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Commando: post your skill builds & discussion


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I heard the exact opposite--that they are the anti inquisitor class. Besides, I don't see how a character in heavy armor that can heal is possibly squishy. The whiners must be suck or are stupid or both.



Well, with a PvE oriented levelling Gunnery spec you're something akin to a Fire Mage with less utility/mobility and more armor, ergo if you can stay back and blast people you do insane damage but as said before any Sith Melee DPS with a brain jumps you (preferrably in pairs) and focuses you first.


Also with a Healing spec you still deal some damage in PvP, but the other way around you can't really heal if you're full damage.

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Here's my blueprint. I've primarily focused on what I thought I would need for FP/Ops DPS, with Armor Piercing Cells being my "stance" of choice. I prefer Gunnery for the sustainability in long fights and the added utility (mainly both the personal AND full-raid damage boost from the Gravity Vortex effect.) I prioritized as below:


Damage > Survivability > Control > General Utility


5/31/5 Gunnery DPS Build


I think this follows my prioritization the best but I did waffle on where to spend my final 2 pts at the end. I ultimately chose the Cell Capacitor in the Medic tree as getting 2 additional ammo back immediately was the only way to potentially increase damage based on the choices I had remaining (and not intending to use Plasma Cell.) There are plenty of reasonably viable choices based on personal preference for those final points, however. Likewise the 2 pts in Reserve Round (I *think*... I've not levelled high enough to get Reserve Powercell yet so I can't say for sure how beneficial the shorter CD is) could go in either Tenacious Defense, Concussive Force or Cover Fire if preferred for additional control or PVP survivability (I'd personally recommend TD over the other 2 for primarily FP/Ops purposes w/ the occasional WZ.)

Edited by Tren
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Any good specs for Assault? Was thinking of going for that. Since most are all for gunnery


For PVE you might start with:


3/7/31 Assault DPS Build

- Use Plasma Cell

- Hit Full Auto & Assault Plastique every CD, Hit all High Impact Bolt procs, keep target(s) burning w/ Incendiary Shot, use Charged Shot or Hammer Shot as filler depending on Ammo


It's viable PVE, but like I told another guy, I felt like I was always burning (no pun intended) through my ammo way too fast in Assault. For PVP purposes, I think Assault should be superior to Gunnery in most circumstances but you'd want to shift some points around from this build. Less sustainability, more burst/control.

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Here's my blueprint. I've primarily focused on what I thought I would need for FP/Ops DPS, with Armor Piercing Cells being my "stance" of choice. I prefer Gunnery for the sustainability in long fights and the added utility (mainly both the personal AND full-raid damage boost from the Gravity Vortex effect.) I prioritized as below:


Damage > Survivability > Control > General Utility


5/31/5 Gunnery DPS Build


I think this follows my prioritization the best but I did waffle on where to spend my final 2 pts at the end. I ultimately chose the Cell Capacitor in the Medic tree as getting 2 additional ammo back immediately was the only way to potentially increase damage based on the choices I had remaining (and not intending to use Plasma Cell.) There are plenty of reasonably viable choices based on personal preference for those final points, however. Likewise the 2 pts in Reserve Round (I *think*... I've not levelled high enough to get Reserve Powercell yet so I can't say for sure how beneficial the shorter CD is) could go in either Tenacious Defense, Concussive Force or Cover Fire if preferred for additional control or PVP survivability (I'd personally recommend TD over the other 2 for primarily FP/Ops purposes w/ the occasional WZ.)



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Okay, I have a serious question here. What is the difference at 50 between Sticky Grenade and Assault Plastique? If you spend the talent point on AP, it shares a CD with SG...but the tooltip sounds identical to what I've seen from SG so far (I'm 27 on my Gunnery Commando atm).


What's the point I'm not seeing yet?

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Okay, I have a serious question here. What is the difference at 50 between Sticky Grenade and Assault Plastique? If you spend the talent point on AP, it shares a CD with SG...but the tooltip sounds identical to what I've seen from SG so far (I'm 27 on my Gunnery Commando atm).


