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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Multi Boxing / Daisy Chaining accts. Illegal or Legal ?


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Do you? Is there something stopping you from purchasing 3 accounts and doing it to someone else?


Nothing should be game illegal using that logic, no exploit, no cheat, no 3rd party program.


Not saying mutli-boxing is wrong, but your logic to justifiy it is completely spurious.

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You don't see a problem with 4 people running up to you and all casting the same spell/attack at the exact same time and instantly killing you?


And all it took was 1 button pressed on the keyboard.


Since I do not and will not PvP, no. I don't see a problem with that at all.

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I'm continually amazed at all the whining over something so remote. I've seen one multi-boxer in SWTOR so far. You would think it was game-changing!? :rolleyes:


I saw them occasionally in that "other" game. Every once in a while when the situation was right I would kill the head of the hydra to entertain myself. :p

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IMHO multiboxing shouldn't be allowed- to multibox you have to have middle-ware that allows you to push one button on your keyboard or mouse and that middle-ware processes the action onto multiple computers.


There are hardware switches that will do this. And plenty of people already have "middleware" between their keyboards and computer. They're called drivers. Do you also want to ban gaming keyboards that rely on drivers to work properly?

Edited by Pink_Saber
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IMHO multiboxing shouldn't be allowed- to multibox you have to have middle-ware that allows you to push one button on your keyboard or mouse and that middle-ware processes the action onto multiple computers.


Many people multibox without daisy chaining their characters. I did it in wow all the time. Had one character up on each screen, one on follow on the other. But every single command to each character was entered by me. No software required to pass through from one to the other. So multiboxing does not automatically mean daisy chaining, and one could end up being legal (because let's face it, it's pretty hard to detect), and the other is in a much more grey area.

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Real life Multiboxing


OMG, I was trying to drink a soda! But it was funny. lol


This cracks me up.


Im a 3-boxer.


Im gonna be blunt. Its awesome. Solo play is too easy. (my opinion)


Few things for the uneducated posters. I skip over every post that makes ludicrous claims... for example.


"its illegal" - really? are the cops going to come to my house and arrest me?


"BW/EA let me do it because i pay them extra money... turn a blind eye" - lol! ok.. so this claim believes my extra $30 will make or break them. uhh, 2mil subs @ $15 each =$30 mil while designer outsource rate is ~ $64 in US industry, sooo basically 1/2 an hrs worth of their time to make a tree or boulder is detrimental enough to allow me to "cheat"??


"its not fair... one person plays 4 accounts, I only play one" - errr. what?! what grade are these people in? Clue, you arent playing a human. You arent ACTUALLY in the game. you control 1 account, I choose to control 3. if you want a fair fight, get more accounts, or dont fight me, or better yet, get 2 people to help.


"they have no life and no friends so they must do it..." hee hee.. ok. If it makes ya feel better, please go do some research and find out how many people multibox. (clue, its a lot)


"they are bots and ruining the game" ermmmm. baseless facts. next


"Multiboxers only do it to sell in game currency, farm, or sell accounts" are you really that crazy and nuts? I spent this much time and effort into my own enjoyment you think I want to sell it!?! oh and, 3x the credit input vs 3x the repairs and 3x the gearing I have to do. bah, totally worthless claim.


"They cheat and use third party software" - again incorrect, and misinformed.



and one of my personal favorites...


"this isnt how the game was intended to be played" - ORLY?!? the devo staff and game production team consulted you on your advice and you were privy to to what the game intent was?!? Im a guess not.




Now, if theres an actual standpoint or base to provide a claim not supported by opinion or conjecture, please...


Otherwize, ... I'll see you in game. :)



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