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Purple Mission - Failure??!


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Question/comment on this.


Two nights ago, I managed to get a purple mission schematic from slicing. The schematic required skill 340, and my slicing is maxed out at 400. I decided to send out a companion on it rather than sell it to see what I would get. It cost me about 2500 credits, AND took 2.5 hours...and it FAILED.


The biggest mistake I made was sending one of my companions out that I have very little affection with. But other than that, it seems kind of absurd to me that a mission that costs that much time and money AND is at a skill level 60 points below my current skill level can fail.


What does everyone else think?

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It happens with high affection too. I sent Khem out on an archaeology mission and his affection was about 8500 at the time and after 2.5 hours and 19K on the recipe, he failed! I was irritated, but it happens. FYI though, 340 is the highest mission skill discoverable, it brings back tier 6 materials. Edited by Natarii
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They cant crit, but they can fail. Bad design.


So to get the missions discoveries you need a mission crit and the RNG to give you the mission you want, then you need to spend more crew time/money running it, only to hope that the RNG doesnt decide you failed it instead.


Really poorly thought out.

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Mako failed last night on a purple slicing mission..and she is over 8k affection. In fact I failed 3/4 missions last night I sent various alts on before I logged. I craft on various alts ( lvl 11) all over 3k affection. Khem fails at a much higher rate (researching) then the others. So I'm thinking the randomness of failures is off.


Until last night, I never failed a looted mission. Considering the time to even loot these, the cost and time to run one, these should never fail. I would be fine if they even stated you needed a certain level of affection for these to be 100%. Credits are easy to get, but this was the first purple mission I discovered, so was quite disappointing :(

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Missions can fail when I am at the skill level 400 limit?!. Are there any items which can be equipped to companions to prevent mission fails or reduce fail risk? If not the mission fails at skill cap are good for nothing else than demotivation. Bioware should think about that.
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I have 3 (nadia,qyzen and zerek) at 10k affection on the same sage and they do fail rich, blue and purple missions from time to time.


Affection doesnt really affect the crit rates either, it only affects the speed of completion.


High Affection does also affect success and crit rate. I saw the tooltip while loading last night.

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