What's the point I'm not seeing yet?


Assault Plastique is always a good 50% more damage than Sticky Grenade on my UI.

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Not the first one. The price will go up if you keep doing it frequently.


It is probably best to focus on one tree early one, but there can be reasons to dip into another for a key early bonus, for example +9% to aim is pretty sweet in gunnery, or +6% crit chance in combat medic. Just realize that if you do that you are delaying what level you get key abilities in your primary tree.

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I'm an assault commando, which seems to be rare amongst all the gunnery. I much prefer it for pvp, as it keeps me moving all the time. Plus, the dot is insanely useful in warzones. It ticks for 18 seconds and prevents people from clicking any obj, and very few even think to remove it. I've saved countless Voidstar doors and Alderaan turrets from being capped with it. By spraying it on everyone I see, I also end up being top dmg in almost every match.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've revamped my Lvl 50 Gunnery Build from a few posts ago. I'm finding that I'm doing Warzones a lot more than I thought I would & I foresee this continuing at max level. I'm currently Assault Spec but I'll be going back to Gunnery once I'm no longer sinking all my credit earnings into Training. I've switched my target build from 5/31/5 to 5/33/3:


5/33/3 DPS/PVP Gunnery Build


Pros - All available damage talents taken.

Most available survivability boosters taken (skipped Advanced Tech as it's really a secondary-tree Combat Medic skill & Soldier's Endurance as I prefer Heavy Trooper.)

Kept Cover Fire, Tenacious Defense & Concussive Force for extra battlefield control in PVP for maximum ability to keep enemies away.


Cons - Umm..none? Of the two talents I'm missing in the Gunnery tree, I couldn't honestly care less about Advanced Tech & I'm not THAT sold on Reserve Powercell. Between Special Munitions, Muzzle Fluting, Cell Charger & Cell Capacitor, the shot cost: Ammo Regen ratio really doesn't appear to necessitate a free shot 30 sec sooner. None of the 2nd Tier abilities in the Combat Medic or Assault trees really lend themselves to Gunnery gameplay either, aside from possibly Parallactic Combat Stims, which just isn't a good payoff for the point cost.


Flexibility - If you have no intention of PVP'ing, there are plenty of points here that you could reallocate elsewhere. Cover Fire, Tenacious Defense & Concussive Force have far diminished usefulness in PVE & could easily be traded out for Reserve Powercell or extra health in Assault.

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I've revamped my Lvl 50 Gunnery Build from a few posts ago. I'm finding that I'm doing Warzones a lot more than I thought I would & I foresee this continuing at max level. I'm currently Assault Spec but I'll be going back to Gunnery once I'm no longer sinking all my credit earnings into Training. I've switched my target build from 5/31/5 to 5/33/3:


5/33/3 DPS/PVP Gunnery Build


Pros - All available damage talents taken.

Most available survivability boosters taken (skipped Advanced Tech as it's really a secondary-tree Combat Medic skill & Soldier's Endurance as I prefer Heavy Trooper.)

Kept Cover Fire, Tenacious Defense & Concussive Force for extra battlefield control in PVP for maximum ability to keep enemies away.


Cons - Umm..none? Of the two talents I'm missing in the Gunnery tree, I couldn't honestly care less about Advanced Tech & I'm not THAT sold on Reserve Powercell. Between Special Munitions, Muzzle Fluting, Cell Charger & Cell Capacitor, the shot cost: Ammo Regen ratio really doesn't appear to necessitate a free shot 30 sec sooner. None of the 2nd Tier abilities in the Combat Medic or Assault trees really lend themselves to Gunnery gameplay either, aside from possibly Parallactic Combat Stims, which just isn't a good payoff for the point cost.


Flexibility - If you have no intention of PVP'ing, there are plenty of points here that you could reallocate elsewhere. Cover Fire, Tenacious Defense & Concussive Force have far diminished usefulness in PVE & could easily be traded out for Reserve Powercell or extra health in Assault.


