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The coup de grace, postponing patch 1.1


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If anyone has never been a level 14 pawned by a battlemaster geared level 50, then you are missing a treat.


I honestly lol'd.


I'm actually looking forward to getting my alt to 10 or whatever it is to get in a pvp match. I'm going to be the most annoying lowbie in there. Curious to see how I do. My geared up 50 has seen some low level players actually contribute in a WZ. It can be done.

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well, dont see anyone crying first of off, I came here waiting for my gf to get home so we can continue playing the game, yes i have multiple chars that we switch around and duo with, alot.


i just made a observation where you seem to be saying dont pvp till your level 50


Anyways, where do i begin..well i myself never played wow, wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole honestly, and i love whenever a valid issues comes up, the "community" gets blamed, yet without complaining things would never get fixed,


Also, im glad you seem to know me and how well i do in pvp, you do know what they say about assuming right


As for twinking unless bioware was dumb enough to actually add a stop gaining exp modifier in the options there's no real way this can be done as, last i checked you cant lose experience and we all know pvp levels you fairly quickly.


Really the point of the matter is you should not have to be level 50 to enjoy pvping,

all other games ive played to some extent have a bracket/tier system and this is the main reason why,


Basically all im hearing is be level 50 before pvping or don't complain about, which clearly shows how badly broken the system is, like it or not level 50 champ gear is vastly superior to any gear your wearing at the lower levels,


get off your high horse and understand what your saying before attacking me or the "community"


at this point its not about the patch really being delayed, its about people defending the whole pvp bracket thing in ways that really, do no make sense.


Apparently, you misunderstood me a second time. My post was directed at no one person but in general to all the people who have been complaining about this issue in the past 2-3 weeks. I don't know you and I don't want to know you, no offense. It was a general statement.

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I keep getting put into games with 3+ players lvl 25 and below and I'm always against full 50 teams especially when it's against republic. Staying always ends in a loss, I leave the que now every time I see 3 or more lowbies.


I don't blame them, I blame the terrible queing of the game. I know you can't win them all, but when I'm given half the attack power compared to the enemy team - it's not even a close fight. I'm sure it's just as frustrating to them as it is to me.


While it sucks the patch didn't make it out because of this fact, I'd rather have a solid patch then one that is buggy and causes more problems than it fixes.

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MMO kids today do not want to take their lumps. They want to hit max level and compete with everyone in both PvP and PvE, regardless of how much time and effort others have put in to get geared.


This is what WoW has done to my favorite gaming genre. I absolutely hate it. Gimme gimme gimme instant gratification. Sigh.

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I keep getting put into games with 3+ players lvl 25 and below and I'm always against full 50 teams especially when it's against republic. Staying always ends in a loss, I leave the que now every time I see 3 or more lowbies.


I don't blame them, I blame the terrible queing of the game. I know you can't win them all, but when I'm given half the attack power compared to the enemy team - it's not even a close fight. I'm sure it's just as frustrating to them as it is to me.


While it sucks the patch didn't make it out because of this fact, I'd rather have a solid patch then one that is buggy and causes more problems than it fixes.


I have been put on some horrible teams, but I have never once left a game on my own freewill. Hopefully they add a deserter debuff to go along with brackets. It kills a team to have 2 or 3 people leave and then wait for their replacements, only to have another 1 or 2 leave. It starts a crappy cycle, then the people who stayed get screwed and the people queueing for pvp get added to a game with 3 minutes left and no way to come back and win.


Don't be a sore loser. Win some-Lose some

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Brackets are not your problem. Level is just one form of competition gap.


Once you get to 50 and start getting rolled by geared up players and premades, you'll be back in the same boat you are now. Bracketing is just forestalling the inevitable. At some point in your PvP career, you are going to be meat for wolves. Best to just accept it.

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I have been put on some horrible teams, but I have never once left a game on my own freewill. Hopefully they add a deserter debuff to go along with brackets. It kills a team to have 2 or 3 people leave and then wait for their replacements, only to have another 1 or 2 leave. It starts a crappy cycle, then the people who stayed get screwed and the people queueing for pvp get added to a game with 3 minutes left and no way to come back and win.


Don't be a sore loser. Win some-Lose some


Bravo, I applaud you. Too many 50s, heck even lower levels, simply leave if it isn't a stacked group. I never leave until it is over, although I don't have a 50 yet. I've actually won a number of matches where numerous people have left.


Definitely need a deserter debuff. Nothing like getting into a match half way through and when the scoreboard comes up at the end see a list of 15 or twenty names for allies because so many have left, some as soon as they start to fall a bit behind.

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My biggest thing with the PVP brackets at 50 is if you aren't fully geared on a server where the empire outnumbers you, you are way more likely to run into a fully geared group of 50s who will just hand your *** to you. I'm excited for the level 50 brackets, but I'm still not sure it will make my gearing any easier. I'd rather see some stealth nerfs right now than pvp brackets or new FP/Ops added in. Getting back stabbed by more than one Operative at a time because I can't break their stealth unless I can target them is more annoying than pvp brackets.
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MMO kids today do not want to take their lumps. They want to hit max level and compete with everyone in both PvP and PvE, regardless of how much time and effort others have put in to get geared.


