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Multi Boxing / Daisy Chaining accts. Illegal or Legal ?


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As far as I know multi boxing is 100% allowed.


In wow it is 100% allowed and no one really cares.


I personally don't think it's cheating at all, if you want to multi box go for it.


Multi-boxers enjoy saying "no one really cares", company enjoy making extra money from them, but the reality is that it is an advantage driven by the amount of money someone can throw at the game over.


Now you can start spewing the usual rhetoric about how it is not, so that the Multi-boxers keep enjoying their advantage.


PS: I cannot name multi-boxing sites or tools because I will get insta perma banned from the forum. They are the same (non invasive) tools used for botting stuff like space combat, fishing, mining.

Edited by IPaq
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Multi-boxers enjoy saying "no one really cares", company enjoy making extra money from them, but the reality is that it is an advantage driven by the amount of money someone can throw at the game over.


Now you can start spewing the usual rhetoric about how it is not, so that the Multi-boxers keep enjoying their advantage.


PS: I cannot name multi-boxing sites or tools because I will get insta perma banned from the forum. They are the same (non invasive) tools used for botting stuff like space combat, fishing, mining.

I don't multi-box. They don't have an advantage. Noone really cares, it's just a tiny fraction of a percent of people that get their panties in a bunch over it.

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I don't multi-box. They don't have an advantage. Noone really cares, it's just a tiny fraction of a percent of people that get their panties in a bunch over it.


You keep repeating "Noone really cares".


Are you that afraid to lose your multi-boxing advantages?

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"Its clear this guy is using a 3rd party program to control the three accounts at once."


Or he could by using a keyboard sync'd to multiple receivers, and software is not part of it. Therefore it is NOT clear to you the casual observer. And I stopped reading the rest of your post right there.

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You keep repeating "Noone really cares".


Are you that afraid to lose your multi-boxing advantages?


There is no PvE advantage to multi-boxing except in being able to do group content without looking for a group. In organized PvP, the only advantage you get is gunning down solo-pvpers and small groups who don't know what they are doing while good PvPers who know what they are doing can wreck havoc on you. In the end, there is no real advantage except what people who see you perceive there to be. They still have to gear each character separately with what drops for the group.



I've personally dual-boxed Perfect World. There was no advantage to be gained except in not having to look for a group to do some group content.

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I personally think it shouldn't be allowed. I'm not an expert on this, but from what I understand these people have some program so that they control multiple computers with one keyboard? IMO, if you do this you should be required to be using the same number of keyboards as characters. Hitting one key to cast multiple spells just isn't right.


That said, I don't know if BioWare would have any way of knowing whether people are using these 3rd party programs.


Anyway, I guess if you're the one person in 10,000 who has the money and the desire to buy 3 games, 3 computers, and 3 subscriptions to do this (doesn't one shotting mobs while levelling get old?) then go for it. If they were a larger, more disruptive population I can see this possibly being addressed. But they're not.

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There is no PvE advantage to multi-boxing except in being able to do group content without looking for a group. In organized PvP, the only advantage you get is gunning down solo-pvpers and small groups who don't know what they are doing while good PvPers who know what they are doing can wreck havoc on you. In the end, there is no real advantage except what people who see you perceive there to be. They still have to gear each character separately with what drops for the group.



I've personally dual-boxed Perfect World. There was no advantage to be gained except in not having to look for a group to do some group content.


There is plenty of advantages... they already been listed.


I'll keep the botters keep defending multi-boxing.


But you have money on your side and for that EA/BW will approve it.


After all... In capitalism, the paradigm is: "who pays stays".

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"Greetings XXXXXXXXX,


I am Protocol Droid J6-R2 and I have received your query regarding Multiboxing.


Please note that Star Wars: The Old Republic have no issues with the use of Multiboxing but please also be aware that we cannot offer any support should problems arise while using 3rd party software.




Protocol Droid J6-R2

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service "



from http://www.dual-boxing.com/threads/45727-Multiboxing-Officially-Allowed!!!

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I have an issue with it in PVP


In PVP, for a team of players to win, they need to have good communication and use there abilities in conjuntion with everyone one else to do the same as what a multiboxer can do by pushing one button.

While the MB'er pushes one button, which repeats that command to other characters which eliminates the need for communication. So the people who are not MB'ing are at a disadvantage as they need to communicate to do what the MB'er has just done with one push.


Apart from this, I have no issues, if people dont have friends to play with, so be it. as long as it doesnt effect competitive play, which in Wow it does!

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"Greetings XXXXXXXXX,


I am Protocol Droid J6-R2 and I have received your query regarding Multiboxing.


Please note that Star Wars: The Old Republic have no issues with the use of Multiboxing but please also be aware that we cannot offer any support should problems arise while using 3rd party software.