I have almost same build, but I think Cover Fire is not worth 2 points for mass pvp/wz. I've spend those points into Steady Hands (CM tree) and it can increase ur survivability because no know can interrupt ur healings...

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Currently leveling a combat medic build (level 38). the cookie cutter variant (few points in assault (alacrity), 8pts gunnery, rest in Combat Medic.




Side note - some of the build you all are posting seem to have hte wrong skills, unless they've updated the skill tree. Yes I'm aware the link I provided has the trees int he wrong order.


I'm enjoying this build quite a bit. I obviously don't do the damage an assault or gunnery build would do, but I do plenty for me.


PVE - I can take on just about anything and group heal really well to boot.


PVP - I'm no pvp expert, but my key to this build is stay back and heal/pop shot the low health peeps. Stay near LOS objects like walls and pillars to LOS people trying to range attack you. Its unavoidable that melee will come and smack you down. I can't get in the middle of a huge cluster, which is probably where the whiners get their squishy complaint. Granted when I say huge cluster I'm talking about 2-4 people attacking me specifically.


OWPVP - the only classes i really have trouble with one on one/OWpvp are the inquisitors/lightening spammers. I'm really not the best at PVP, but they have some state attacks and the force lightening hits me pretty damn hard.


general disclaimer - Agents and their cloaky attack do sick damage in PVP. they're another class everyone has trouble with, but I didn't mention it above since I've only had the displeasure to play against a single talented agent in PVP :).

Edited by VorusKets
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This is the build I am looking at.




The two points you've sunk into superheated plasma are wasted since you seem to be a Gunnery Spec commando which means you should always have Armor Piercing Cell active for cell charger and half price high impact bolts. That means you'll never have Plasma Cell active.



For what it's worth here my intended build (have 3 more points left).




Now most of it is fairly standard as Gunnery Spec. The reason I went Soldier's Endurance instead of Heavy Trooper is to get access to parallactic stims which I feel as a recharge mechanic will be more useful overall than Cell Capacitor since I rarely use Recharge Cells and when I do I get right back up to almost full so I dunno that I'd benefit as much. Soloing I get incapacitated briefly somehow a decent amount and even in FPs its not too unusual to occasionally get knocked down or something. If it ends up becoming a complete non-issue I'll most likely just take the two points out of that and sink them into Heavy Trooper. Most of the non DPS focused abilities I feel are more or less subjective anyway.


That being said, if I only put three points into Combat Medic they're by far the most important as far as gunnery commando is concerned.

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Levelling spec. Enough healing to tackle Normals w/o issue, plus the ability to lay on a little heat when Soloing/not healing. Will probably switch it up when I get into hard modes (and then quite a bit for Raiding of course).


Interesting.... I've just started a Commando, and have been looking for ideas about a levelling spec, ideally allowing me to solo with relative ease and do some light Heroic / FP healing.


Did you go up the Gunnery tree first, or CM? i've already allocated my first 3 points to the Aim bonus, as it seemed to be the biggest bang for the buck. Beyond that, though, I'm kind of at a crossroads...

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If you're rolling PvE DPS, DO NOT put talents into healing pushback or Tenacious Defense. You won't be needing those two. Instead do this:



You don't need Tenacity that much in PvE, not enough at least to make it worth the cooldown.

Put the points into healing received, healers will be much more grateful to have you on their team. And for the two healing pushback points, put them into extra Endurance.


And level with Dorne as your companion. I am DPS and I do, it makes soloing elites a piece of cake.

Edited by gluefoot
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PVE combat medic:




Only points I am not too sure about are 2 points in weapon calibration 4% alacrity. Might move those two into treated wound dressing to reduce damage by 4%.


