in the above games, though.. Until SWG came along, when I probably first did more PVP than PVE thanks to the great game design when it came to player cities and PVP buildings/structures.


Was really hoping SWTOR would have fantastic PVP following in SWG's footsteps but tinkering with it. Unfortunately PVP right now is not that great. No real point to it other than the gear grind. And the ability lags/delays/unresponsiveness makes it pretty painful when you're used to smooth and fluid PVP in other games. Playing a marauder is incredibly painful with these delays.

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It is the easiest way to get gear and money. Is it really all that surprising that it is so popular? :confused:


Take away how easy it is to get gear. (AKA grindfest(AKA no skill what soever needed))

What will happen? DERP, the staggering numbers playing pvp will fall like a sack of poop poo.


"but flashpoints are ez too!" yea well you cant you just queue up for a flashpoint and be on ur merry way. You have to wait for sometimes hours for a group. So what do players do? they queue up for the WZ's and eventually the gear just falls in their lap.


Bioware really cracked me up when they were so herped and derped about the pvp numbers.


What is the point of this thread?

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Has anyone gone from 10 to 50 without doing any quests? I could see myself doing that. My reason would be that I just can't stand running forever - not just the spaceports, but even Kaas has to have a non-connected flight path to the top, and after that running, you get to the Sith Academy and yep, the person you're looking for is in the farthest corner.


I can queue for pvp, do it, and re-queue. Gee, it really functions as a LFG tool doesn't it? :rolleyes:

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It is the easiest way to get gear and money. Is it really all that surprising that it is so popular? :confused:


Take away how easy it is to get gear. (AKA grindfest(AKA no skill what soever needed))

What will happen? DERP, the staggering numbers playing pvp will fall like a sack of poop poo.


"but flashpoints are ez too!" yea well you cant you just queue up for a flashpoint and be on ur merry way. You have to wait for sometimes hours for a group. So what do players do? they queue up for the WZ's and eventually the gear just falls in their lap.


Bioware really cracked me up when they were so herped and derped about the pvp numbers.


man, what flashpoint are you waiting for? WZ's have wait time too. And in a WZ you don't get a piece of gear just for killing a boss, you have to farm all day to get a bag that allows you a shot at a piece...or farm a week to get enough tokens to by a piece. How is that any faster then running several flash points in the same time frame, walking away with pretty much assured gear drops AND tokens to buy gear at the end of the week too.


Get a guild if you are having problems with flashpoints?


PvP is popular though because Operations are once a week and require 8, PvP requires yourself. If you could do Operations every 12 hours, people would still prefer to do PvP and fight new people then do the exact same mindless PvE dance.


PvP is free style, PvE is the Macarena. Only people that can't dance like the Macarena.

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This type of PVP is popular and instant gratification based so the kiddies love it and plus they get shinies for taking part in the little mini game..


The rest of the PVP crowd is also doing the mini game as well and bored to tears thanks to expertise gear and Ilum being broken

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This type of PVP is popular and instant gratification based so the kiddies love it and plus they get shinies for taking part in the little mini game..


The rest of the PVP crowd is also doing the mini game as well and bored to tears thanks to expertise gear and Ilum being broken


I would like Ilum to get redesigned so it wasn't fail and we had some true open world batttles, but honestly, until they address population issues and massive last when rubbing more then 20 players together, I am going to assume Ilum will be purposely broke

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Its not only about gear but accesability

Its hard to set up group for PvE..

Even as healer I might spam Fleet chat for hour and not find a group for Hard Mode.

Simply all interested people gave up PvE and went for PvP... those whi still want PvE, cant find enough people so go PvP themself or reroll alts.. and are unavaible for lv50 pve again, lowering number of interested people even more.

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how about the simple answer.. pvpers are better players than pvers. PVP takes more skill. hitting mobs and memorizing patterns and raiding takes no skill. pvp (especially open world) is sporadic and unpredictable. What is the point of PVE anyways? why have all that uber raid gear? to show off how hard you can hit mobs? lol. thats a joke. pvp is the end game killing other players is the end game. this is star WARS i can only imagine the casual chatting and conversations going on between both factions on PVE servers thats pathetic.
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It is the easiest way to get gear and money. Is it really all that surprising that it is so popular? :confused:


I pvp more because I can queue for it and keep doing what I have planned till then.


It's kinda embarrassing the game launched w/o a LFG system for flashpoints similar to the pvp systems.

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This type of PVP is popular and instant gratification based so the kiddies love it and plus they get shinies for taking part in the little mini game..


The rest of the PVP crowd is also doing the mini game as well and bored to tears thanks to expertise gear and Ilum being broken


Pvp players have no problem with expertise gear. Only pve players who are pvp wannabes have a problem

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