Protocol Droid J6-R2

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service "



from http://www.dual-boxing.com/threads/45727-Multiboxing-Officially-Allowed!!!


You might want to read further into the thread instead of posting some guys random msg before the game was launched.

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"Greetings XXXXXXXXX,


I am Protocol Droid J6-R2 and I have received your query regarding Multiboxing.


Please note that Star Wars: The Old Republic have no issues with the use of Multiboxing but please also be aware that we cannot offer any support should problems arise while using 3rd party software.




Protocol Droid J6-R2

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service "



from http://www.dual-boxing.com/threads/45727-Multiboxing-Officially-Allowed!!!


There is no challenge in multi-boxing.


1 keyboard, 1 button 2 to (up to) 32 toons doing their action at the same time.


They can solo lvled, farm most HM FP, have more help during PvP than being with randoms, etc.


And when I can make 100k, tonne of mats, etc soloing lowbies FP's. think of what they can make doing the same multiboxing lvl 50 FP's.


That is some massive advantage and that's why the multi-boxers are so ragin' against the reality of them cheating the game.


Lookup multi-boxing sites and the tools are the same as botters and I still can't name them without being perma banned. And there is a reason why most of their scripting tools can generate their own executable so that they cannot be found by "warden" type technologies.

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There is no challenge in multi-boxing.


1 keyboard, 1 button 2 to (up to) 32 toons doing their action at the same time.


They can solo lvled, farm most HM FP, have more help during PvP than being with randoms, etc.


And when I can make 100k, tonne of mats, etc soloing lowbies FP's. think of what they can make doing the same multiboxing lvl 50 FP's.


That is some massive advantage and that's why the multi-boxers are so ragin' against the reality of them cheating the game.


Lookup multi-boxing sites and the tools are the same as botters and I still can't name them without being perma banned. And there is a reason why most of their scripting tools can generate their own executable so that they cannot be found by "warden" type technologies.


Everyone can solo level. What game are you playing???


Doing group content is bad...how?


Multi-boxing in PvP has already been pointed out to not be an advantage, and 4 on 1 ends up the same way. Are you going to ban groups in PvP because they have an advantage?


MBing level 50 FPs? So what? They have to gear 2x/3x/4x the number of characters you do.


I can't imagine that anyone who like open PvP and would like to see it prosper feels like this would improve things.



World PvP is beyond help all by itself.

Edited by terminova
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Meaning when 1 jumps they all jump, one attacks they all attack, with the same skills. Its clear this guy is using a 3rd party program to control the three accounts at once.


TL;DR- Does multi-boxing with a daisy chain program seem legit, or illegal ?

Multi-boxing is perfectly fine providing it is on 2 separate computers.


Now multi-boxing on the same computer is in the gray area because you have to bypass, override or trick settings in the game to allow 2 clients to run on the same computer. This essentially bypasses the original intent of the game client.


Multi-boxing using a macro based program is completely against the EULA. Now they are using a 3rd party macro program to not only interact with 1 account, but 3. Someone displaying similar behavior as above should be reported so that they can investigate it. In most cases it isn't a player, but a farmer.

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Multi-boxing is perfectly fine providing it is on 2 separate computers.


Now multi-boxing on the same computer is in the gray area because you have to bypass, override or trick settings in the game to allow 2 clients to run on the same computer. This essentially bypasses the original intent of the game client.


Multi-boxing using a macro based program is completely against the EULA. Now they are using a 3rd party macro program to not only interact with 1 account, but 3. Someone displaying similar behavior as above should be reported so that they can investigate it. In most cases it isn't a player, but a farmer.


Yeah but do multi-boxers get a visit from a EA/BW tech to approve of their setup?




Its too bad I can't link them tools... that would pretty much stop the convo right then and there.

Edited by IPaq
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The only way I think it should be a bannable offense is if he/she is on a PvP server. It is unfair to other people if they are engaging other solo players when they have control over 3 characters with one keyboard. That makes it an unfair fight, and gives that player an advantage over other players which is breaking the TOS.
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Legal or Illegal? Obviously legal.


I'm lucky to be able to run ONE instance of the game on my computer...more power to those who can run multiple instances without their computer having a complete and total meltdown :D


All applaud the power of money and the advantages it gives you in a video game.

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Now they are using a 3rd party macro program to not only interact with 1 account, but 3.


It's not a 3rd party program. It's 3 computers with a single wireless keyboard sync'd to them all.


One keyboard controlling 3 computers. No exotic software or macros required.

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It's not a 3rd party program. It's 3 computers with a single wireless keyboard sync'd to them all.


One keyboard controlling 3 computers. No exotic software or macros required.

That isn't always the case, that is why they should be reported to be investigated. (Yes I multi-box and have been investigated before because of it, but I'm ok with that). If it is that, then great no issues.
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