But those are going to be my last two points spent so I have a while to think about it.


the two points in weapon calibration would be more helpful imo the damage reduction (thoug will be slightly useful in pve) seems like its more of a pvp tool to me

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  • 3 weeks later...
I heard the exact opposite--that they are the anti inquisitor class. Besides, I don't see how a character in heavy armor that can heal is possibly squishy. The whiners must be suck or are stupid or both.


Yeah I have to agree with you. Out of the vids i have seen and the fact that i started one my self. I went pvping as soon as i hit 11 and got my commando class picked. I did extremely well but not as good as the much higher lvls out there but still held my own at a much lower lvl.


I've played other classes like inquisitor at lvl 10ish pvp and it was just crap. Unless you have some lvls and new skills you cant do much and are free kills. But as a Commando it was the opposite. I mean really who in their right minds yells a target in heavy armor and can heal him or her self and allys are squishy. Its just like playing a pally from wow other then the bubble hearth lol.

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Right now im only 44 so my spec is like this




By 50 itll probably be something like this




Maybe take the 2 out of Field Training to put them in Burnout or Reflexive Shield, however I feel like burnout isnt that great personally. Reflexive is good but it depends on if you want to lose out on 4% crit in both tech and ranged. Quick thinking is great for pvp of course.


With this build you have a ton of utility for warzones. You get the crazy far aoe knockback, and the knockback on stockstrike, The 18s incendiary dot to help stop people from capping points and arming/disarming the bombs, increased dmg with charged bolts and I believe incendiary rounds since its considered a "Round" Increased tech crit with plasma cell on, lowered ammo use on charged bolts, which is now alot better to use when full auto is on cooldown. Lowered pushback on charged bolt and full auto.. which is still bugged but hopefully gets fixed soon...


Stockstrike is great to use on tracer spammers since it knocks them back stopping them from casting, when they cast again do another knockback with concussion, by the time they land stockstrike is up from cooldown and you can hit them with it again, usually by then they are dead if you have been hitting them as you are sending them flying.


This build makes melee no problem too since you have 2 knockbacks on a relativly short cooldown (even shorter with 2 pieces of Eliminator) and a snare from plasma cells. Just keep kiting them around, throwing stickies, high impacts and hammer shots... when you use conussive force use full auto or charged bolts a couple times, then repeat the kiting. If they snare you, you can break free with the snare break from Reactive shield. This is assuming they dont force leap you, which is why i usually save my concussive force for the leapers.


If you feel like you dont want/need to use plasma cell, you can use armor piercing which lowers high impact ammo useage to 1... and when you use high impact on burning targets you get 1 ammo back so its free! Also hig impact ignores 30% armor in assault, and armor piercing ignores 35% so high impacts hit hard. So with Armor piercing High impact does 9% more dmg to burning targets and ignores 65% armor and refreshes alot with full auto and charged bolts , does 30% more crit dmg.. and is free to use.


I love this build because you can be really mobile with just using incendiary round, hammer shots, high impact, stickies, plasma cell and the knockbacks. Or you can be a turret with charged bolts, full auto, high impact, and armor piercing if you feel like it.

Edited by Vaspyre
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Heya guys and girls,

I've recently fell in love with the Commando and really, REALLY would like to bring/level up. Thing is, I'm not filled with credits so gear wise, I can't really afford great stuff yet...So I'm looking for a setup allowing me to survive a bit longer while having good DPS.

Here's what I am aiming for:


Now, I'd love your input on what needs to be changed or if it looks okay to you. PLEASE do tell me the reasons why something needs to be changed. It's not for the sake of arguing but understanding things a bit more about this sweet class.

Cheers to all of you for the help!

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Here is my build for PVP Gunnery. The only thing I am hung up on is whether I should drop Quick Thinking in the healing tree to go with Cell Capacitor. But I am going with Quick Thinking in this build since I believe I would use it more often than Recharge Cells.


Also, within the Gunnery Tree I have Kolto Recharge active. I was wondering if I should drop that and place a point in Reserve Round instead to lower the cooldown on Concussive Round.



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