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Why be mediocre when you can be exceptional? How about some innovation?


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The problem is there aren't that many great sandbox games out there either.


UO: very outdated graphics, would only be intereted in pre-Trammel anyway

EVE: amazing sandbox, but not everyone enjoys spreadsheets-in-space style combat

Mortal Online: great ideas implemented to the edge of unplayability

Earthrise: gone F2P, I heard there were lots of bugs at release, may be worth checking out again

Perpetuum: EVE with robots, not a bad game, may shape up in future, but has some issues

Xsyon: No real pvp yet afaik

Dawntide: in beta

Archage: in beta (promising)

Origins of Malu: in early development

WURMS: I think it was the PvP progression that put me off, it seemed to be not player skill based


more and more it seems like many mmo gamers are sick of mmos and have no precise idea exactly what it would take to make them happy. They don't like the themepark mmos available, they don't like the sandbox mmos available, and they aren't willing to look at too much outside mmos.

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OP I agree but as you probably know yourself you wasted your time typing that long post, it's not gonna happen and I'm not surprised.

What I am surprised about is that I expected to at least be entertained for 2 months by this game but the boredom hit me somewhere after level 30+ and I just lost the will to play.

Borefest and a bugged one of that, not worth my time anymore.

Just unsub and check back in summer or something heh, that's my plan at least, unless some of the new MMOs that launch this spring/summer can keep me interested longer then few months and I think they just might because some of them show some fresh ideas.

Edited by CanSolo
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Not gonna happen. Bioware didn't even have the foresight to add AA and high res textures.


They're actually REGRESSING the genre


Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with this.

Also, there is no excuse for the character models and custamization, tbh it's on par with Everquest.

Party like it's 1999 lol.

Edited by CanSolo
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Completely agree, I'm at the point where I just wanna level another character just to do another story. Though I do like the flashpoints, grinding through them is something I did for years in wow (like most others playing this game). For Christ sake their endgame is a carbon copy of WOW.
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I don't think the problem is with the game or the story. This game has been out for how long now? not even a month yet and there are plenty of people that are level 50 due to space baring/hardcore play. The issue is not that there is not enough content but that people zip through it in order to grind to 50. Then they complain that there is simply not enough offered. The issue is with you, not the endgame. Edited by Kilroth
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Innovation is overrated, and innovative does not been something is better. The most successful movie of all time is a "Dances With Wolves" clone set in space. The Chevy Volt is innovative, and they can't give those away.


Most of the issues with this game seem based more on the fact it has regressed in terms of features, and not so much that it doesn't innovate much of anything, anyway.

Edited by ChicksDigHarleys
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Bioware simply made the same game as wow..with lightsabers. In addition, they made the game full of bugs which cant be allowed when simply copying other games...


They totally spoiled the star wars universe with this game which is a garbage without any interest. Several years to such a game,it's just unbelievable.

Edited by Antoinegauron
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They already announced a new planet in the next update that will include new single player content as well as working on dynamic universe events.


I do find it funny that people say SWTOR isn't innovative compared to X MMO. I can't remember any MMO really being innovative except UO and EQ1, everything since then has just been polish or slight changes to the system. Same as shooters, RTS's and any other genre. For the most part they haven't changed much since the 80's and have been slowly getting polish. It took the early 80's until Total War came out to get any real innovation in RTS's.


But yes, for some reason Bioware should be held to a different standard than the entire gaming community for the last 30 years............

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Bioware simply made the same game as wow..with lightsabers. In addition, they made the game full of bugs which cant be allowed when simply copying other games...


They totally spoiled the star wars universe with this game which is a garbage without any interest. Several years to such a game,it's just unbelievable.


And WoW was just EQ, Welcome to game development. Guess what, COD wasn't an original shooter and BF 1942 wasn't the first game with tanks and planes either.

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And WoW was just EQ, Welcome to game development. Guess what, COD wasn't an original shooter and BF 1942 wasn't the first game with tanks and planes either.


We should have stuck with pong when that was made. Gosh, expecting more after a decade of the same is impossible to consider.

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The world's best selling game is a game that is effectively the same game that company released several years ago.


Game companies will start innovating more when you start making better choices about what games to buy.


Anyone who complains about lack of innovation and happens to own a copy of MW3 should probably carve hypocrite in their own forehead.

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I would be nice if there was a field on the map of planets called Conquest. 3-5 planets or set in an asteroid field of 3-5 larger asteroids. Let all out war for conquest happen with the winner having direct access to rich nodes of all types. Ownership of area = crafting bonuses and more commendations. At the very least add this stuff to Ilum.
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The world's best selling game is a game that is effectively the same game that company released several years ago.


Game companies will start innovating more when you start making better choices about what games to buy.


Anyone who complains about lack of innovation and happens to own a copy of MW3 should probably carve hypocrite in their own forehead.


Didn't buy MW3 for the reason that exact reason, but you have a series of extremely similiar games that proves that this would be the end result. SWTOR is a brand new game that promised innovation (and had some in the leveling process, no doubt it was enjoyable), and produced a WOW endgame.

Edited by mercenx
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They already announced a new planet in the next update that will include new single player content as well as working on dynamic universe events.


I do find it funny that people say SWTOR isn't innovative compared to X MMO. I can't remember any MMO really being innovative except UO and EQ1, everything since then has just been polish or slight changes to the system. Same as shooters, RTS's and any other genre. For the most part they haven't changed much since the 80's and have been slowly getting polish. It took the early 80's until Total War came out to get any real innovation in RTS's.


But yes, for some reason Bioware should be held to a different standard than the entire gaming community for the last 30 years............


I dunno...I personally thought EVE was pretty innovative for its time, and even today there isn't much else like it. If the time sink wasn't so ridiculous (and if I could afford to subscribe to more than one MMO at a time) I might go back to it every once in a while.

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We should have stuck with pong when that was made. Gosh, expecting more after a decade of the same is impossible to consider.


Asking for a game to magically morph itself to one's expectations is a bit much, yes. As consumers, I'd suggest that we actually research products before buying them, instead of buying products in hopes of them being what we want, and complaining about them after the purchase. It's pretty clear that large-budget, AAA games are going to be more or less the same as what came out before.

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Very well written post. Having not made it to 50 yet, I cannot comment on the end-game content, or lack thereof, but based on what people seem to be stating, it seems severally lacking, and a carbon copy of WoW (no big surprise there).


If BW didn't realize it already due to the fact that it was focusing too much on story, end-game is where an MMO lives or dies. Taking WoW's formula isn't going to cut it either. There needs to be some truly different styles in the end-game content in order for this game to not only thrive, but to straight-up survive. OP's suggestions were all good ones, and ones that had been suggested FAR before this game was launched. BW clearly didn't listen then, but it had better listen now, for TOR's sake.

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Didn't buy MW3 for the reason that exact reason, but you have a series of extremely similiar games that proves that this would be the end result. SWTOR is a brand new game that promised innovation (and had some in the leveling process, no doubt it was enjoyable), and produced a WOW endgame.


What exactly was promised that they didn't deliver on? What specific endgame elements did they promise that you havent' seen? I've followed the game for awhile, and thus far it's pretty much what I expected.

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