This is what WoW has done to my favorite gaming genre. I absolutely hate it. Gimme gimme gimme instant gratification. Sigh.




People who have been doing something for a longer time are going to be better at it than someone who just started.


Welcome to.....everything ever.

Edited by TheHexxus
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Brackets are not your problem. Level is just one form of competition gap.


Once you get to 50 and start getting rolled by geared up players and premades, you'll be back in the same boat you are now. Bracketing is just forestalling the inevitable. At some point in your PvP career, you are going to be meat for wolves. Best to just accept it.


100% Truth

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For the life of me, I can not imagine what makes some people act like someone is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to PVP in the warzones. If you don't like the way things are, just be patient and wait for the patch to come and do something else in the meantime. There are a lot other things you can do in the game besides PVP right now.
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i'd like someone to defend the pvp system that lumps battlemastered geared lvl 50's in with low level players. And, on top of that postponing a much sought after patch to remedy the situation. If anyone has never been a level 14 pawned by a battlemaster geared level 50, then you are missing a treat.


So far bioware actions can be published into a manuscript on how to alienate your customer base.



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Yes, I understand that Bioware specifically chose not to release the patch in order to allow more low levels to be farmed just to be malicious.


Come on. GIve the company a break here. It has been a month, it was a momentus launch and there's a lot coming down the pike now. If they need another few days/week to work on a patch, then that is the truth.


Would people stop the crying already about Warzones?


Take your knocks in BGs.


Get to 50.


Get Geared up (it is extremely easy even for casual players).


Get to Valor 60.


Get Geared up.


Rinse repeat.


PvP is not easy. The toughest opponents don't follow prearranged AI with running around the screen or dps fights. Learn from the grind and compete! Coordinate with other players (just like a raid).


To the victors the spoils of war.


I don't really agree with that. The bag system is pure luck. You might have all your gear in a week and you might spend a solid month banging your head against the wall with little to show for it.

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I have been 50 for 3+ weeks and had my full Champ gear after 1 1/2 weeks of PvP Warzones. They made this game soooo simple to gear up. Same way in PvE aswell, lack of difficulty.



24 hour non-stop queuing?? I call BS to full Champ gear with 1.5 weeks of warzones as being labled "easy".


I play a lot, definitely a LOT more than average. I'm a L50, Valor 54 player.


And I have boots, gloves, main and off hand weapons (I was amazingly lucky to get my weapon drops). 4 pieces. 4. Four. FOUR USABLE pieces of gear.


I also have 4 relics not being used, an extra pair of boots and an extra pair of gloves.


Today will start my 4th week of L50 weeklies.


Easy? No. I DO however have nearly every other slot filled with Centurion gear...so yeah...it's easy to get that.


But getting geared in Champ gear? Anything but "easy" unless you're EXTREMELY lucky.


Missing Champ pieces: Ear/Implant1/Implant2/Bracers/Belt/Pants/Chest/Helm


I literally am only 1/3 of the way there after 2Xs as much PvP as you claim to be fully geared.


That's a factor of 6Xs slower than you're suggesting...

Edited by thanealpha
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While it has now gotten to the point that there should be a seperate braket for 50's a low lvl player is still viable in the wz's.


i'm a lvl 50 sorc and the low lvl's that try to take me on 1v1 it's not going to go well for you, 2 low lvl's can take me down if they work together.


The thing is it's not all about doing the most dmg, yes voidstar is but the other 2 can be won by team work getting in positon for passes etc, or stealth at the turrets.


hell a lvl 19 operative took me out all on his own in huttball as he waited for me to try to cross the fire pit and stunned me as i was crossing, i laughed my arse off and told the operative after what a great move it was.


a little intelligence can go a long way in the wz's, trouble is it can be severly lacking as well

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While it has now gotten to the point that there should be a seperate braket for 50's a low lvl player is still viable in the wz's.


i'm a lvl 50 sorc and the low lvl's that try to take me on 1v1 it's not going to go well for you, 2 low lvl's can take me down if they work together.


The thing is it's not all about doing the most dmg, yes voidstar is but the other 2 can be won by team work getting in positon for passes etc, or stealth at the turrets.


hell a lvl 19 operative took me out all on his own in huttball as he waited for me to try to cross the fire pit and stunned me as i was crossing, i laughed my arse off and told the operative after what a great move it was.


a little intelligence can go a long way in the wz's, trouble is it can be severly lacking as well


This is a point I tried to make earlier. I tend to level a lot of alts so it will be some time before I hit 50 and I still enjoy WZs. Personally I feel I helps me learn the strategies and how to play my class better.


Each WZ is different. So, whatever toon I'm on I try to do what I can to help win and that doesn't necessarily mean just killing the opposition.


Pushing a level 50 off into the pit so your ball carrier can get past, hitting the opposition ball carrier with whatever slows, snares, etc. you have in Huttball is often just as effective as a kill. When I'm on a toon that can heal and I see a geared level 50 fighting another I hide and throw heals.


Every WZ has different things even a low level character can do to help. Will this help if you have all low level characters on your team and the other team is all level 50 champ geared? Probably not, but right now that is seldom the case.


I do WZ very little until I at least hit 14 on any toon, that's when you get sprint and I believe shield on many classes.

Edited by Erasimus
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