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98% of the player base is sorc/sage


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Actually you would be wrong. The only thing guaranteed on opening on a Sorc (on my server) is you stun yourself on their shield.


When a sorc's shield is down... yes I beat them into a bloody pulp. When their shield is up they are walking gods because they have so many escape mechanisms for any 1 class to have.


They need to remove the talent from Sorcs where it mezzes on break, or at least put it so far up the healing tree noone else has a remote chance of getting it.


Not really a guarantee if it's only one spec that has it- and Lightning isn't a good enough spec that it's the must have spec- the healing spec and Madness are both very good and bring useful skills to pvp- such as Madness having no CD for force lightning and an instant snare...



Also, I believe I said that you are guaranteed to get through the shield- and you said I was wrong and then said that the only guarantee is you'd be stunned... but you get stunned once you get through the shield.


So how exactly am I wrong here? Because you seem to be proving me right. Also, since the only way to beat out an Op is CC break- when you get stunned by sorc shield, CC break- and best thing is, you KNOW it's coming, so you don't even have to have reflexes!

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LOL, why are so many people so angry? It's a computer game, my friend! Insulting people over their chosen class is just silly. ;)


Ego is a terrible thing.


You have to remember mate, your dealing with alot of young teens who through no fault of their own (they cant help it at that age) have massive ego's an see it as funny to insult an belittle. it's just cos their brains are not fully developed yet. best idea is block the offensive ones, an u will never have to worry about them again. I usually report the really offensive ones an then block them.

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i like how people who play the certain class that being called op can't admit it and just points the finger at ops... these forums are just full of inbred basement dwelling thumb suckers


And we love how everyone who play a certain class that is being called OP can't admit it and just points the finger at sorcs... these forums are just full of inbred basement dwelling thumb suckers.

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You have to remember mate, your dealing with alot of young teens who through no fault of their own (they cant help it at that age) have massive ego's an see it as funny to insult an belittle. it's just cos their brains are not fully developed yet. best idea is block the offensive ones, an u will never have to worry about them again. I usually report the really offensive ones an then block them.


I forget that a lot of YOUNG kids play the game. You're absolutely right.

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You have to remember mate, your dealing with alot of young teens who through no fault of their own (they cant help it at that age) have massive ego's an see it as funny to insult an belittle. it's just cos their brains are not fully developed yet. best idea is block the offensive ones, an u will never have to worry about them again. I usually report the really offensive ones an then block them.


This is both very wrong, and very ironic: You call half the forum "teens" and go further saying "their brains are not fully developed yet" -- yet you spell like a teenager who texts?

And no, the average teenager today is more open minded than the average 40 year old. Most 16+ years old I've met is rather mature. Things start to go bad when we hit 25+ and under 14. And even then it's "weak" to call them un-developed.


People will argue around here for multiple reasons. To "show their ego because they are undeveloped brats" are not one of the reasons. Most likely it is because they want a fair play and competetive. Even thought most games say "PvP is only a side thing!" -- it is proven that is class balance and pvp fails --> the game fails.

So, if X class got 2% advantage over Y, there will be annoyance.

If X class got Y annoying animation/ability and is over half the class per match, there will be annoyance.

Frankly, I got nothing against the class itself. Nothing other than seing 5 people casting lightning on me at least a million times during a match. I also find it annyoing having 5 people per match that got more CD's than my team added together. Sprintin' and bubblin' untill we all give up.

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Sorcs: "Sorcs are balanced, Op are completely OP nerf Op"


Operative: "Ops don't do that much burst, you can't prove anything, Sorc are broken OP, nerf sorc"


Everyone else: "Sorc and Op are both OP for different reasons, nerf 'em both"


Mercs: *whistle nonchalantly*

Edited by Jabbb
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You have to remember mate, your dealing with alot of young teens who through no fault of their own (they cant help it at that age) have massive ego's an see it as funny to insult an belittle. it's just cos their brains are not fully developed yet. best idea is block the offensive ones, an u will never have to worry about them again. I usually report the really offensive ones an then block them.


Your too funny,mate, i was born in the great year of 1970 I remember Carter,gas lines etc.

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The truth is, a class that have your class name abbreviated as Op could only be OP(according to the forums).


jokes apart, sorcerers/sages are fine, people just keeps getting hit by 3-4 of them at the same time and get frustated, that's all.

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